Looking for a hand sanitiser glow up? Look no further. CBD has been the ‘it’ topic in the world of health, wellbeing and cosmetics since it’s legalisation in 2016, and Woodies is a new brand on the block set to push the boundaries of CBD with a moisturising hand sanitiser, perfect for the times we live in.

Founded by Jamie Wood, son of model Jo Wood and step-son of Rolling Stone guitarist Ronnie Wood, Woodies offers a constantly growing array of products which hope to aid health and happiness. The brand strives to showcase the groundbreaking positive effects it can have on the body and mind. Experts believe that CBD can assist in the maintenance of the Endo-Cannabonoid system, the primary function of which is to maintain stability across all of the body’s systems and processes, including: pain, digestion, metabolism, motor control, liver function, mood, stress, sleep, muscle formation, brown growth, cardiovascular system function, skin and nerve function.

Woodies CBD Hand Sanitiser Spray £14.99

Whilst excessive hand washing or use of alcohol-based hand sanitiser tends to reveal the cracks in people’s dry skin, CBD works to counteract this with moisturising properties. Endocannabinoids regulate the functionality of skin cells, including keratinocytes which form the protective outer layer of the skin. When CBD is applied onto the skin, the cannabinoids activate and can inhibit inflammation, itching and proliferation. At Woodies, every dose of CBD in each bottle is broken down into nanoparticles using advanced ultrasound technology to ensure that the CBD can be easily absorbed and that the skin can experience maximum moisturisation.


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