Social media has kickstarted all kinds of trends, but some fads aren’t simple, harmless fun. One of the latest crazes capturing attention online is eye-tattooing to change one’s eye colour. The cosmetic procedure — keratopigmentation — emerged to address imperfections and scars on the cornea due to injury, infection, or diseases. However, many have been undergoing eye colour change surgery for purely aesthetic purposes and have documented the process on social media. Influencers have shared their experiences with their followers and have even said it has helped boost their confidence and self-esteem. Some may find a new eye colour appealing, but professionals have highlighted its dangers and the long-lasting impacts the procedure can have on your vision and eyes. Fortunately, there are safer ways to give yourself a new eye look, like coloured contact lenses.
Here’s a look into the risks of eye colour change surgery and why contacts are the better option:
The dangers of keratopigmentation
During the eye-tattooing procedure to change the eye colour, a surgeon uses a laser or needle to make a cut in the patient’s cornea—the transparent front of the eye. Dyes are then injected into this pocket to cover up the natural hue of the iris. After undergoing keratopigmentation, patients may experience adverse impacts. Some common issues include pain, dry and red eyes, and tingling. These problems are typically temporary. However, there’s also a high risk of even more dangerous effects, such as the pigments leaking out into the rest of the eye, infections, cornea damage, and more, which can lead to vision loss. A person with healthy eyes may end up living with long-term vision complications due to the procedure. Eye care professionals and institutions, including the American Association of Ophthalmology, have urged people to understand the risks of eye-tattooing and implants to change eye colour and warn against undergoing the procedures for cosmetic purposes.
Why coloured contact lenses are a better choice
For those who want to change their look, coloured contact lenses are the ideal solution. They can enhance or change the natural eye colour without requiring risky, invasive procedures. Modern coloured contacts have also become more comfortable and safe for consumers, and being able to buy coloured contact lenses online makes for a more convenient and affordable experience. You can explore options like the Air Optix Colors, which uses 3-in-1 colour technology that mixes three individual rings of colour for a vibrant yet natural look. Thanks to the breathable lenses, you can wear them for 30 consecutive days without discomfort. The FreshLook One Day contact lenses offer the convenience and hygiene of daily contacts with eye-colour-enhancing effects. The high water content prevents dryness and keeps eyes healthy. You can change your eye colour to blue, green, hazel, grey, and more without damaging your eyes permanently.
Safety tips for coloured contact lenses
While coloured contacts are significantly less dangerous than eye colour change procedures, they still require proper care and safety measures to avoid eye damage. You should always buy coloured contact lenses from reputable sources; avoid costume shops and drug stores and go for licensed outlets like reputable online retailers or an eye doctor’s office. Getting an updated prescription and fitting from a professional would also be best. Cleaning and disinfecting your coloured contacts are also necessary to prevent discomfort and infections. Clean reusable contacts and your case with a contact lens solution for the best experience, or opt for daily contacts that can be thrown away after a single use. Eye drops can improve comfort while wearing or after taking them off. The Hydration Boost Contact Lens Drops from Biotrue can be used while wearing your coloured contacts to keep the eyes lubricated and prevent protein build-up. If you’re diligent about coloured contact lens care, you can safely enjoy your new look and the confidence it brings.
Ultimately, caring for your eyes as they are can ensure they are beautiful and healthy for life. Paying attention to the skin around your eyes will also help: treat this area gently, moisturise it regularly, and shield it from the sun so it can keep your eyes (and the rest of your face) looking young and fresh.