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Neglectful Driving

How Neglectful Driving Can Ruin Lives

Did you know that Americans take up to 1.1 billion trips per day? That’s a whole lot of activity on our roads.

Did you know that Americans take up to 1.1 billion trips per day? That’s a whole lot of activity on our roads.

The challenge is that not all of these drivers tend to be safe or responsible drivers. Even if you drive cautiously, you cannot control the negligent acts of other drivers.

When disaster strikes, it is important to consult a car accident lawyer. This legal professional is vital to winning compensation that meets all the losses and damages you have sustained because of the accident.

With the high rate of car accidents, you might think it isn’t safe to drive. While this might make driving look dangerous, some crashes can be prevented.

One of the most common causes of accidents on the road is negligent driving.

Negligent driving endangers your safety and that of other road users. It can ruin a life. It damages vehicles and results in severe injuries. These injuries often lead to huge medical bills for things like CT scans, X-rays, surgery, medications, MRIs, and more.

The Ways A Driver Can Be Neglectful Behind The Wheel

Neglectful driving is careless conduct that ends up putting someone in harm’s way or causing harm to a person. Here are the ways a driver can be careless behind the wheel:

  • Talking Or Texting: Operating your phone while driving is considered negligence because it takes your eyes and attention away from the road, which can lead to a serious accident.
  • Eating: Eating while driving can take your eyes off the road.
  • Running Stop Signs And Red Lights: Not paying attention to traffic signs and signals can cause crashes with pedestrians, other cars, and other road users.
  • Driving While Tired: Driving while fatigued can result in poor alertness or cause the driver to fall asleep right on the steering wheel, leading to a crash.
  • Driving While Engaged In A Conversation: Driving is an act that requires immense attention. Being engaged in a heated conversation with an occupant tends to distract the driver. The consequences of this are usually devastating.

How Neglectful Driving Can Ruin Lives

There are numerous ways neglectful driving can ruin your life. Below are a few.

Medical Bills

Medical Bills

Negligent driving usually results in expensive medical bills. If you are a victim of negligent driving, you may need serious medical treatment. These treatments include rehabilitation, ongoing care, surgeries, and hospitalization. These medical bills pile up within a short time, thereby causing you financial stress.

Loss Of License

Engaging in negligent driving behavior on numerous occasions can result in your license being suspended. In most cases, your license may be revoked permanently for negligent driving.

Disability And Scarring

Severe distracted driving accidents can lead to the victim sustaining an injury that physically disables them. A physical disability completely changes the life of the victim. They will not be able to participate in activities that they once used. This can be emotionally hurting as well.

Scarring is another serious consequence of a distracted driving accident. Regardless of whether the scar is due to the accident or the treated injury, it may alter the victim’s physical appearance. This can lead to self-esteem and self-confidence issues.

Legal Consequences

If you are a negligent driver, you can face legal penalties for your actions. You will be held liable for the damages and injuries you’ve caused, which can result in potential civil claims and legal lawsuits.

The penalties you’ll face include paying a considerable sum to compensate the crash victim and, in some cases, criminal charges.

Emotional Distress

A car accident caused by neglectful driving often leads to emotional turmoil. Victims may suffer from severe emotional stress, including PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), depression, and anxiety. The emotional stress and scars you’ll sustain are as enduring as your physical injuries.


Negligent driving can ruin your life, that of the passengers, pedestrians, and other vehicle drivers. As a driver, you must understand the importance of being attentive and responsible when behind the wheel. Negligent driving has various consequences, including permanent injuries, financial hardships, legal implications, and more.