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Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries & Potential Treatments

The shoulders are critical joints that enable complete movement of the arms and these complex joints are prone to damage.

Common causes of shoulder injuries include repetitive motions, such as those seen in sports like swimming and baseball, which can lead to overuse injuries. Traumatic incidents, such as falls or accidents, can also result in significant damage to the shoulder. Other factors, such as poor posture and muscle imbalances, contribute to the development of shoulder injuries. Understanding the common causes of shoulder injuries is essential for effective prevention and treatment strategies.

The shoulders are critical joints that enable complete movement of the arms and these complex joints are prone to damage. Whether playing sports, operating equipment or everyday activities, the shoulders take a lot of punishment and in this article, we take a look at common causes of shoulder injury and some of the popular treatments.

Shoulder injuries can be caused by the following:

  • Age – As we age, soft tissue lesions can occur, especially if your occupation demands a lot of your shoulders. If you notice pain and discomfort in your shoulders, book a consultation at a physio clinic that offers frozen shoulder treatment, and let the healthcare specialist diagnose the issue.
  • Work – Those who work their shoulders hard, such as carpenters, painters and roofers, might damage a shoulder, or suffer pain and discomfort; this is a time to consult with a local physiotherapist. A trained healthcare professional who understands the human body, offering natural non-invasive treatments.
  • Swimming – People who swim competitively can suffer lesions and a session with a physio puts them on the road to recovery. Deep tissue massage can really help and the physio would likely recommend staying away from the water, at least for a while, to give the tendons and ligaments time to recover. Click here for tips on maintaining wellness.
  • Combat sports – Whether MMA, boxing or Jui-Jitsu, the shoulders can easily be damaged; delivering heavy punches is all about timing and when a fighter gets it wrong, it is easy to dislocate a shoulder. Punches also land on the shoulders and over a 12-round fight, the damage could be significant and the athlete has to spend a few months recovering.
  • Throwing/hitting sports – Golf, cricket, tennis, badminton, volleyball and basketball are all sports that work the shoulders; warming up is essential prior to playing, otherwise the risk of injury is higher.
  • Slips and falls – When we are about to fall, we automatically put out our arms to cushion the fall and this can result in a fractured or broken shoulder. Our shoulders are designed to give us a wide range of movements, but if a force pushes the shoulder is a different way, this will cause injury.

Potential shoulder treatments

In some cases, all that is required is muscle strengthening; the physio teaches you a set of exercises for you to do on a daily basis and the physio would want to see you if the issue is not resolved. Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that restricts movement and a leading Bangkok-based physio clinic is the best place to go. They have state-of-the-art equipment to help diagnose physical conditions and with qualified physiotherapists with years of hands-on experience, your shoulder problem will soon be a thing of the past.

We all tend to take our health & well-being for granted and should you suffer from shoulder issues, book an initial consultation with an established physio.