Whether you’re trying to grow a goatee or a Van Dyke, it can take time to grow and shape your beard. Along with much patience, we have the following tips to help you grow your bead a bit faster.

How Long Will It Take To Grow Your Beard?

Before we proceed with the different tips to grow your beard quicker, it’s essential to understand that the beard growth rate is not the same for every man. It may depend on your genetics and your testosterone levels. Also, facial hair growth is not the same as the growth rate of your scalp hair; facial hair grows faster than scalp hair.

Some men will not be able to grow a beard or a full beard, while some find it hard to shape and maintain their fast-growing facial hair. The reason for this is hormones, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Testosterone defines how thick your beard is, and DHT will determine beard hair density.

If you can’t grow facial hair or can’t grow a thicker beard, you likely have low testosterone or DHT levels. If your beard is patchy for many years now, then your body may not be sensitive to these hormones. So you can try using beard oil for men to make them perfect for you.

Tip#1 – Take Good Care Of Your Body

A healthy body is key to good looks. You’re likely to grow longer and thicker facial hair if you take care of your body. You can start by eating right, staying away from stress, and getting enough sleep and rest.

Also, develop an excellent facial skincare routine that includes facial hair care. It can be as simple as this:

  1. Wash your face just before you retire at night. Never sleep with a dirty or oily face.
  2. Use warm water and mild facial scrub.
  3. Use your fingertips to scrub your face and to knead through your chin, cheeks, and neck.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. Never rub your face harshly.

Tip #2 – Eat Nutritious, Beard Growing Foods

Another essential part of good hair growth is eating the right kind of nutritious foods. You don’t have to spend too much to eat healthily. Here are some examples of good, healthy, and affordable foods for hair growth:

  • Eggs – this food is rich in protein and biotin that’s needed for strong hair.
  • Spinach – this food is high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein, and iron, nutrients needed to grow healthy facial hair.
  • Sweet potatoes – this is rich in beta-carotene for improved cell growth.
  • Liver – this is a good source of animal protein, iron as well as biotin.
  • Oysters – this food contains zinc, a mineral for building hair, and protein.

Tip #3 – Use Beard Vitamins And Minerals

We recommend Beard Growth Vitamins that can help you grow your beard thicker and faster. And while you can find these naturally in food, you may also use supplements or beard vitamin products like beard oil. This type of oil contains pure or unrefined natural oils like jojoba oil, argan oil, and coconut oil to boost facial hair growth. These oils contain abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals and are easily absorbed by the skin. High quality beard oils are usually applied on the face once or twice a day with visible results in a matter of weeks.

Tip #4 – Avoid Tobacco

Smoking has many adverse effects on the body, and one of these is having unhealthy skin and hair. Natural compounds in tobacco can affect the natural way blood carries oxygen to the different parts of the body, including the skin. Thus, quitting smoking will not just make you healthier. Still, it will make it easier to grow a beard in no time.

Tip #5 – Use Beard Moisturizers And Conditioners

Just like your skin, you also need to moisturize your hair and facial hair. Well-moisturized hair is healthy hair, and you can do this by using beard moisturizer and conditioner products. Products like beard creams and beard oils can help you moisturize your beard deeply. Here’s how to properly use these products:

  1. Start with a clean face. Remove all dirt, oils, and other products.
  2. Rinse your face with warm water.
  3. Remove excess water by patting your face lightly with a soft towel.
  4. Place a pea-sized amount of the product on your fingertips and apply it to your beard.
  5. Apply using small circular massage strokes until the product has been completely absorbed.

Tip #6 – Use A Skin & Beard Exfoliator Products

Dead skin cells can prevent the growth of healthy facial hair. What you can do is to use a good facial scrub to exfoliate the skin. Use mild soap and warm water. Use a sponge or a loofah scrubber, use it together with mild soap and warm water. Apply beard oil or cream right after you exfoliate.

Tip #7 – Get Lots Of Sleep & Rest

Skin and hair can be affected by poor sleeping habits and lack of rest. Take note that it’s through rest and sleep when your body recuperates and restores itself; therefore, a good rest and enough sleep are vital to faster and healthier hair growth.

Tip #8 – Avoid Stress

Stress and anxiety can reduce immune system response and can affect the way your body recuperates. You should avoid stress and adopt a healthy mental attitude. You can use techniques such as meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques to help you prevent stress.

Tip #9 – Use Quality Beard Maintenance Tools

Use quality beard combs and brushes. If you must use a razor or trimming tools, invest in quality ones. You can check out reviews or ask for recommendations from experts regarding the best beard maintenance tools. Also, keep your tools sharp and in the best condition always.

Tip #10 – Leave Your Beard Alone

Just like scalp hair, avoid picking or playing with your hair. Don’t pull or put things that will damage your hair. Avoid products that are not FDA approved as these can be dangerous not just to your hair but also to your health. In short, leave your hair alone at least after a good wash and applying beard products.

Above all, be patient. You will soon be rewarded with thick, long, and strong facial hair when you follow these simple and easy techniques.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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