The endocrine glands produce potent chemicals known as hormones that travel through the bloodstream and tell your organs and tissues what to do. These hormones also help control critical bodily functions such as metabolism and reproduction. Having too little or too much of a hormone can lead to hormonal imbalance, leading to dilapidating effects on your body. Hormonal imbalance also has adverse impacts on your mental health, a fact that most people tend to overlook. Let’s dive in and tell you more about the effects of hormonal imbalance on your health and wellness.

Abdominal problems

Your gut lining is full of microscopic receptors that respond to hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. A slight hint of hormonal imbalance could cause a change in your digestion, leading to bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and cramps. This explains why you might experience a host of tummy problems right before and during your menstrual period.

Mood swings

Hormones like estrogen affect vital brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, responsible for shifts in your mood. Rapid hormonal changes could trigger mood swings or feelings of depression. However, hormones that travel the same path as neurotransmitters can significantly impact your mood.


While mild to moderate acne during your menstrual period is normal, persistent acne could be due to hormonal imbalance. When your body produces excess androgens, the oil glands in your body tend to overwork, causing your pores to clog. Androgens also affect the hair follicles on your skin, causing your skin to break out.

Sweating at night

Women approaching the age of menopause often complain that they wake up drenched in sweat. Night sweats might be due to low estrogen levels. However, research also reveals that sweating at night could be due to a side effect of the medication you are taking.

Mental fog

Though experts are unsure about the link between the impacts of hormones on your brain, hormonal imbalance might be the reason why you experience brain fog and have a hard time remembering where you left your keys. Recent studies suggest that fluctuations in estrogen levels affect the neurotransmitters that send messages between neurons or from the neurons to the muscles.

Vaginal dryness

It is common for some women to experience vaginal dryness from time to time. However, if you notice your lady parts are consistently dry or irritated, your estrogen levels might be low. A drop in estrogen production causes the vagina to become tighter and produce fewer fluids. You could conduct an online hormone test to confirm whether your vaginal dryness is due to a hormonal imbalance.

Difficulties sleeping

Imagine the frustration when you constantly wake up tired or cannot get some decent shut-eye. If the quality of your sleep is poor or you experience insomnia, hormonal imbalance is most likely the culprit. A drop in progesterone levels in your body might make it harder to fall asleep. Low estrogen levels also trigger hot flashes and night sweats that make sleeping uncomfortable.

Dry skin

Menopausal women often complain that they have patches of dry skin. During menopause, the shift in your hormones might cause your skin to thin and lose its ability to retain moisture. Experts also attribute dry skin to fluctuations in the thyroid hormone. It will help if you consult a dermatologist if you notice any additional symptoms.


One of the most common signs of hormone imbalance includes chronic fatigue. If your thyroid gland produces too little of the thyroid hormone, you are bound to experience low energy levels. Too much progesterone in your body can also make you feel lethargic. The best way to determine whether your fatigue is due to hormonal imbalance is to do a simple blood test.

Constant headaches

Many factors can bring on a throbbing headache. However, constant headaches might be due to low estrogen levels in women. You might experience these headaches right before or during your periods when estrogen is at its lowest.

Thinning hair or hair loss

A decline in testosterone or estrogen can significantly impact your mane. As you advance in age, you might notice that your hair is thinning or falling off in some areas. Women also experience hair loss during significant milestones such as pregnancy and menopause. Your birth control pills could also be why you are losing hair.

Wrapping up

Unfortunately, even a slight change in your hormones can cause a ripple effect throughout your body and reduce the quality of your life. Hormonal balance is key to your overall wellbeing. If you notice any signs of hormonal imbalance, it would be best to consult a qualified medical practitioner to diagnose you and prescribe appropriate medication to ease your symptoms.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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