Insomnia is a sleep disorder marked by an inability to fall asleep. It may cause patients to have trouble falling or staying asleep. It can be either acute or chronic, depending on the frequency and causes.

What are some symptoms of insomnia?

There are many sleep disorders that will affect your sleeping patterns. Even if you suspect that you have insomnia, you should visit a physician for an accurate diagnosis. The most common symptoms of insomnia are the inability to fall asleep, as well as a high frequency of disrupted nights.

People with insomnia will have trouble falling asleep after waking up and may often have very early mornings. If you regularly feel tired and groggy after sleeping, you could have insomnia. Frequent feelings of anxiety and depression, coupled with increased clumsiness and an overall lack of concentration could also be symptoms of the condition.

Can insomnia be treated?

Insomnia can be treated through the use of sleeping pills such as ambien. However, these are usually hit-or-miss and could cause some dependency in the long term. If you are interested in addressing your insomnia through the use of sleeping pills, you need to follow your doctor’s advice to the letter to stand a chance of addressing your insomnia. You do, however, need to find alternative retreatment options and phase yourself out from the use of these medications because they will become less effective over time. To do so, you could try natural remedies, like chamomile tea or CBN For Sleep.

You could also consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Even though you could have trouble finding a face-to-face therapy program, there are many CBT-I options available online that could help you address insomnia. CBT-I has a significantly higher chance of success than sleeping pills without any effects in future. CBT-I technicians will develop simulation control and sleep restriction measures to help improve sleep quality and hygiene. With this treatment option, you will train your brain to release sleep hormones at bed time, as well as address your external environment to facilitate better sleep. You may also be enlightened about your conditions, including on popular myths and misconceptions to help you understand how to handle it better. CBT-I will also focus on relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing to help you control your body and help you fall asleep easier.

Lifestyle changes that could help you combat insomnia

There are many remedies that could help you out, whether you are a chronic or acute insomniac. These lifestyle and habit changes are recommended even when you are engaging other treatment options. You can manage your body’s internal clock by keeping up with your cues. Eat and drink if you feel hungry or thirsty and sleep when you feel tired and sleepy. This will help you maintain energy levels during the day and maintain regular sleeping habits at night.

You could also plan for meals at least 2-3hours before your bedtime to allow your body break it down. This will help you manage your energy levels, and reduce disruptions during the night. Putting your light out well before going to bed could also increase your ability to fall and stay asleep. If you feel too active before bed, you could consider a light exercise routine to help relax you and prepare you for bed.

Watching what you eat is just as necessary as planning enough time after your meal to break it down. Your meal before bed should be light and devoid of alcoholic drinks or heavy calorie foods. You should eat fruits and very light nutritious snacks if you feel hungry before bed.You should also avoid any caffeine at least 7 hours before bed.

A new sleep environment could go a long way to improving your sleep. Most times, your mattress, sheets and pillows are responsible for your insomnia. It could explain why you are more likely to enjoy sleeping in a hotel than at home. You could consider investing in warm sheets, a comfortable pillow and a high quality mattress, which you can find at bear mattress. The heightened level of comfort will make it easier to fall asleep. You should avoid using any items with a screen display within this environment. A change can be as good as a fix, and a few nights out camping could help restore your sleep rhythm. If you can’t spend some time outdoors, you could bring the outdoors to you by using a few house plants.

Even if you are not considering refurbishing your sleep environment, doing away with any phones, computers and televisions from your sleep environment is a good idea. Your brain will create positive association with this screen-free environment and allow you to fall asleep quicker. You may also need to limit your use of these devices to avoid exposure to blue light, which will affect your ability to fall asleep.

Creating a journal to track your sleep habits will help you identify and correct potential shortfalls in sleep. You will be better able to address any problem and monitor changes to your sleeping patterns. It can help you determine the right unwind schedule for you which can go a long way to helping you fall asleep. You could also read a book, listen to music, read a book or practice relaxation techniques to help get you to sleep. You can try deep breathing, aroma therapy through the use of essential oils such as lavender and peppermint. Cutting out day time catnaps could also help you sleep better at night. Try out as many of these lifestyle changes to find some that work best for you when you are faced with insomnia and chronic sleeplessness.

Final word

You need between 6-8 hours every night to restore your body and remain healthy. For people with insomnia, this is regularly easier said than done. They will often spend their nights wide awake. Even when you do fall asleep, insomnia could have you constantly getting up in the middle of the night. It will affect your health in the long term and could raise your risk of other more serious medical conditions.

If you have had trouble sleeping in the past, you could be suffering from insomnia. You need to visit your doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis of your options. Insomnia can be treated through different therapy options. You may also consider implementing a daily healthy routine to support any treatment and enhance your sleep.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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