When planning a trip, it’s easy to envision all of the enjoyable experiences you’ll have, such as seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris followed by a tasty meal, experiencing stunning scenery in the Alps, or visiting historic monuments in Italy. Many of us highly anticipate our holiday destination in the weeks leading to our trip, and as a result, we may overlook some challenges that we may face when abroad, such as language barriers. So, if you want to know how to overcome language barriers so that you can truly enjoy your vacation abroad, here’s what you should do.

Use Your Body Language

Body language is the one universal language that transcends all borders, continents, and cultural differences. Playing little charades with strangers may help you communicate better in Body language is the one universal language that transcends all borders, continents, and cultural differences. Playing little charades with strangers may help you communicate better in practically any country. Pointing can be used to order food, ask for help in a subway station, or even to acquire directions. When you’re out shopping, your body language might assist you in determining the pricing of the products you’re interested in. Hand gestures can even be used as a bargaining tool. Certain hand gestures, on the other hand, are deemed rude in other countries. So, to avoid offending others, you need to do a little research.


If you’re traveling on a business or an educational trip, not knowing the language can make your trip a little onerous. You do not need to learn the language before traveling; instead, you can hire a translator or a translation service to assist you with your work. According to het vertaalbureau, if you’re on a business trip, you should have all of your documents translated by a professional translator to avoid any mistakes. Some languages have multiple meanings for a single word, which is why it’s critical to hire an expert to interpret the documents correctly.

Pen and Paper

Certain scenarios can get a little more intricate, and even then, body language alone will not suffice. Whether you’re looking for the best pizza place in town or the location of the nearest drugstore, relying solely on body language may be ineffective. Keeping a pen and paper in your bag at all times may be handy in these situations. You quickly start scribbling words so you can show them to a nearby stranger who can help you, whether it’s with directions or other useful information. You might ask the person you consulted to draw a map of the location you want to visit. Pens and paper are incredibly useful communication tools, so keep some on hand just in case. The alternative is, of course, using your smartphone and the web to explain something or learn a word that you need.

Communicating with others abroad can be challenging when there is a language barrier, but if you are well prepared, you should have no trouble. Make a note of your plans for when you get to your location, such as naming the nearest bus and metro station and memorising a few simple words such as “Hello”, “Please”, “Goodbye”, “where is”, “I’m lost”, and “help” to ensure that you will be understood if you want assistance. And, if you want to converse even better with the locals, download a translation app for both languages on your smartphone, which will help you understand them and them, and you’ll be capable of holding a full conversation without much concern.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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