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A Step By Step Guide To Getting Rid Of Limescale

A Step By Step Guide To Getting Rid Of Limescale

The problem with removing stubborn limescale is that it can be quite troublesome if you don’t do it properly. You see, this scale is made up of calcium deposits and small pieces of sand. If you don’t remove it properly, it can cause your pipes to become clogged or even blocked completely, leading to serious consequences.

Luckily, there are many tried and tested methods that you can try out to remove limescale from your pipes. In this blog post, we will be discussing some of the most effective ones. So read on to find out more!

What is limescale?

Before we can talk about how to remove limescale from pipes, it’s important to understand what limescale is and its causes. Limescale is essentially a buildup of calcium deposits in your pipes, and it’s caused by hard water. Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals such as calcium, and these minerals can happen to deposit on the insides of your pipes.

Over time, this can lead to a buildup of limescale, which can cause your pipes to become clogged or even blocked. Apart from causing blockages, limescale can also lead to other problems, including damage due to corrosion.

How does limescale build up in your pipes?

You may wonder how all of this happens in the first place. Well, there are a couple of reasons why limescale can build up in your pipes.

The first reason is that limescale is a very hard substance, just like its name suggests. And as you might have guessed, limescale is formed when a large amount of calcium and other minerals are dissolved in hard water. And whenever these dissolved minerals come into contact with the inner surfaces of your pipes, they can cause a buildup of limescale over time.

The second reason is that limescale can become even more problematic due to blockages. If a clog forms in your pipes, the pressure will be higher on the inside of the pipes compared to the outside. And because of that, limescale may be forced through any minor cracks or openings on the inner surfaces of your pipes. Mould is another problem that comes along with limescale. It’s extremely important to get rid of mould as it can cause health problems.

You might be calling for a mould removal service again and again but you eliminate it by the roots.

How can you prevent limescale from clogging your pipes?

Now that you know what limescale is and how it can cause blockages let’s take a look at the steps you can take to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The first thing you should do is make sure that your pipes have the right diameter. If you don’t, limescale may be forced through cracks on the inner surfaces of your pipes and cause blockages.

Next, make sure that you install a water softener in your pipes. A water softener is essentially a small machine that filters out any dissolved minerals in hard water and stops them from being deposited on the inner surfaces of your pipes.

And lastly, make sure that you keep your pipes clean. You can do this by running hot water through your pipes regularly or by using a solution of vinegar and salt to remove any limescale on the inner surfaces of your pipes. You can also use a pipe cleaning brush to help remove any clogs and blockages from your pipes.

So now that you know how to prevent limescale from clogging up your pipes, let’s take a look at some of the most effective methods to remove it once and for all.

1. Run hot water through your pipes

The first method on our list is to run hot water through your pipes. This can help flush out any limescale built up over time.

One thing you should keep in mind, though, is that this method can only be used on your main pipes. So if you have any side pipes that may have blocked off due to limescale, then you should use one of the other methods on this list.

You can begin by filling a bucket with hot water and pouring it into your sink. Let the hot water run through your pipes for a good ten minutes, and then run the water for a few minutes afterward. You can repeat this process as many times as you want to flush out any limescale that may be hiding out on the inner surfaces of your pipes.

2. Use a solution of vinegar and salt

Another method you can use to remove limescale from your pipes is a solution of vinegar and salt. This method works best when combined with the first method on our list, but you can also use it as a standalone method.

To begin with, make sure that you’re wearing protective gloves, as you’ll be handling a potent mixture. Then, pour some vinegar and salt into your pipes simultaneously. Let this solution sit in your pipes for at least half an hour, and then run hot water through your pipes to flush out any limescale that may have formed.

While this method can be highly effective if used correctly, it can also cause damage to your pipes. So make sure that you only use this method if you’re sure that your pipes aren’t made of plastic, as it can dissolve the walls of plastic pipes.

3. Use a pipe cleaner

Another effective method that you can use to remove limescale from your pipes is by using a pipe-cleaning brush. These brushes are specifically designed to remove any limescale hiding out on your pipes’ insides.

To begin with, try running a pipe cleaning brush up and down the surface of your pipes. If this doesn’t work, you can use a cloth to wrap around your brush and let it get a firm grip on the limescale that has formed.

While this method can be highly effective, it might only be able to remove some of the limescale. If you’re still seeing deposits on the inner surfaces of your pipes after using this method, then you should try using one of the other methods we’ve mentioned on this list.

In conclusion, limescale is a common problem that plagues many households worldwide. And while it isn’t particularly harmful to your health, it can still cause many plumbing problems if left unchecked.

So if you’re looking for a way to remove limescale from your pipes, then the methods we’ve mentioned here should be enough to eliminate it. Just make sure you use a method that suits the type of pipes you have, and remember to follow the steps outlined in this guide to succeeding.