


In our fast-paced world, a good night’s sleep has become a coveted treasure. Yet, for many, it remains frustratingly elusive. Sleep hygiene, the practices and habits that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis, is often overlooked in the quest for restful nights. Enhancing sleep hygiene is not just about getting more sleep; it’s about improving the quality of sleep to bolster overall health and well-being. This guide explores practical strategies to transform your sleep hygiene, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to face the day.

1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

The human body thrives on routine. By going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, you can reinforce your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm. Consistency is key; even on weekends, try to stick to your schedule. This regularity not only makes it easier to fall asleep but also enhances the quality of sleep, making you more alert during waking hours.

2. Create a Bedtime Ritual

Just as children benefit from bedtime stories before sleep, adults can cultivate their own pre-sleep ritual to signal the body that it’s time to wind down. This could involve reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation exercises. Such activities help separate your sleep time from the activities that can cause excitement, stress, or anxiety, which can interfere with sleep.

3. Optimize Your Sleep with the Right Mattress

The quality of your mattress directly influences your sleep quality. A comfortable and supportive mattress, such as one from Luuf, can be the difference between a restful night and a restless one. Investing in a good mattress is investing in your sleep health. Consider the convenience of a white glove service for a Luuf mattress for a hassle-free setup. Such services take the stress out of upgrading your sleep environment, ensuring your bedroom is a sanctuary for sleep from the moment your mattress is delivered.

4. Invest in Quality Bedding

Your choice of bedding can significantly impact your sleep comfort. Breathable, natural fabrics can help regulate body temperature throughout the night, preventing overheating or feeling too cold. Similarly, the right pillow can support a healthy sleep posture, reducing the likelihood of waking up with aches and pains. Investing in quality bedding isn’t just about luxury; it’s about creating the optimal conditions for sleep.

5. Limit Exposure to Screens Before Bedtime

In today’s digital age, screens are omnipresent, but their blue light emissions can have a detrimental effect on sleep, disrupting the body’s circadian rhythm. Make a conscious effort to limit exposure to phones, tablets, and computers at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, engage in screen-free activities that relax the mind and prepare your body for sleep.

6. Mind Your Diet

What you eat and drink before bedtime can significantly affect your sleep. Heavy or rich foods can cause discomfort and disturb your sleep. Similarly, caffeine and alcohol, despite their popularity, can wreak havoc on sleep patterns. Try to limit caffeine intake to the morning hours and minimize alcohol consumption, especially close to bedtime, to ensure it doesn’t impact your sleep.

7. Keep Naps in Check

While napping isn’t inherently bad, long or irregular napping during the day can negatively affect your nighttime sleep. If you choose to nap, keep it short—about 20 to 30 minutes—and avoid doing so late in the day. Properly timed naps can actually boost brain function and energy without affecting your nightly sleep routine.

8. Exercise Regularly, But Not Before Bed

Regular physical activity is essential for good health, and its benefits extend to improving sleep quality. Exercise, especially aerobic types, can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. However, timing is everything. Engaging in vigorous exercise too close to bedtime can leave you too energized to fall asleep. Aim to complete any intense workouts at least three hours before you plan to turn in for the night.

9. Manage Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are significant barriers to restful sleep. They activate the body’s fight or flight response, which is not conducive to relaxation. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling can help manage stress levels before bed. Establishing a routine to address and alleviate stress in the evening can signal your brain that it’s time to unwind, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

10. Ensure a Dark, Quiet, and Cool Bedroom

The environment in which you sleep can have a profound impact on the quality of your rest. Light exposure, noise, and temperature can all disrupt sleep patterns. Investing in blackout curtains or a sleep mask can help mimic the natural darkness your brain needs to enter sleep mode. Similarly, reducing noise with earplugs or white noise machines and setting the thermostat to a cooler temperature can create an ideal sleep environment.

11. Be Mindful of Your Sleep Position

Your sleep position can affect how well you sleep and how you feel physically upon waking. While the best sleep position varies from person to person, it’s generally recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach as it can lead to neck and back pain. Experimenting with different positions and using pillows for support can help you find the most comfortable setup for a restful night’s sleep.

Cultivating Restful Nights

Enhancing your sleep hygiene is a multifaceted approach that involves more than just a single change. It’s about creating a conducive sleep environment, managing lifestyle habits, and addressing the mental and physical aspects that influence sleep. By implementing these strategies, you can set the stage for deeper, more restorative sleep. 

Keep in mind that improving sleep hygiene is a gradual process that requires consistency and patience. Start with one or two changes and build from there, tuning into your body’s responses as you go. Over time, these strategies can transform your sleep quality, leading to better health, mood, and overall quality of life. Cultivating restful nights is within reach; it begins with a commitment to prioritize your sleep health, one night at a time.

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often overlook the importance of our senses in influencing our overall well-being. Our senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch – play a vital role not only in perceiving the world around us but also in shaping our emotional and physical experiences.

Understanding how to harness the power of our senses can significantly enhance our quality of life and promote a sense of balance and harmony. Let’s delve into each sense and explore how it contributes to our well-being.


The sense of sight is perhaps the most dominant of all our senses, providing us with invaluable information about our environment. Exposure to natural light, vibrant colours, and aesthetically pleasing surroundings can have a profound impact on our mood and mental health.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature or even looking at images of natural landscapes can reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness and relaxation. Incorporating visual elements that evoke positive emotions into our daily lives, such as artwork, plants, or scenic views, can help foster a sense of calm and well-being.


Sound has a powerful effect on our emotions and can significantly influence our well-being. Pleasant sounds, such as soothing music, bird songs, or the sound of ocean waves, have been found to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve overall mood. Conversely, exposure to loud or discordant noises can increase stress levels and negatively impact our health.

Practicing mindfulness and actively listening to the sounds around us can heighten our awareness and appreciation of our auditory environment, contributing to a greater sense of peace and tranquillity.

For those interested in exploring the therapeutic benefits of sound, consider visiting for a holistic approach to well-being.

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The sense of taste not only allows us to enjoy the flavours of food and drink but also plays a crucial role in our nutritional health and overall well-being. Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in diverse flavours and textures not only satisfies our palate but also provides essential nutrients that support physical and mental vitality.

Mindful eating, which involves paying close attention to the sensory experience of eating, can deepen our enjoyment of food and help to cultivate healthier eating habits. By savouring each bite and being attuned to our body’s hunger and fullness cues, we can foster a more harmonious relationship with food and promote greater well-being.


Our sense of smell is closely linked to memory, emotion, and mood, making it a potent tool for enhancing our well-being. Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils and fragrances to promote healing and relaxation, harnesses the power of scent to alleviate stress, improve sleep quality, and uplift the spirit.

Scents such as lavender, citrus, and eucalyptus have been shown to have mood-enhancing properties and can be incorporated into our daily routines through candles, diffusers, or bath products. Taking time to engage with pleasant aromas and create a sensory-rich environment can help us unwind, recharge, and find moments of serenity amidst the chaos of modern life.


The sense of touch is fundamental to human connection and emotional well-being. Physical contact, such as hugs, massages, or holding hands, releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and reduces stress.

Incorporating tactile experiences into our daily lives, such as petting a furry friend, indulging in a luxurious bath, or practicing self-massage, can provide comfort, relaxation, and a sense of grounding. Additionally, spending time in nature and connecting with the earth through activities like gardening or walking barefoot can stimulate our sense of touch and foster a deeper appreciation for the world around us.

In conclusion, our senses are powerful allies in promoting well-being and enriching our lives. By cultivating mindfulness and actively engaging with our sensory experiences, we can enhance our physical, emotional, and mental health.

Whether it’s savouring a delicious meal, listening to music, or taking a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, let’s embrace the profound influence of our senses and harness their transformative potential to lead happier, healthier lives.

Kintsugi is a new global wellness brand, drawing inspiration from the ancient Japanese art of repairing ceramics with gold and with the intention to raise frequencies for increased joyful and healthy lives. The first Kintsugi Space launched in Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, in November 2023, an entirely new concept for the destination. This will be followed by online membership and the launch of the lifestyle product line in 2024 and other exciting spaces internationally.

To experience the magic of Kintsugi first-hand, Team Coco’ very own Hannah Tan-Gillies ventured into bustling Charlotte Street to get a taste of what the innovative wellness concept has to offer.

Kintsugi, led by the gentle genius of acclaimed spa creative Patrizia Bortolin is all about inspiring people to embrace their imperfections, while being surrounded in a new kind of luxury. During the London event, Patrizia, who is also the founder of the Glowing Flow Spa Consultancy, was recognised by The New York Times for her work at Preidlhof Luxury DolceVita Retreat* and celebrated by Conde Nast Traveller as creating the ‘Best Life Changing Spa Experience’.

She brings all this goodness to the Kintsugi experience, which adeptly combines ancient Eastern healing techniques with modern Western methodologies based on a holistic approach of wellness using innovative Quantum Healing methods.

What is Quantum Healing you say? Well it is an ethos that is based on the premise that our thoughts and intentions can have a powerful influence on our health and wellbeing, to bring the body and mind into a state of balance and harmony. It involves the application of quantum principles to a holistic, integrated wellbeing approach. At its core, it leverages the idea that particles exhibit both wave and energy properties in the human body and when this energy is in equilibrium, the body can heal itself.

kintsugi spa

Patrizia leads a team of experts including celebrity Facialist Anastasia Achielleos who is a Kintsugi Wellness Community Ambassador focused on fascial wellness and high consciousness. She is also joined by famed Italian architect Emanuela Beneneddeti who created the Kintsugi space in Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi.

The Kintsugi method guides its members towards a new, higher frequency where life feels more joyful and nourishing. Laughing and crying are both welcome, a celebration of the body is encouraged through dancing, massage, community and purifying. It also stimulates the mind to create healthy routines, change perspectives, think less and observe more, care for details and rituals and appreciate the beauty all around.

Situated on the sought after Al Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, the seven-floor pale pink building houses a wellness space exclusively for female members (unlike other aspects of the brand which are open to all). In addition to 3, 6 and 11 months membership options, there is also a six-day retreat offering, with membership existing for the duration of the programme, as well as an international membership for four days a year*. Kintsugi partners with Ember Lifestyle Travel for all arrangements to ensure an unforgettable and seamless wellness retreat.

kintsugi spa

There are plenty of treatments and experiences on offer including a ‘Lay Down and Heal’ experience, a Happiness Room, Wisdom Studio focused on sound healing and Activation area. No matter what area in your life needs balance, Kintsugi has a way for you to refresh and recentre. We certainly can’t wait, whether it be via the online membership, the Kintsugi collection (coming soon in 2024) or a trip to Al Reem Island, to enjoy the full Kintsugi experience ourselves and we’re sure that you will too.

Discover more at

The growing demand for personalised wellness is on the rise with more consumers looking to proactively prevent illness and boost wellness with biohacking and longevity solutions and treatments.   The Covid 19 pandemic has been pivotal to us taking an analytic interest in our health and how we can best optimise it with science backed, bespoke wellbeing programmes.

This has seen an increase of wellness clinics, providing state of the art technology, cutting edge treatments and solutions, all housed under one stylish, sleek roof.  Want to know more about how you can hack your health?  Here’s my favourite wellness destinations and their biohacking solutions to level up your wellbeing.   


HUM2N is a team of experts with access to some of the best cutting-edge technologies and deep biomarker testing (to flag future health issues). Whether you are looking to improve your overall health, skin or increase longevity, Dr Enayat and his team have your back.   Client consultations kick off your wellness journey and following biomarker testing, expect a bespoke healthcare programme that might incorporate NAD+ therapy, a course of cryotherapy or sessions in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.  The journey continues away from the clinic, with a dedicated Doctor and nutritional therapists, working with you remotely, providing ongoing care, medication and lifestyle strategies to help keep your health goals on track.  HUM2N clients have seen on average a remarkable 42% improvement in health within 8 weeks. 


This Hertfordshire based clinic focuses on four pillars; wellness, recovery, laser and aesthetics.  The team here know their stuff, whether you are looking to recharge your inner battery, recover from an intense training session or perk up a dull complexion there’s a slew of preventative and regenerative treatments from cryotherapy, NormaTec compression and infrared sauna therapy. 

One of the ground-breaking treatments available at Aqua-Tox is the Emsella Chair, a non-invasive device that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and target conditions such as stress incontinence, experienced by many women after childbirth and during menopause.  Just one Emsella treatment is the equivalent of 11,000 Kegel exercises in just 30 minutes and is clinically proven to reduce pelvic floor disorders.  The chair is designed to deliver targeted electromagnetic waves to the muscles in the pelvic region, causing involuntary contractions that help to improve muscle tone, strength, and function.  

Grey Wolfe

The biotechnology at Grey Wolfe is precisely researched, backed by credible science and authentically curated to deliver the ultimate recharge.

The BioCharger is a smart piece of tech that works to enhance health, wellness and athletic performance by balancing the energy of every cell in your body. It promises to optimise the frequencies in your body to ease anxiety, energise you, and banish stress by utilising four different energy types; light, voltage, frequencies, and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) to duplicate and restore the energy cells leaving you feeling rejuvinated and calm.


Remedi London, founded by aesthetic doctor Nima Mahmoodi and integrated medicine practitioner Yasmin Shirazi is designed to help a discerning clientele address a host of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs using science-backed treatments and biohacking therapies.

The Rebalance Impulse is a non-invasive stimulation and cognitive training device based on applied neurosciences, devoted to fighting stress and preventing health problems.  A 30-minute session combines a range of exercises and techniques such as breathing, guided mental imagery, cardiac coherence, sound therapy, mindfulness training and binaural synchrotherapy to tackle a host of health concerns.

The Body Lab

Developed and delivered by industry experts, self-care gets seriously chic at The Body Lab where they offer an extensive range of regenerative therapies and services focussed on enhancing health optimisation both inside and out

The operation here is slick, the aesthetics and design similar to a five-star hotel. Access their world-class gym, flotation tank, infrared cabins and cryotherapy room, alongside nutritional guidance, specialist training, physiotherapists and other fitness recovery specialists.

If you’re looking for some book inspo to level up your wellbeing here’s my round up of the best of the best.  Whether you need tips to manage stress, make life changes or easy hacks to feel good, I’ve got you covered. 

Thrive, Richard Sutton

This perfect book for anyone feeling stuck right now.

Richard has worked with some of the world’s top sports stars such as Martina Navratilova and Maria Sharapova on performance and unlocking their full potential.  In this book he shares unique practical skills and tools that are easy to apply to help you develop and harness your resilience and to realise your fullest potential. 

Available from Watkins Publishing, RRP £18.99

Choosing Me, Kelly Weekers

This is for anyone who needs to take back control of aspects of their life.

Reading this book is like having a chat over a cuppa with a wise best friend.  Psychologist, Kelly Weekers who specialises in authenticity, shares her advice that not only will empower you, but remind you that you are allowed to put yourself first and are capable of living a life of greater fulfilment. However, in order to make the changes, you must first get clear on your true desires. Choosing Me is packed full of easy to digest tools and prompts to make the reader pause, reflect and self-enquire so they can move forward with clarity.  

Available from Amazon, RRP £18.24

The Queendom Within, Heidi Hauer

If you’ve fallen to the bottom of your ‘to-do-list’ you need this book.

Heidi Hauer is on a mission to help every woman realise that she has choices in her life and that everything she is seeking is already within her power to fulfil.   Heidi’s book, “The Queendom Within – Rewrite Your Fairy Tale and Create Your Own Happily Ever After” is a practical and explorative guide for women to reclaim their energy, rediscover who they are, decide what they really want and take tangible steps towards it, with or without a romantic partner by their side. Practical, reassuring and truly inspiring, Heidi’s book encourages you to invest your time and energy in yourself.

Available from Amazon, RRP £12.99

A Year to Change your Mind, Dr Lucy Maddox

Tips and advice from a therapist without getting on the couch.

Dr Lucy Maddox takes you through typical highs and lows of an average year, month by month introducing helpful ideas and tools to help you survive.  Whether you struggle with change in January or find the summer holiday season stressful, she provides solutions to manage everyday dilemmas, spot repeating patterns and make shifts to help us feel better and improve situations.

Available from Waterstones, £16.99 (Hardback)

Calmism, Dr Alex Willett

If life is getting on top of you this will give you solutions.

Dr Alex walks you through developing eight habits for complete rest and wellbeing, based on science and personal experiences.  Packed with simple activities, Calmism takes a fresh look at the essential habits for rest and offers a menu of easy-fit options to give you the variety that’s key to overall wellness. With just a few minutes’ attention each day, you can cultivate positive, daily habits that stick, to help you feel ultimately revitalised.

Available at Waterstones, RRP £12.99

The Maldives has been on my bucket list for a while so when I received an invite to visit not one, but two prestigious resorts in the heart of the Indian Ocean, I jumped at the chance.  It didn’t disappoint, it’s one endless picture postcard with dusky pink and peach hazed sunsets, overwater hammocks and endless blue skies.  What I didn’t expect was for the place to touch my soul and stir up so many emotions. With its sun-kissed beaches and turquoise waters, it’s not just a vacation destination but a soul-soothing haven for resetting and recharging.

From the moment I arrived at Gili Lankanfushi I felt a mental shift.  This award-winning eco-resort is a destination within a destination.  With just 45 sumptuous overwater villas, including seven Crusoe Residences and The Private Reserve, it feels intimate and exclusive.    Their Robinson Crusoe, barefoot luxury philosophy extends to all guests having a dedicated Mr or Ms Friday butler service, ensuring you have everything you need.  The service here is immaculate, it’s so discreet it’s invisible.  At one point during my stay, I did wonder if the staff had been given ninja research training because the personal touch is second to none, from the bar tender knowing your favourite drink to a personalised breakfast menu.

Post 16 hours of travel I needed a boost, and an Integrative Massage with visiting wellness practitioner, Virginie Claret was welcomed.  Virginie is a Reiki Master with over 15 years’ experience in massage, specialising in energy healing.  I’m well versed when it comes to massages having been fortunate as Wellness Editor, to road test many, so I don’t say this lightly when I say it was the best massage I have had.  Virginie has healing hands.  Focussing on the meridian lines of the body she works on balancing your energy, any blockages and restoring peace.   Within minutes I had dissolved into the bed, any post flight tension was lifted as I went into a deep state of relaxation.  Six weeks prior to traveling I had suffered a bout of Covid and as a result had ongoing chest pains and a persistent cough.  I was astounded when following my treatment with Virginie the cough stopped and I no longer had chest pains.  It may have been a coincidence, or the sunshine and the break I needed, either way I felt a lot better.

Meera spa is a holistic haven set on a secluded bay away from the villas. Over-water treatment rooms are airy and light, with expansive views and sea breezes.  Glass bottom floors allow you to catch views of the marine life while experiencing a relaxing massage.

The spa offers a selection of Ayruvedic treatments. This 5,000-year-old alternative medicine system is designed to correct imbalances in the mind and body. With a dedicated champa for Ayruvedic treatments, that use local herbs you can go on a one-day personalised Ayurvedic wellness journey or let the therapists recommend something bespoke to restore your body, mind and spirit.  I experienced a full body massage using a warm herbal poultice massage, this hits different to a regular massage and quickly soothes any aches.  The warm oils and herbs penetrate the skin to help increase blood circulation and detoxification.  The therapist works her magic and I float out of the spa and back to my villa.

What sets Gili Lankanfushi apart is not just the breathtaking scenery but the curated wellness experiences that cater to the body, mind, and soul. As the day unfolds you might find yourself participating in mindfulness workshops, guided meditation sessions, or even indulging in a moment of peace, barefoot in the soft white sand, soaking up the unparalleled views.  One of the standout features is the presence of visiting practitioners. These experts in holistic wellbeing are renowned in their field and host curated programmes providing guests with the opportunity to design their own wellness plan. Gili is a stunning, serene sanctuary that scoops you up and envelopes you in tranquillity and love.  You arrive a guest and leave as family.

Just a 45-minute sea plane ride from Male is Six Senses, Laamu.  Here wellbeing takes centre stage and is integrated into your overall stay from the food you eat, to your sleep hygiene and activities you experience. My wellness journey started a few weeks prior to travel when I received a digital package with a complimentary jet lag plan, journal and a questionnaire on my preferences for room scents, pillows and the option to request additional toiletries, yoga mat and eye mask.

On arrival you receive a warm welcome on the jetty from the team and your very own Guest Experience Maker or GEM.  Hamza, my GEM was on hand the whole stay, assisting with dinner reservations and experiences.  Laamu is a big, spacious resort offering plenty of choice for food and drink as well as activities, so you’ll never be bored. 

I checked into one of the over water villas with large split-level decks, an infinity pool and roof terrace, perfect for yoga and stretching.  From the decking you can access the ocean, where avid snorkellers can spot black tipped sharks, turtles, mantas, and some of the prettiest marine life.  Inside, the spacious interior has been designed to bring the outside in, using natural fabrics and lots of wood.  There’s an outdoor shower that looks over the ocean, but the show piece is the glass bottom bathtub.  Indulge in the views and watch the fish swim below while you soak in the tub.

Six Senses is synonymous with wellbeing and the resort offers a layered approach to wellness, combining some of the best holistic treatments, with the healing benefits of the environment and expert knowledge of their spa team to create a bespoke programme.  I started with a non-invasive health screening, which measures your key physiological biomarkers. I was strapped to a couple of machines and within 15 minutes, following some simple exercises and instructions I had my results.  The screening highlighted high dopamine and endorphin levels and low serotonin which reflects my lifestyle.  As a regular gym goer, I wasn’t surprised my endorphins were high.  Tech overload and my ongoing need to hit targets and results exposed the high dopamine levels and a bout of poor sleep coupled with a busy period at work was no doubt a factor in my low serotonin.  It was an opportunity to step back and make a few changes.  The Maldives is the ideal destination to do this, and I spent the next couple of days thinking of small adjustments I could make to be a little gentler with myself. The great thing about Six Senses is they can design a wellness program based on your results and goals. My wellness therapist recommended some dietary adjustments to boost my serotonin and ideas to support my sleep and switch off.

After a restful sleep, I start my day with a Pilates class surrounded by the soothing sounds of the ocean.  There are various classes available at the resort including Aerial Yoga, Yoga Nidra meditation and Thai Chi, all gentle and restorative. 

My GEM booked me into the resort’s award-winning spa for a tailor-made, therapeutic full body and scalp massage including face reflexology. The spa makes full use of the outdoor space with uniquely designed treatment ‘nests’ dotted along the beach or among the lush landscape.  Once I was ensconced in my nest, sound bowls and aromatherapy scents helped me tune out.  Around 15 minutes into my massage I had fallen asleep, a sign I am calm and at peace.  Following 60 minutes of utter bliss, I retreat to the juice bar for a gut soothing shot and views of the beach. 

There’s a unique energy at Six Senses, that resonates with the rhythm of the ocean and the pulse of nature. It’s a place where time seems to stand still, allowing you to press pause on the chaos of everyday life and focus on the simple joy of being. With its powder white beaches and crystal-clear ocean, It’s canvas for self-discovery and renewal.

Nightly rates at Gili Lankanfushi start from £1,397/$1,722 based on two adults sharing a Villa Suite with breakfast included. For more information or to book please visit Gili Lankanfushi

For more information on bookings at Six Senses, Laamu please contact or visit the website

House of Coco travelled to the Maldives via Dubai with Emirates.  London Heathrow to Male return is £1,749. This is based on Premium Economy from London Heathrow to Dubai and then Economy from Dubai to Male. Prices subject to change. 

If you follow travel content creators on social media, there is a very high chance you would have seen the unique town of Guatapé in Colombia. The Rock of Guatapé with the iconic zig-zagging staircase features prominently on the likes of Instagram and TikTok. Surprisingly, the monolithic rock is a natural formation. It takes a short 15-20 minutes to ascend the rock, and climbing the 740 steps to reach the summit will offer a great cardiovascular workout. The panoramic 360º views of Guatape Lake and the El Peñón region as you reach the pinnacle are worth the endeavour.

The town itself is filled with ‘zocalos’, which are vibrant, colourful murals that surround the cobbled streets of Guatapé. The paintings often depict local life or concealed messages about local beliefs and products. This is one town where you want to ensure you have enough storage on your camera phones to ensure you capture countless photo opportunities.

If you want to know where to stay in Guatapé, I would highly recommend booking a glamping experience with Bosko. This is glamping with a capital G. Their ‘tents’, the Mush.Rooms are geodesic structures that resemble globe lanterns in the nighttime.Their concierge service is on par with any 5-star hotel in the country. They can arrange a private transfer for you from José María Córdova International Airport in Medellín. It’s an approximate 2-hour drive through some of the most scenic parts of the country.

On arrival, you are offered a detoxifying welcome drink immediately and this is followed by a coffee exfoliation ritual to cleanse your hands. Unsurprisingly, Colombians are fervent coffee connoisseurs and don’t just use it for drinking but in all aspects of their lives. Next, you are led to your Mush.Rooms, which are scattered throughout the property and provide maximum privacy. The pathways are relatively narrow but thankfully their staff team will assist with luggage transfer. There are three types of accommodation: deluxe, golden and presidential.

If you want a bucket-list experience, I would strongly suggest booking for the presidential Mush.Room. It is surprisingly affordable if you are comparing it to other presidential suites at 5-star hotels. The pièce de résistance is getting your private thermal pool with jaw-dropping views of the surrounding forest and lake. If you enjoy taking selfies, you will be in seventh heaven. Even if you are camera-shy, this is sheer paradise.

The Mush.Room also offers high-speed WiFi, internal heating including an electric blanket on your bed and a fully-stocked minibar including exquisite wines. The dark wood interior is smartly designed and resembles a showroom in a high-end interior design store rather than a camping site in a rainforest. They offer an open-sky shower with luxury amenities from L’Occitane.

For those staying in the other Mush.Rooms, they do have a general sky pool for you to relax and enjoy the surrounding scenery. They helpfully have signs posted throughout the grounds which highlight the animals you might encounter such as the great trush or the sparkling violet ear. There is also a QR code for you to hear what the birds sound like.

Dining at Bosko is a hidden gem, which you won’t read much about even on their website. Breakfast is cooked to order and delivered to your tent at no extra charge. It is delivered in one of those luxurious hampers which you suspect might be floatable in your thermal pool. You can opt for traditional options like sunny-side-up eggs on toast or Colombian specialties like freshly baked arepas with Colombian-style red beans. Naturally, Colombian coffee is served along with an exotic fruit platter selection.

If you don’t feel like heading into town, their restaurant is a superb option for lunch and dinner. They have an eclectic selection that caters for all tastes. Typically, they offer western dishes with a hint of Colombian flavour such as pork tenderloin served with mashed potatoes and a sweet and sour coffee sauce. The dishes are all exquisitely presented and wouldn’t look out of place in a 5-star hotel. For vegetarians, they have stronger options in the starters and finger food section such as empanadas with homemade aji sauce. and creamy sweet corn with cheese and tajin. In your travels in Colombia, you are more than likely to come across their love of cheese. They even enjoy hot chocolate with cheese.

If you want to offset some calories post-meal, they have kayaks and paddle boards for hire free of charge by the lakeside. The vast Peñol-Guatapé Reservoir is a man-made phenomenon rather than a natural lake. It was built in the 1980s as part of a hydroelectric project that powers up to 30% of the electricity supply of Colombia. You can paddle to your heart’s content as long as you return by 17:00, which is when the lake closes for water-sporting activities.

If you prefer the luxury James Bond-style experience instead, you can book a private speedboat tour instead and see more of the lake area. Your guide will show you the famous houses owned by the likes of footballers from the Colombian national team and Pablo Escobar’s former mansion. If you are lucky, you might be allowed to drive the boat at some point during your trip.

Whether you are a nature lover, a thrill-seeker or just want a tranquil wellness break, there is something to offer for everyone in the magical town of Guatapé.

For more information on the hotel, please visit –

It’s no wonder why Cartagena de Indias captivates locals and tourists alike. This medieval walled city on the Caribbean coast boasts charm, culture, vitality, and a vibrant nightlife scene. Explore its narrow, colorful streets lined with boutique shops in one of the best-preserved old cities in the Americas.

Cartagena de Indias

Discover Historic Elegance at Casa San Agustín in Cartagena de Indias

There is a more modern part of the city, filled with glass-laden high rises, which is reminiscent of Miami. However, I would recommend staying in the old city to soak up the magic of Cartagena. Staying in one of the refurbished, grand colonial homes from the 17th and 18th centuries is the best way to discover the city.

Casa San Agustín is one such property and it is situated in the heart of the action at Plaza de los Estudiantes. The refined boutique hotel was created from three meticulously restored 17th-century mansions. It has only 20 guestrooms and 11 suites, so attentive service from the staff is guaranteed. It seamlessly blends modern comforts with authentic Colombian features. You’ll notice the original frescoes in the library where they serve complimentary afternoon tea. In the guest rooms, you’ll see their iconic wood-beamed ceilings that are centuries old.

Accommodations at Casa San Agustín, Cartagena de Indias

The main feature of the hotel is a 300-year-old aqueduct that serves as a backdrop to the main plunge pool. It is precisely because of the existence of boutique hotels like Casa San Agustín that helps to keep these important relics well-preserved. Plenty of greenery such as palm trees surround the public areas to offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the old town.

The rooms are relatively spacious even at the entry-level deluxe rooms, which range from 409 and 839 sq. ft. They provide luxurious Frette linens as well as renowned Ortigia amenities from Sicily. On the other end of the spectrum, you have the eye-catching Suite Prestige. They are duplexes with an area between 1539 and 1732 sq. ft. They include two bedrooms which is ideal for families and close friends to share. All the rooms offer a complimentary mini-bar that includes soft drinks and beer. The combination of dark wood, polished marble and ornate painting tiling in the bathroom adds to the colonial grandeur of the surroundings.

Their sister property, Casa Pestagua offers a similar level of comfort and sophistication. It is known as “the most beautiful house in Cartegena”. It belonged to the powerful 18th-century aristocrat, Count of Pestagua. It had undergone a major 15-million-dollar refurbishment and had only reopened last April. Now you can live the life of a count too, when you book in to stay at Casa Pestagua. The hotel is a proud member of the Relais & Chateaux group, the only hotel in Colombia awarded with that honour.

You might feel even more exclusive at this property with only 10 spacious suites and 6 deluxe rooms. The laid-back charm is very similar to Casa San Agustin. The central plunge pool is ideal for escaping the occasional sweltering Caribbean heat. The shaded sunbeds underneath the tropical palm trees are an ideal spot for catching up with your reading list. You’ll notice plenty of Moorish-inspired arches around the boutique hotel that recount the colonial times of previous centuries.

Indulge in Culinary Excellence

The rooms have a light and airy design, no doubt helped by the double-height ceilings and excellent use of natural lighting. You’ll find sturdy-looking light wooden beams on the ceiling of all the rooms. Similar to the sister property, the entry-level room is deluxe and includes luxury linen and ever-reliable Ortigia amenities. Having been refurbished recently, the decor is marginally fresher looking than her sister property but both boutique hotels are maintained to the highest of standards.

The restaurant offering at both hotels is headed by renowned Chef Heberto Eljach, who is one of the most celebrated chefs in Colombia. At Casa Pestagua, we have the culinary delight of AniMare. The menu is a journey of Colombian cuisine with modern touches. It takes in both influences from the Caribbean and the Pacific side of the country. You’ll get to savour local classics such as shrimp and snail cocktail Cartagena style. Typically, such a dish is found as street food in the local streets of the city, but here it is served in a much-elevated format, with avocado and homemade bread. Their seafood casserole main course is equally elevated with treasures of the sea served up in lobster cream and coconut milk sauce along with fried plantain chips. At Alma situated in Casa San Agustín, you’ll enjoy a similarly extravagant fine dining experience. They are particularly proud of showcasing the best of Colombian cuisine and cater for all kinds of dietary requirements from gluten-free to vegetarian needs.

For those looking for a beach holiday, you can enjoy that as well whilst staying at both hotels. They have a private beach club at ACASĪ on Isla Barú. You can immerse your feet on the white sandy beaches and swim in the turquoise waters of the beach. The hotel can arrange a private round-trip boat charter that takes about 45 minutes and you can admire the picturesque coastline along the way. It will be a different experience to the history and culture of the old town.

Photography by stephane louesdon .

Finally, if you want to relax further, they have the Aurum spa. You can enjoy everything from a detoxifying body scrub in the hammam to a gold wrap to help nourish the skin. Aurum is the Latin word for gold.

For a holiday where you can enjoy both a city break and a beach holiday. One where you can embrace history and modernity. Make sure you check out the romantic city of Cartagena.

For more information on the hotels, please visit –

When it comes to Christmas shopping it can be overwhelming, finding a unique gift for your bestie, girlfriend or mum is not easy. The good news, we have you covered. Here’s our edit of the best gifts for her.

Create a Bespoke Lipstick

Code 8 is a make up range that has been curated with all skin tones in mind. The brand’s Burlington Arcade pop-up includes a Colour ID lab, where you can create your own bespoke lipstick, as well as makeup artist and brow grooming services.

To book an appointment, call the store or email

No Bad Hair Days

For super sleek hair this Christmas get the Dyson Airwrap Multi-Styler and Dryer with Presentation Case & attachments.

£399.99, from John Lewis

Upgrade your Stack

Astrid & Miyu is synonymous with style and their Gold Heart Pavé Charm Huggies are a must have for any jewellery lover. Wear alone, or stack with other huggies and hoops.

£65, Astrid & Miyu

Personalise your Gift

The Addison Ross collection is the perfect addition to any home. Capture a 2023 memory in their stylish gold tortoise shell photo frame.

£78, Addison Ross

Dreamy Skin

Pamper your skin with the Farmacy Honey Dewy Duo, this gift set features a honey rich duo designed to hydrate the complexion and brighten the delicate eye contour area.

£57, Cult Beauty

For the Travel Lover

The Smythson romance-inspired Scarlet Red gift box is perfect for the jet setter in your life. It includes a Luggage Tag, Panama Notebook and Correspondence Cards.

£195, Smythson

For the Wellness Enthusiast

Cold water therapy fans will love the LUMI Recovery Pod. With so many wellbeing benefits, it’s easy to assemble and is fully insulated, keeping water at the optimum temperature.

£85, LUMI

Beauty Cult Favourites

The RMS Clean and Bright Kit is the perfect stocking filler. It includes Liplights Cream Lip Gloss in Crush, Eyelights Cream Eyeshadow in Luster, and Straight Up Volumizing Peptide Mascara in HD Black.

£46, from RMS Beauty

Sink into Serenity for the Body and Mind.

The Soothing Signature Blend Candle from ESPA features mellow Myrrh, heady Rose Geranium, and warm Frankincense. This relaxing candle is crafted from pure essential oils, hand-poured natural wax.

ESPA Soothing Candle, £40

Forget sludgy snow and missing out on Vitamin D for months at a time, this winter – we’re hopping on a flight to our favourite island locales like Bali, Thailand and Mexico for a wellbeing focused getaway to offset all the Christmas party booze.

For our wellness winter sun getaway, we’re packing easy, breezy, pastel-coloured pieces that can easily transition from yoga to beach to full moon party.

Winter sun clothes
  1. Green Sunglasses by Calvin Klein available at
  2. Bluebell Zoya Dress by Olivia Von Halle available at
  3. Cella Bag by Folklore the Label available at 
  4. Double Sided Mini Twilly by SUKIW Design available at Wolf and Badger and
  5. Trapeze Mini Dress in Black Art Deco Floral  by De La Vali available at
  6. Gold Astrea Earrings by Maanesten available at
  7. Lavender Sculpt Purple Onesie by Hey Harper available at
  8. Lime Green Casual Set by Olivia Von Halle available at
  9. Green Hair Clamp by Maanesten available at
  10. Tropical Print Gabrielle Dress by Fresha London available at
  11. Trekky Bandana Print Sandals by Arizona Muse available at Harvey Nichols
  12. Tropical Oasis Handbag by SUKIW Design available at
  13. Blue silk shirt by Bonita Collective available at
  14. Green Paisley Bikini by Temperley x Heidi Klein available at
  15. Top by MNK Atelier available at 
  16. Green Shore Sarong by Sloggi available at
  17. White Crochet Mules by Mango
  18. JAGA drinks available at

(No matter where you are flying off to, pop a few cans of JAGA’s wonderfully refreshing and super healthy mushroom-infused drinks into your case. Believe us, you’ll thank us later!)