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#CocoLifestyle : 7 Ways to Grow a Perfect Lawn Easily

We all take great pride in our homes.

We all take great pride in our homes. If you live in a house with a lawn then you know this pride extends not only to the inside of your home but the outside as well. When our lawns look all raggedy with yellow spots or patches of dirt where the grass used to be then it leaves us feeling less than happy. We want a perfect lawn.

House of Coco understands. And, as much as we love to bring you the latest information about travel and nightlife, we also want to be there for you when you are looking to improve your living space. By growing a perfect lawn you can bring great curb appeal to your home and be the envy of the neighborhood. But how? Easy. Here are some tips.

1 – Start with the Weeds

These little pests are the perfect place to start if you want lush green grass all over your yard. First you should try to get them before their roots get too strong a hold. You can use a pre-emergent herbicide to stop the sprouting of crabgrass seeds. Or, if the weeds are already grounded, try getting them from the top with an electric weed eater.

Weed eaters aren’t only good for getting rid of weeds. They can ease up the load of cutting the lawn with a heavy mower, they are electric so it’s a much greener option, and you won’t spend a great deal of time breathing in harmful fumes. Check out these reviews of electric weed eaters from the Backyard Boss if you are interested in making this wise investment in your lawn.

2 – Set Your Mower On High

Some think that by cutting your lawn with the mower on the lowest setting will save time because the shorter the grass the longer it will take to grow but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In actuality, cutting your grass too short will cause harm to your lawn. Not only will it injure the grass, weeds will be able to take root in your lawn.

When the blades of grass are longer, they will be healthier and will be able to conduct photosynthesis. If you aren’t sure how short or high you should cut your lawn try to limit it to only cutting off ⅓ from the top. This can be achieved if you set your mower on high.

3 – Sharpen Your Blades

This is very important if you want a healthy green lawn. When your mower has dull blades it doesn’t make a clean cut and your grass blades are left torn and ripped. If they are left this way a variety of problems can overwhelm your lawn leaving brown spots.

You should set a reminder and sharpen the blades on your push or ride mower every spring and, depending on how often you mow, sharpen them accordingly. The clean cut is the best way to maintain a green healthy lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood

4 – Test Your Soil

The pH level of your soil is important, which can be easily done for under $20 with a soil kit. If the soil is too acidic you need to raise the pH level. This can be done with pulverized lime, which can be added to the soil with a drop spreader.

If your soil tests more toward the alkaline side there are also ways to bring down the pH. One way is to add some organic peat moss. If the pH level has climbed off the chart your best bet is to use iron sulfate or Sulphur.

5 – Use a Fertilizer

It is important to check what time is best to fertilize your lawn for the area you live. There are different rules for different climates and areas so it is best to educate yourself before you start applying fertilizer. A local gardening store or nursery should be able to help you figure that out.

You should also look for a fertilizer that is best for grass growth but doesn’t promote the production of weeds. We’ve already used our electric weed eater to get rid of these pests. No need to invite them back to the party.

6 – Water Water Water

Of course, we realize there are certain parts of the world that deal with drought and a shortage of water so make sure to follow the local ordinances before deciding on a watering regimen. If water is a scarce commodity in your area then invest in a rain barrel, but you should check the rules in your area about those too. A rain barrel is a great way to get water for your garden and lawn and repurposing it.

The important thing here is grass needs water to be healthy. It is recommended that you water twice a day, and Gilmour lawn sprinklers make this an easy job to handle. In summer this is especially important because the heat and the sun can dry out your lawn. If you have the means you might want to invest in an irrigation system which can also help with water conservation.

7 – Don’t Be Lazy With Raking

We know raking leaves isn’t fun but it is necessary if you want to keep a healthy lawn all year round. When leaves and all those other things that fall off trees, bushes, and shrubs are left on the lawn they cover the grass from the sun, which is counterproductive to producing a perfect lawn. Rake it up and throw it in the compost. You can make this even easier by using a cordless leaf blower to help you banish the leaves away. This will be beneficial if you are a bit limited with your mobility and find it difficult to rake your leaves.

These tips should keep your lawn green, healthy, and looking fantastic.