A smile is worth a thousand words – it’s a phrase we hear all too often and in an age where we can seem to be constantly under the pressures of social media, having a picture-perfect smile can seem crucial. From the very basics of our oral health to taking care of our whole mouths, not just our teeth and gums, we’ve put together a simple guide full of our top tips for getting that photo-ready smile.

Listen To Your Dentist

Your Dentist in Rancho Santa Margarita didn’t go through at least 8 years of study to not know what they are talking about. If they express concern about the state of your teeth, it’s important to listen to their advice and follow it as best you can. Regular visits to your dentist, whether it’s a local clinic down the road or the best dentist in London, will ensure that any potential problems are caught before they can become irreversible or painful. They can give you advice on cleaning your teeth, the products to use and additions to your routine that can all have an effect on how strong and healthy your teeth are.

Clean Your Tongue

Our tongues carry a surprising amount of bacteria – around as much as on our teeth! When we brush our teeth, the bacteria is dislodged from the teeth and can be destroyed but when it’s still there on your tongue, it makes brushing practically redundant. In order to make sure that everything is as clean as can be, swap out your current toothbrush for one that has a tongue-cleaner situated conveniently on the back. This way, you can clean your tongue without any special effort, making it an easy addition to your routine.

Avoid Certain Drinks

Coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks can all cause damage to your teeth, whether through the high sugar content, the fact they dry out your mouth or because they can stain. Drinking an excess of carbonated or sugar-filled drinks can speed up the decay of your teeth, especially if you aren’t brushing correctly, so it’s important to ensure you restrict your intake of these drinks and step up your brushing game otherwise.

Brush For Two Minutes Twice A Day

Speaking of stepping up your brushing game, are you brushing for two minutes, twice a day? If you aren’t, now is definitely the time to start. As tedious as it might be to stand at the sink and brush around for two whole minutes when all you want to do is head to bed, you’ll thank yourself later when you keep on top of your routine. If you’re prone to forgetting or skipping the brushing, for this reason, consider brushing your teeth a little earlier in the evening instead!

Don’t Forget Your Lips!

So, you’ve got a teeth, gum and tongue routine that’ll keep your oral health in check – but what about your lips? When it comes to our smiles, our lips play a vital part, so giving them the treatment they deserve is important. Invest in a good lip scrub to help exfoliate and soften your lips, before finishing up with a lip balm to help soothe them and return moisture.

Getting a stunning, healthy smile is surprisingly simple. By taking care of your oral health and spending a bit of time pampering your lips to enhance their health, you can get that picture-perfect look in no time.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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