Moving to a different country is perhaps one of the biggest steps you can take in your life. If it’s not for college, then it’s for work or because you simply want to experience a new adventure and see a completely different world from what you’re used to. Here are 4 things you need to know about moving to another country.
Cost Of Living
One important thing you should consider when thinking of moving to a different country is the cost of living. It varies from place to place; emigrating to Portugal means a low cost of living while the USA means a high cost of living. So how much money do you need to emigrate? Well, it depends on the standard of life that you’re used to. If you live in Norway or Denmark, where basic food is free of charge, then moving abroad will be expensive for you because your expenses will increase by at least 30%. So it’s advisable to go and check out how much things such as groceries, rent, and transportation cost before actually deciding to move somewhere. Once you have some idea, take some time to save money or find ways of earning extra cash before your trip. You don’t want any unnecessary stress while abroad!
Make Yourself Familiar With The Country’s Culture
In all honesty, there are some things you just can’t prepare for. You should be aware that every single country has its own unique culture and way of life. For example, in Norway, it’s rude to arrive several minutes after a meeting time because Norwegians perceive themselves as punctual people. In Hungary on the other hand it is customary to be quite late because Hungarians think they’re generous if they give their guests a few extra minutes before starting dinner or a party. Other examples of different cultures include:
- In China, they have a completely different way of greeting people compared to the rest of the world. In China, it is common for people to bow instead of shaking hands or kissing each other on the cheek. Also, in China, it is considered polite to slurp your food when eating noodles. This sound means that you are enjoying your meal so much that you want everyone around you to have a taste too!
- In Denmark, if someone visits your home it is customary for the guest to bring a small gift. It can be something from flowers to wine or even chocolates.
- In Japan, starting a conversation with a stranger in public is considered extremely rude. Instead of speaking, Japanese people will send signals via body language instead!
You should also make yourself aware of the different traditions and celebrations other countries have during different seasons and times of the year. For example, Christmas in Norway is celebrated similarly to how Christmas celebrations happen regularly while in China, the celebration is held according to the lunar calendar and lasts for one whole month!
Learn The Local Language
It’s obvious that if you want to move to another country it would be beneficial if you learn at least a few words of the native language. This way you could make yourself understood and communicate more easily with other people in your new home. It will also help you fit in and not feel like a stranger among locals. However, learning a new language takes time and it helps if you know how much effort must go into achieving fluency beforehand.
In general, learning a new language requires: -A total of 2000 hours spent studying -At least 60% comprehension accuracy -80% production accuracy Of course, having a good memory and an active learning process helps too.
The Food Will Be Different

Not only the ingredients of the food you get in your new home will be different, but also the order in which they are served. For example, if you’re used to having a starter, main meal, and dessert when sitting down for lunch or dinner with your family then this custom won’t apply to most people living in Asia or South America. Instead, these countries tend to serve their meals according to what they think is filling rather than what goes well with each other. So instead of having one big dish per person like on a Western table, some dishes might be shared while others are served individually.
The bottom line is: if you want to move to a different country, do your research beforehand and make yourself aware of the differences that exist within countries. This way you’ll avoid unnecessary stress and ensure that your stay abroad will be as pleasant as possible!