Whenever you hit the ski slope there is always a risk of injury, but there are a few things you can do to limit the risk. While you may not think there are many risks on the ski slope you need to prepare yourself in case you or someone you’re with is injured. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to prevent injuries on the ski slope:
Don’t Ski if you’re Tired, Drunk or Ill
A lot of people happily hit the ski slopes if they’re tired, but this should not be encouraged. Skiing is hard work and it can wear you out. If you’re tired stay away from the slopes until you have rested.
Please don’t make the mistake of skiing when you’ve been drinking. You may feel confident on the slopes but your reactions will be impaired. This means you will react slower than you ordinarily would. When your reactions are slower there’s always the potential for injury.
If you’re feeling ill you should stay away from the slopes. Many people feel ill when they reach the mountains as they have yet to acclimatise properly. If you were to hit the slopes you could find that you’re unable to ski properly and you may not be fully aware of any potential hazards. Give your body the time it needs to become acclimatised and make sure you drink plenty of water.
Stretch After Skiing
While many people will advise you to stretch before you ski, you could injure yourself. If you cause yourself an injury you may have to ski another day, and that’s nothing short of frustrating. Wait until all of your muscles have warmed up before you stretch. Stretch your back, the front of your thighs and your glutes. Make sure you also stretch any other muscles that feel tight.
Stay Well Within your Comfort Zone
Let’s imagine you’ve booked your Voyage Prive chamonix and you’ve arrived only to find there are a lot more slopes than you realised. While this is always a good thing you should make sure you stay well within your comfort zone. In other words, don’t step on a slope that may only be suitable for those who have a lot more experience than you. Some slopes have hidden dips and turns and if you’re not used to skiing or you’re not very experienced you could injure yourself.
I know that you may want to head out onto the slope as soon as you can but you could end up in hospital, this is the reality. Stick to a slope that you’re comfortable with and only tackle the harder ones when you’re good and ready.
If you would like to prevent injuries on the ski slope you must avoid skiing if you’re tired, drunk or ill. Make sure you stretch after you’ve been skiing, and always stay in your comfort zone. Using your common sense can make sure you sustain very few or no injuries and you enjoy your skiing holiday.