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Tips From #TeamCoco on How To Feel Better After You’ve Had A Crappy Day

Here at House of Coco we’re a happy bunch, we inspire each other daily to live our best lives and we don’t do negativity.

Here at House of Coco we’re a happy bunch, we inspire each other daily to live our best lives and we don’t do negativity. However, we are only human and some days can be a little bit… sh*t! Whether it’s as simple as the traffic lights not changing in your favour, your local takeaway that you have been craving all day has closed for the night or something a little deeper like not getting the job you thought you had crushed in the interview. We’ve got some #TeamCoco tips on how to end the day feeling a little bit more zen…

Laura Bartlett – ‘I like to put my phone on airplane mode, light all of the candles in my apartment and read my book in the bath. It’s my personal ritual that always makes me feel better!’

Aisha Bennett – ‘It has to be yin yoga for me! It’s super similar to meditation but with really slow movements that you hold for 3-6 mins.’

Rosie Mau – ‘I like to sit on the beach or anywhere with a great view, with a lovely cuppa to hand! I am lucky enough to live in Brighton so I have the beach literally on my doorstep’

Kieran Harris – ‘Personally I like to beat the stress with a punch bag and go for a good run! The endorphins always make me feel better!’

Emma Harrison – ‘Read some House of Coco content of course! Like Rosie, I live right by the beach and a walk down there can really help. Plus a glass of wine, some cheese and a cute cat video can also put that smile back on my face!’

Sophie Cockett – ‘I head straight to the kitchen, whack on a podcast to listen to whilst I’m cooking (I love Love Stories by Dolly Alderton or Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon) and cook up a biiiiig wholesome dinner with a sweet treat for dessert, obviously!’

Hannah Tan-Gillies – ‘I take my fur-baby to the dog park. No matter how stressed, anxious, or crappy I feel – seeing his little face light up makes it all better. I often think that things as little as catching a ball or rolling around in grass is enough to make dogs happy, and so we shouldn’t be sweating the small stuff either.’

Gillian Maher – ‘Booze!’

Sally Seaton – ‘I like to take time out, listen to my favourite music and look through old photos to remember fabulous memories and remind myself to look on the bright side of life.’

Anna Willatt – ‘A large gin and an epic Margate sunset to put the day to rest.’

Rachel McAlley – ‘I like to get a huge chocolate bar, take a bath with loads of bubbles, glass of prosecco, and read a magazine. I turn my phone on to silent mode and don’t check it until morning! The same as Laura, except she’s missing the chocolate and fizz!’

Beth Roberts – ‘ If I’ve had a bad one and I find it hard to break out of the sneaky spiral I just draw a line under the day, get a ridiculously early night and book a workout class for the next morning. I try to remind myself that everyone has bad days. Without the bad days, we wouldn’t have the amazing ones right?

Penny-Lee – ‘I ‘find an inspiring podcast to listen to. Gretchen Rubin’s ‘Happier’. Tidy your room, light a candle, and have a really nice smelly shower. But always, ALWAYS, have a WhatsApp group with your girl friends! My girl group are always there to cheer me up if I’ve had a crappy day!’

Vanessa Gainford – ‘I literally pop my PJs on, get on to the sofa all snug and watch Notting Hill with a brew = escapism.’

Tweet us @house_of_coco and tell us what you like to do to end the day on a high…