Many women have unknown super powers, especially when it comes to launching a new business, nurturing young children, running a home, and having big career expectations. We recently met up with Bianca Colclough, founder of This Girl Community, and realised that she was the epitome of a woman with super powers. Read her interview below to see why.

Tell us about the journey that led you to launch your brand This Girl Community…
I had worked within the recruitment industry since leaving school and have been successful in my career, during my career I always felt that people didn’t know the real me. They were seeing a characature of me in the workplace and the real Bianca was someone very different. In 2017 there was a significant change in my life that led to me reevaluating who I am and what I wanted from life. Following counselling and rehabilitation of myself I created ‘This Girl has a’ concept. I figured that there must be lots of women just like me who had a past trauma, significant life story, or journey that they hadn’t shared but ultimately it defines who they are. In April 2020 This Girl Community was launched. My brand motto is “This Girl has a story, Let’s start with yours…”
What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?
Accepting that in order to launch my brand I must expose my vulnerabilities and tell a story I had kept to myself for 28 years. This came as a shock to a lot of people and was very traumatic but also empowering, through my voice I stripped myself back and showed women it was ok to do the same without judgment.
In addition to the above, I found out shortly after the launch that I was pregnant. Something I never anticipated at the age of 39. COVID was also at his peak so there were new challenges of my hormones, tiredness and morning sickness to contend with. That didn’t stop me it only spurred me on to make the brand a success and a new string to my bow as I could now be an ambassador for working mums.
If you were to describe your business mantra in three words, what would they be?
We… Empower… Women…

What advice would you offer anyone interested in venturing into the world of consultancy, networking, and guiding others?
Do it! My business is 1 year old this month and I am in a position now where the business is growing, I have an amazing team of associates and ambassadors but most importantly, I am my own boss. I have recently reflected on things I would have done differently and all of this has been a learning curve. To create your own destiny is the most empowering feeling and the future is exciting.
Talk us through an average business day in your life…
Oh wow ok, So mummy duties first and foremost (my son is 16 weeks old). He has his first sleep at around 9am, this is where I begin a day of zoom calls, social media content, and speaking to my members.
Next is new business planning. This will either be for my own brand or for the companies I consult for.
During the day I am split between mummy time and business time (Me time doesn’t begin until around 8pm). It is so important to me that I have contact regularly over the phone or via zoom to keep my morale up. My partner also works from home so we tend to split our days accordingly to ensure we can work and be parents too.
Business can be an upward struggle at times, what do you do to stay positive?
Having a newborn and not having maternity leave is very challenging. We don’t have a network of support for people to look after our son. Positivity lies in teamwork. Me and my partner talk openly about our feelings and struggles, I also utilise the amazing women in my community to shares any challenges I have to gain their insights. This allows me to keep focused and positive.
What is your go to quote when lacking motivation?
I don’t have a go to quote as such but I remind myself of why I set up This Girl Community and that I owe it to myself and my members not to become demotivated.

How much has social media played a role in the success of your brand?
Hugely, Linkedin is my go to platform as the majority of my female members are working professionals who utilise our membership to grow their business as well as coach and support one another.
It is imperative that my content is eye catching and interesting to my audience.
How do you want people to feel when they first see you and work with you?
That This Girl Community is a complete breath of fresh air to other networking groups. We don’t have an agenda, we are open in our opinions, thoughts and aspirations but have the support to console each other without judgment. I wanted to create a safe space for professional women to outlet their challenges and in being true to myself I feel that when women meet me for the first time they feel the warmth that is transferred across our membership group.
Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?
New York – I turned 40 in November 2020 and this was where I wanted to go to. Unfortunately the pandemic and my pregnancy put this on hold.
What’s next for you and your brand?
We are relaunching our website and logo to celebrate our one year anniversary. We are also growing our membership groups, this will mean alongside our This Girl Community and This Girl Talks business sessions we are also branching out to offer various other specialisms. This allows women to network in their own industries, share ideas, support each other but keep the same chilled vibe that is lacking in other groups.
Where can people find out more about This Girl Community?
They can visit our website This Girl Community or contact me via email