Air fryers and Instant Pots seem to be popping up in articles across the internet constantly. However, they have both been around for some time now. While you may have heard of both of these appliances, you may not have considered either when considering a change to your diet.
They could both help you to make easy changes to enjoy a healthier diet, but the air fryer, in particular, might be a way to enjoy favorite recipes without the guilt.
Fried chicken wings are a hugely popular dish in the states. On Superbowl Sunday alone, way over 1 billion chicken wings are enjoyed across the nation. Unfortunately, as you may know, frying isn’t particularly good for the environment or the waistline.
Perhaps there is a different way to experience one of the country’s favorite dishes though.
Is the air fryer just another gadget?
Many kitchen gadgets have come and gone over the years, and with good reason. Pointless crushers and spiralizers take up more space than they are worth. The air fryer has been around since 2010 when Philips first introduced it, and it seems to be one of the more useful items a kitchen can have.
An air fryer works by circulating extremely hot air inside the cooker where the food is placed in a basket. The effect this has is to create food that tastes and appears like fried food. Unlike some other multi-cookers, an air fryer can recreate the texture of fried food too.
Can an air fryer really reproduce fried chicken wings?
It might be hard to convince a die-hard chicken wing lover that an air fryer could recreate their favorite side dish, but it is very possible. Even frozen chicken wings can be cooked in a small air fryer.
Chicken wings that are frozen would take around 20 minutes in an air fryer. Once coated in BBQ sauce, they can be put back in the appliance for another 5 minutes to finish them off.
That might seem a bit longer than normal frying, but there are health and environmental benefits to think of, especially if you are looking at how to make your home more environmentally friendly.
Is an air fryer actually environmentally friendly?
Fried food tastes great, but the oil that is used to make it has to be disposed of once it has been used. This presents some significant environmental problems.
As you have read, Americans love fried chicken wings but it isn’t just the USA that enjoys frying their food. The UK is famous for fish and chips and fried breakfasts, and China is a huge fan of stir-fried meals. Around 5 million tonnes of waste cooking oil is produced in China every year, and this is a problem when it comes to disposal.
If you make your chicken wings in an air fryer then you don’t need any oil. Most air fryer recipes use little or no oil at all. Less mess and less waste. The cooking method has other environmental benefits too.
Because of the quicker cooking time and the overall size of the appliance, you are likely to use less energy than with a conventional oven so this makes it a more environmentally friendly option.
Will air fryer chicken wings help your waistline and health?
To lead a healthy life you need a balanced diet. No matter how little oil an air fryer uses, you can’t live on chicken wings alone. Which is a shame.
However, that isn’t to say that switching out deep-fried food for this option isn’t going to benefit you. According to WebMD, an air fryer can reduce calories by up to 80 percent. Frying at high temperatures can also cause harmful chemicals such as acrylamide to be formed. An air fryer cuts this down by up to 90%.
Frying your chicken wings in an air fryer could potentially help your waistline, but it will definitely reduce the fat and calorie intake compared to regular fried wings.
Any other reasons to make chicken wings in an air fryer?
Not all lovers of fried chicken wings are going to be sold on the idea of cooking with air and no oil. You might be tempted to try this method though if you are keen on camping or traveling with an RV.
Small air fryers are ideal for taking on an outdoor adventure because they can be powered easily, and importantly, they won’t create any mess or waste to be left behind.
Fried chicken wings are delicious but unfortunately, they can create a mess with oil splashing, leave waste behind, and don’t help anyone’s overall health. Air frying means you can cook chicken wings from frozen without any of the problems associated with cooking with oil.
Using one of these appliances could be a replacement for deep or shallow frying. Sadly, air fryers can’t reduce the calories in your favorite ranch or barbecue sauce.