Even though getting a good night of sleep is hugely important for your health, you would be surprised by how many people struggle with drifting off at night. This is why supplements that ease anxiety and therefore help your sleeping routine, such as Nature’s Happiness, are so popular. There are several issues that can affect your ability to sleep well, but here are our top tips for getting better sleep.

  1. Stick To a Regular Sleep Schedule

If it works for babies, it can work for adults too, right? To improve your sleep, try to go to bed at a similar time each night as well as waking up at the same time every morning. This can help to “train” your brain and body to know when to fall asleep and wake up with more ease.

  1. Reserve Your Bed for Sleeping

Okay, there may be one or two other things you can reserve for your bed… but seriously, try to limit it to just sleeping and sex. Duvet days and movies in bed are fun on occasion, but if you spend all of your free time in your bed, you won’t naturally associate it with sleeping.

  1. Create a Restful Environment For Sleeping

Improving your surroundings is another great way to get better sleep. You can start by removing any distractions such as a television or other electronic devices. Store your phone further away than just your RJ’s bedside tables from Melbourne as this can be too easily picked up and played on!

Although think about how your environment is generally. The best thing for sleep promotion is somewhere relatively quiet, dark, and cool, with a comfy bed for you to sprawl on.

Here are some of the best curtains for sound dampening and reducing noise from outside. You could also consider blackout blinds to block the suns from disturbing you in the morning.

  1. Cut Out Caffeine

Depending on your caffeine tolerance, even a cup of joe in the morning can affect your ability to sleep later on at night. Having your sbeventh cup of coffee for the day half an hour before your supposed bedtime will definitely have a negative impact on your ability to sleep.

So, if you are struggling to fall asleep in the evenings, the first thing you should try is cutting out (or at least cut down on) your caffeine consumption as this can prevent what is technically a stimulant from stopping you winding down when it is time to get some sleep.

  1. Quit Smoking

Similarly, tobacco has been proven to cause further issues with sleep due to the nicotine it contains. Using tobacco in any way can be enough to mess with your sleep schedule, so if you are trying to find things that help you get a better sleep, try to quit your smoking habit.

  1. Exercise or Be Active During the Day

Logically, it makes sense to think that if you are more active during the day you will expend more energy, and this will result in you feeling much sleepier and more fatigued by nightfall.

The best type of exercise you can do is aerobic activity such as walking, running, swimming, or hiking, as this is what will help wear you out so that you can fall asleep faster than normal.

  1. Limit Daytime Naps

On the other side of the coin, you should also try to avoid napping too much during the day as this will mean you are wide awake at bedtime. The temptation of a sneaky 2 o’clock nap should be resisted if you want to get any rest during your normal sleeping hours.

  1. Try Not To Drink Too Much

Alcohol is a depressant that affects the nervous system, which leads many people to believe that a little tipple at nighttime will work wonders for helping them fall asleep. It might help you drift off, but it won’t help you get a better night overall as it could cause you to wake up periodically. If you suffer from snoring or other sleep problems, alcohol can worsen them.

  1. If Nothing Works, Don’t Force It

At the end of the day, there is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you have been trying to fall asleep for hours to no avail. If you are still awake after half an hour of trying, get up and do something else to relax you again, such as reading or journaling for 15 minutes.

  1. Avoid Sleeping Pills

Unless you have been prescribed sleeping pills by your doctor, it is actually best to avoid taking any pills as this can cause long-term issues with your sleeping habits.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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