Moving from the UK to Canada can be very difficult if you don’t know how and what to prepare for your future new environment. Although the two countries seem very similar to each other, there are still a lot of differences that you should be aware of. This involves small things like a change in scenery, weather, and people, up to major matters like legal policies, insurance, economy, and likes.

That being said, how do you prepare from moving from the UK, a small but more expensive country, to Canada, a significantly larger but cheaper country? Do you need new clothes, a bigger budget, or a big adjustment? This is what we’re going to talk about in this article.

1. Adjust to Canadian English

If you’re a UK local or you just stayed in the country long enough to adapt to British English, then the first thing that you should start working on when moving to Canada is your knowledge of Canadian English.

Now, Canadian English is not that different. It’s just a little more specific. It’s a combination of American and British English, but the former is used for speaking. The latter, on the other hand, is used for writing. It will take a little time to get used to but expect that it will come off a bit easier since you have already mastered British English.

You don’t really need to take a course for this. Just practice your speaking and writing, and you’ll get used to it in no time.

2. Find Accommodation and Employment

Another thing that you should prepare for is accommodation and employment. If you applied for a study visa, then you should also tie up all the knots regarding your education and chosen university. All these should be completed way before your flight to Canada. It will be more convenient this way. You will also find it easier to settle in once you land and rest for a while before fully getting back up on your feet.

You will be glad to know that housing and accommodation is cheaper in Canada than in the UK. Both schools and workplaces are also diverse and welcoming to immigrants so that you will have little to no issues in applications.

3. Prepare a Good Amount of Winter Clothes

If you get easily chilled in the UK, then you may find it even harder to be susceptible to Canada’s temperature. Because of this, you should definitely pack a lot of winter clothes in your luggage. This is more practical than buying new ones once you get there since that will only mean higher unnecessary expenses.

Of course, the overall temperature and climate will still depend on where exactly in Canada you are moving to. Make sure to do proper research on your future city to know if winter clothes are really necessary.

4. Complete Necessary Travel Documents

Different immigration purposes require different travel documents and requirements. You need to prepare all these before you can successfully migrate to Canada. A reliable immigration lawyer can summarize what you need to process in order to cover all your needs before and during your stay in the said country.

For an overview, some of the most common requirements that you will encounter include ID, a visa, passport, NEXUS, Canadian dollars, and more. You may need more or less depending on how long you plan on staying in Canada and what your purpose of migrating is.

5. Have Canadian Dollars

The immigration office will require you to have about CAD 15,500 on hand before you can be permitted to migrate to Canada. This is equivalent to around £9,000, depending on the current exchange rate.

Keep in mind that the financial requirement will increase as you travel with more dependents like a spouse or children. It’s necessary since this will serve as proof that you can shoulder your living expenses once you land in the country.


To summarize, you need to focus on factors like the possible language barrier, your future accommodation, employment and education needs, and attire.

On the more important side, you should also prepare all the necessary travel documents. The specific ones will depend on your initial purpose of visit. Having their local currency at hand is also required by the immigration office.

Since the whole process of arranging this can be overwhelming and complex, it’s best if you consult an immigration lawyer before doing anything to ensure a smooth flow of the process. It will also help you cover each legal matter tied to moving to Canada.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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