We all go through some rough patches here and there, and we’re all bound to experience some kind of hardship, be it in our personal or professional lives. However, while some people are able to bounce back and stay on the right track, for some, the dysfunctional circumstances sometimes become so unbearable that the only way to deal with them is to turn to things that may be potentially harmful and threaten both their personal life and their career. While some dysfunctional behaviours last for a while and then the person is able to overcome them, some stick with them for months or even years, putting everything they’ve worked for in jeopardy. In order to put a stop to negative behavioural patterns and stay on track in your career, here is what you can do.

Think about the reasons for dysfunctional behaviours

Daily stresses we face at work are oftentimes the reason why some people decide to turn to things that will seemingly take away the stress and anger they’re dealing with. Challenges at work that involve tasks and assignments that are too demanding and too difficult to deal with when there are so many other things bothering you may result in unbearable stress that you simply need to get away from and release those negative feelings you’re keeping bottled up. Other than work, there are other life stressors that could be preventing you from doing your best, such as recent divorce, death in the family, or suffering from a serious illness.

Think about the consequences they may lead to

However difficult the situation may be, you ought to find a way to deal with those negative feelings in a way that isn’t self-destructive. As much as comforting they may feel, indulging in dysfunctional behaviours such as alcohol use and drug abuse will only provide momentary feelings of pleasure and comfort, but they won’t be doing anything good for you, your body, or your mental health in the long run. Although many individuals suffering from anxiety or depression look at them as a way of escaping from the stresses that day-to-day life brings, indulging in such behaviours will only further exacerbate the problem, with their life spiraling downwards.

Think of the different ways you can get back on track

While the first step is recognizing you need help, the next step is to go and seek it. Start by taking some time off of work to distance yourself from the place that may be causing you stress. Use that time to reflect on the past situations and decide whether you should continue working there or if it’s maybe time you switched jobs. Getting proper rest and writing a journal of thoughts will be of immense help in regaining control over your life. Lastly, you’ll need to ask for professional help. Are you an attorney in need of a career change, you can associate with Juliehan for career, transition and executive coach to get back on track. Are you an attorney in need of a career change, you can associate with Juliehan for career, transition and executive coach to get back on track. Look for a treatment center that offers a medical detox program to help you with the uncomfortable process and manage your withdrawal symptoms efficiently.

Think about what you’ll get once you get better

Finding proper motivation is the thing that will help you stay on your path to recovery and help you kick the habit more effectively. Think about all the things you will be getting and all the goals you’ll be able to achieve once you get better will provide the much-needed motivation and will help you remain patient and positive while on your way of recuperation. And as much as it helps to have your long-term goals in mind, it’s important to understand that small steps are the ones that will get you there, and celebrating even the smallest of successes will serve as an incentive that will help you stick with your decision.

Understand that it will take some time

Before you make this potentially life-changing step, you need to be aware of one thing – it will take time. No big successes have happened overnight, and in order to get better, you ought to understand that a deeply rooted behavior will take some time to completely disappear. Healing is a gradual process, and every day is a step towards the desired goal, so be sure not to push yourself or let anyone else force you into something you’re not ready for. Only you know what is right for you, and making a conscious decision to get better is something only you are in charge of.

Even though it may not be comfortable, overcoming dysfunctional behaviors is something that is achievable if you really want it and you have a clear vision of what you want your life to be like. Following the tips above will help you take control over your actions and reintroduce balance and harmony into your day-to-day life, which will set you up for success both on the professional and personal aspect of your life.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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