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Is Drinking Filtered Tap Water Safe for Children? Explained 

Parents have one overriding concern: their children’s safety and well-being. We live in a dangerous world, and parents seem to have new cause for concern over something with each passing day. Water is one area where you don’t need to stress, provided you take the proper precautions, and ensure that your children are drinking the best water possible. Today we’ll go over a few myths and misconceptions regarding water, and how you can help your children get the best water under the sun.

Can filtered water improve my child’s health?

Water is an enigmatic substance. It is the source of all life on this planet, but it is also the most powerful solvent in the world, capable of dissolving nearly any substance, given enough time. What this means is that water is usually full of other things, some good, many bad. Drinking filtered water can improve anyone’s health, adult or child, if they have been drinking from a polluted source prior to making the switch. 

Drinking purified water is not a miracle-cure, or a fix-all; it is more like a basic first step towards solid health. Water is involved in every step of our body’s physical processes, such as cell growth, repair, and apoptosis. When the water we drink is contaminated, the pollutants in the water can interfere with these processes, sometimes to devastating results.

This sort of interference is particularly dangerous in the case of children, because their bodies and brains are constantly growing, and that growth process relies on having good materials to work with in building up healthy organs and processes. Lead and other heavy metals are particularly damaging, and can result in cognitive, physical, and behavioral problems. Drinking good, clean water is thus more than a source for “improving” the health of their child–it is the basic bedrock of health for all children, just as it is for all humans, animals, and plants.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

People hold many preconceived notions about water, some true (or at least plausible), others not so much. One common myth is that tap water is always safe to drink in the United States. Ask the people of Flint Michigan about that misconception, and you will be set straight swiftly. The US does a good job, on the whole, of cleaning up water and making it basically safe to drink. But water is a tricky substance, and mistakes in the line happen from time to time. Old pipes (many of which are still made of lead) can burst, contaminants can find their way in, treatment centers can grow old and less functional, and so forth. Even if the water in this country is usually good, do you really want to take that risk?

People might also think that they don’t need a water filter because they haven’t noticed any problems with their water, or because they buy bottled water. Just because you haven’t noticed any ill effects, doesn’t mean that there aren’t contaminants in your water doing subtle harm. Remember that kids are more susceptible to even slight dangers in water than adults are. As for bottled water, recent research shows that bottled water contains microplastics leaching off from the inside of the bottle–up to 100 parts per liter, making it a less desirable option than we used to believe.

What is the safest type of water filter for kids?

Any responsibly-made, properly functioning water filtration system on the market should be perfectly safe for kids to drink from. Potable water filters work in different ways, but they all have the same goal: to make water safe for everyone to drink and bathe with. So, any respectable filter should be safe for your children, provided that it is targeting the contaminants that are in your water. The best water filter for you to install–for your sake, as well as that of your kids–is the one that addresses your specific water issues. Check out the entire collection of AllFilters water filters for a good idea of the range of options available, and choose the kind that addresses your needs.

How do I know if my water filter is working properly?

If you have a system professionally installed, talk to your plumber or water dealer about signs to look for to ensure that your filter is working properly. Usually there are telltale signs if there are any problems, though these will differ system type to type, and even from brand to brand. If you are concerned about what may still be in your water even after filtration, you can take two samples of your water, one pre, and one post-filtration, and have them lab-tested, to see how effective your new system is.

Can babies drink filtered tap water?

For questions regarding your baby’s health and what they consume, you are best served by asking your pediatrician. However, in general, very small babies shouldn’t be drinking straight water at all; they should only drink their mother’s milk or safely-prepared formula made with clean, potable water. If you already have good tap water, adding a home filtration system is extra safety and peace of mind that you are giving your baby good quality water for their formula. Be sure to check your local water conditions, and speak to your pediatrician before using water at home for your baby, however.

What are the signs of a malfunctioning water filter?

A leaking filter is the most obvious sign that something has gone wrong; other problems might include a slow or decreased flow rate, no flow at all, or sputtering or hissing in your faucet. In very rare cases, filter cartridges may come apart, spilling filtration media into the water line. Usually, however, your filtration system will work fine, and only need occasional attention, namely when it is time to replace the filters. Filter systems usually require yearly cartridge replacement at the least–some filters may require changing every 6 or even every 3 months, depending on the filter type, and your local water conditions.

In general, for any unusual activity from your filter, or if you experience a sudden and inexplicable change in the water quality from your filtration system, speak to a local plumber or water expert to determine what might be causing the problem.

How does lead affect children’s health?

Lead is one of the single most devastating substances that any human being can come into contact with–and this is especially true for children. Lead interferes with nearly every stage of healthy cell growth and development, and exposure to even a tiny amount is enough to do lasting damage. The effects of lead poisoning are irreversible, so the only acceptable solution is to keep it entirely away from children. Lead used to be found in gasoline, paints, pipes, and any number of household products. There are still millions of lead pipes in use in the United States, though these have been treated with anti-corrosive chemicals or liners to keep them from leaching into the water. These safety measures sometimes fail, however, so having extra protection against lead in your home is always a good idea.

Is boiling water as safe as filtering it?

Boiling water will only help to kill microorganisms–it will not remove lead or other heavy metals, minerals, VOCs, PFAs, microplastics, or any other physical particulate or chemical contaminant in the water. Boiling water is a last resort measure to kill bacteria and viruses–it is not a replacement for water filtration.

What certifications should I look for in a water filter?

The most important certifications to be on the lookout for are given by NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) and IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials). NSF has various distinct certifications, such as NSF 61, which certifies a product as lead-free. Other good ones to look for are NSF 42, which is given to products able to filter chlorine and treat water for taste and odor, and NSF 53, which covers certain health effects.

Can filtering water remove viruses?

Some filters are able to remove viruses, though most normal home filtration systems should not be relied on to do this. Usually, for effective virus control, disinfection is the recommended route, either chemically through chlorine or chloramines, or with a UV light filter.

The Bottom Line 

Human beings need clean, pure water. This is especially true of children, whose bodies are changing and growing so rapidly. Water is a vital part of their healthy development, and since pure water isn’t to be found in nature, we have to help it along a bit. Add a home filtration system to ensure that your kids have good, healthful water on tap.