While you should definitely be enjoying this blissful yet unexpected heatwave and ‘summering safely,’ we’re all about summering sustainably too. Here are a few of our top eco-friendly shopping picks so you can maximise your summer style and minimise your carbon footprint.

- Orange Ruth Swimsuit by Oceanus available at www.oceanusswimwear.com
- Abbi Flatform Raffia Sandals by Brother Vielles available at www.brothervellies.com
- Day at the Spa – Bliss Candle with Two Sodalite Crystals by The Spa Girl Life available at www.thespagirllife.com
- 59-5 Organic Slip Dress by Bite Studios available at www.bitestudios.com
- Green Printed Dress by Lindex available at www.lindex.com
- Wanderlust Purse by Willique available at www.willique.com
- 48-5 Organic Cotton Tank Top by Bite Studios available at www.bitestudios.com
- Colonia Futura Hair & Shower Gel by Acqua Di Parma available exclusively at www.johnlewis.com
- Veto Petal Bracelet in Yellow and Purple by Lark and Berry available at www.larkandberry.com
- Straw Visor by Lindex available at www.lindex.com
- Pink The Glove Mule Reknit by Everlane available at www.everlane.com
- Pink EcoSwimure Swimsuit by Emile Vidal Carr available at www.emilevidalcarr.com