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How Often You Should Clean Your Home

Many people struggle with keeping their home clean because of how often things get messy.

Many people struggle with keeping their home clean because of how often things get messy. On top of this, people don’t quite know how often each room in their home should be cleaned and when to clean certain appliances. To help you with this, we have put together some tips on how often you should clean your home. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more about this.

Your Fridge

Our first tip is for those who don’t know how often their fridge should be cleaned. The good news is that you don’t actually have to do it that often. It is recommended that you should clean out your fridge around once a month. This is because of all of the bacteria that can grow due to salad drawers and out of date food.

Your Carpet

When it comes to your carpet, it is important that you make sure to vacuum it every few days. If you don’t have a good vacuum, then you should check out the best vacuum cleaner list created by best-vacuums.co.uk as they conducted a vacuum cleaner test to bring up the best options available. A good vacuum will make your life a lot easier and you won’t have to worry about a build-up on the carpet. On top of this, you should try to steam your carpet every six to twelve months.

Your Microwave

It is so easy for microwaves to get very dirty as things get spilt and splash everywhere. If you want to keep on top of cleaning your microwave, you should try to clean it every week. It is also a good idea to try to give your microwave a deep clean twice a month if you want to be able to get rid of all of the bacteria.

Your Bathtub

When was the last time that you cleaned your bathtub? Research has shown that your bathtub has so much bacteria in it that it can actually be compared to a trash can. You should be making sure that you clean your bathtub as often as you clean your toilet because the bacteria that is in there is pretty serious.

Your Computer

Our final tip for those who want to know how often they should clean their home is to focus on your computer. It is very easy to make your computer dirty and your keyboards will be filled with a lot of dirt and bacteria. To prevent this from building up, you should try to clean your computer once a week with some disinfectant. Don’t forget to go between each key on the keyboard and pay attention to the mouse.

Final Verdict

If you want to make sure that your home is thoroughly cleaned, you should try to clean everything often. Don’t leave things months before you get around to them or the bacteria will build up a lot. Make sure to take on board our advice and you should have a clean home.