Sleep is an unavoidable and necessary part of life. Without it we won’t last very long. Sleep gives our body the time it needs to rebuild and repair itself. It is the time when our brains make sense of the day and sort out memories and other cognitive information. Although sleep is a guarantee, there are things that can both positively and negatively affect your sleep. Here are some habits to start and a few you may want to let go of.

1. Cannabinol

Adding a full spectrum CBN oil to your health care regimen can give your sleep a much needed boost. Although research is still being done on CBN, there is anecdotal evidence showing that CBN oil can be a useful sleep aid. A 1975 study points to the THC being a key component to the success of CBN. It is said to help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep and feel more rested and alert upon waking.

2. Smoking

Smoking cigarettes right before bed can affect your sleep for the worse. Nicotine is both a stimulant and depressant. A study published in Chest notes that nicotine’s stimulating nature interferes with your sleep architecture and has been shown to add to the severity of obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway inflammation.

3. Cell Phone Use

Modern society begs us to keep our cell phones glued to our hands, but a pre-bedtime perusal of social media feeds or a stent on your favorite game could be causing you to sleep poorly. The light from your screen promotes alertness and disturbs your circadian rhythm. It also stimulates brain activity.

4. Minty Toothpaste

Although it is a great habit to brush your teeth before you go to bed, the type of toothpaste you use may be affecting your sleep for the worse. Peppermint toothpaste is a cooling and invigorating herb. It does a great job of freshening your breath, but it is also a stimulant that decreases fatigue. Try using plain toothpaste or another flavor for your nighttime brushing.

5. Sleep Routine

Developing a bedtime routine and being consistent with is instrumental in better sleep. Washing your face with cool water, going to bed and waking up around the same times and a meditation practice are just some things you can implement to give your rest a boost.

6. Room Temperature

The temperature of the room you’re sleeping in can also affect your sleep. Too warm of a room isn’t the best idea. As your body prepares for sleep, your basal body temperature begins to drop. Increasing your core body temperature signals to your brain that it is not yet time for bed. A cooler room with the best cooling mattress may actually be the key to help you sleep better.

Getting enough sleep is important, but the quality of your sleep is just as important. There are lots of factors that can affect your sleep, so be sure to pay attention to the little things if you’re working on getting a more restful and restorative sleep. Insufficient sleep can lead to a decline in health, so take your sleep seriously.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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