These are tough times for everybody’s personal finances. With skyrocketing inflation, a depressed stock market, spiking gas prices, supply shortages on essentials like baby formula, many people are desperate to find ways to either bolster their existing finances or just plain make more money.
If you don’t have a whole of education behind you, you can investigate purchasing one of many fake transcripts available on the market today. After all, if you haven’t actually earned a degree in your chosen field, but have accumulated years and years of experience, you are likely more qualified than someone much younger who has graduated from a prestigious university like Harvard.
Or, if you don’t want to go the route of utilizing a fake transcript to get ahead, you can choose to educate yourself on how to improve your personal finances in 2022. There’s no shortage of popular, easy to read books on the subject. The well respected Business Insider recently put together a list of some personal finance books that deal with everything from budgeting breakdowns for millennials to just plain old fashioned timeless money advice.
That said, here are a handful of the best of them.
Ramit Sethi’s, ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich’
Said to be a personal finance guru, Ramit Sethi’s new book outlines a six-week plan for living the life of a rich person “as you define it.” It walks readers step by step through the process of using credit cards responsibly while maximizing rewards.
It also offers advice on opening high-yield savings accounts to compound interest plus automating accounts so that you can save without having to think about it.
David Bach’s, ‘The Automatic Millionaire.’
Penned by renowned financial writer, David Bach, “The Automatic Millionaire” is said to teach the reader one simple financial principal: automating your finances. From paying off debts to saving money for the future, the book’s thesis revolves around “setting up your finances to manage themselves” which means you can compound wealth over many years and decades.
The book is attractive in that you can put Bach’s teachings to work in a single afternoon.
JL Collins’s, ‘The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life.’
This is said to be an interesting read since the bulk of “The Simple Path to Wealth” came about by numerous letters the author penned to his daughter. This means the book contains lots of actionable and accessible advice on investing and assuming financial responsibility.
Some chapters are written in a casual if not light tone. That said, the book doesn’t ignore complicated topics or detailed explanations. Currently the book is highly rated on Amazon with over 3,800 reviews and an average rating of 4.8 stars. Impressive!
Rob Berger’s, ‘Retire Before Mom and Dad.’
According to Business Insider, this book is written for people who want to build wealth as fast as they can and who wish to retire early. It’s basis principal revolves around the early retirement concept of FIRE or Financially Independent, Retire Early.
FIRE is more than a principal. It’s actually a movement and this book is said to be “the quintessential primer on the principals of getting started” on the FIRE path. However, it also takes a deep dive into theories that can earn you financial independence and make a comfortable retirement very attainable even if you have no plan on retiring early.
After all, some people love their work.
Thomas J. Stanley’s, ‘The Millionaire Next Door.’
Stanley offers a detailed profile of the U.S.’s most wealthy citizens. He discovers that they are more similar than they are different. They are also not the kind of people you might expect to be rich.
With that in mind, “The Millionaire Next Door” examines how millionaire’s focus on seven habits they all have in common, which includes living below their means and also possessing a steadfast rejection of traditional consumerism.
At present the book has earned over 5,300 five-star Amazon reviews. Amazing!
Michelle Singletary’s ‘Spend Well, Live Rich: How to Get What You Want with the Money You Have.’
This book is said to be a good pick for those who are beginners at personal finance, want budgeting tips, and some decent inspiration sprinkled on top. Singletary offers the personal approach in her book by reflecting on the life she spent with her wise old grandmother who somehow managed to raise five kids, including the author, “on a modest salary.”
The author examines in detail the principals her grandmother utilized with her personal finances to make the most of what she had available to her. In the end, it’s a great book for anyone looking to make the most out of the money you already have and/or for someone whose occupation doesn’t come with a great salary, like a freelance writer for instance.