The Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque, also referred to as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is an iconic landmark situated in Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed in the early 17th century, during the reign of Sultan Ahmed I, and has become one of the most visited tourist attractions in the city due to its remarkable architecture and intricate details.

The interior of the mosque is decorated with more than 20,000 blue ceramic tiles, which have earned it the nickname “The Blue Mosque.” These tiles boast traditional Ottoman floral patterns and designs, creating a mesmerizing and captivating effect.

The exterior of the Blue Mosque is equally impressive, with six minarets towering over the surrounding buildings. The domes and semi-domes are decorated with intricate calligraphy and geometric patterns, showcasing its remarkable architecture.

The mosque’s courtyard, which is surrounded by arched colonnades, is another highlight, providing a peaceful and serene area for visitors to take a moment to relax and appreciate the mosque’s beauty.

It is important to note that the Blue Mosque is still an active mosque, and visitors are required to dress modestly and remove their shoes before entering. It is open to visitors daily, except during prayer times on Fridays.

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