Whether you’re a retail worker, in the hospitality sector, or office staff, every profession comes attached with stress and anxiety. From keeping on top of your workload to dealing with angry customers, once the working day is over and you’re on your way home, you may be full of tension and stress that you could definitely do without!

As you arrive home and get through the front door, some me time is in order. With that in mind, here are some great ways to chill out and put your feet up after a hectic day at work.

Watch Films

Nothing screams relaxation more than by switching on the TV and putting on a film. If you’ve had a stressful day and are after an easy watch, it’s wise to stick with a rom-com that you can settle into, rather than an action thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat! If you pay for Netflix, the platform has hundreds upon hundreds of titles to choose from. Whatever genre you love, you’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy. To truly get in the movie mood, dim the lights, switch off your phone and immerse yourself in your film.

Have Some Snacks

Nothing beats having some tasty snacks to gorge on after a long day at work. Even if you’re trying to eat healthily, allow yourself to indulge from time to time. Whether you grab some crisps, a bar of chocolate, a bag of popcorn, or all three! Having some snacks can lift your mood. Some people like to snack while they vape. If you’re a vaper, choosing the right e-liquid can actually complement your snack binge! For example, Just Juice nic salts e-liquid come in all different flavours. Their nic salts are brilliant for those who have recently stopped smoking.

Run a Hot Bath

As you arrive home and get out of your uniform, before putting on your nightwear and slippers, why not run yourself a well-deserved hot bath? There’s nothing quite like sinking under the bubbles and forgetting about the world outside. To create a calming atmosphere, why not light a scented candle? Not only will this make your bathroom smell wonderful, but some scents can also be brilliant for reducing stress and anxiety.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

In addition to having a soak in the bath, you can practice relaxation techniques that are fantastic for slowing down your heart rate and relieving anxiety. Deep breathing exercises can help you achieve just that. Alternatively, why not meditate? You can meditate anywhere in your home. When you give yourself 15 minutes to zone out, you’ll find yourself feeling more at peace. For those who decide on having a bath, you can meditate there too!

Call A Loved One

Sometimes, we just need to speak to a loved one to calm ourselves down. If you’ve had a stressful day at work and need to vent, calling up a family member or friend can be a big help. Once this weight is shifted, you’ll soon start to relax. Don’t feel guilty about unleashing your frustration. Your loved ones are there to support you, rather than judge! Of course, this doesn’t mean you should shout at them! But, speaking to someone about your day and getting advice can be a huge help.

Put Soothing Music On

When you plonk yourself on the sofa, a great way to fully unwind is by sticking some soothing music on. Even if you lean more towards rock and heavy metal, if you want to calm down and de-stress, having some calming tunes playing is key. Relaxing music comes with numerous benefits. From reducing stress to improving your concentration, you should never underestimate the power of music. If you live with others, try not to have your songs on too loud. You may benefit from putting your headphones in instead! Music can also improve brain function, memory, and even help you eat more attentively!

Read a Book

For the bookworms, you’ll already know how calming reading is for the mind and soul. Whether you’re an autobiography lover or like reading fiction tales, immersing yourself in the pages of a book can be a wonderful way to relax and unwind after a tiring day. Make sure you find a cosy spot in your house to indulge in some reading. To ensure you don’t lose track of your book, make sure to use a bookmark!

Remember, your whole life doesn’t revolve around work. When you’re not in your uniform or at the office, use your time at home to fully relax and unwind. Whatever you decide on doing, when you give yourself some TLC and look after yourself, this can be a huge help in lowering stress and anxiety, and helping you return to work in better spirits.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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