Even though the world is moving from an era where people are often placed into certain categories based on stereotypes toward a planet where all is seen as equal, there is no doubt in the fact that men and women still have their differences. For example, older women dating would often have their own ways of going on a date compared to older men. In the same sense, there are some key differences often observed when it comes to looking at how men and women travel. In this post, we take a closer look at some important differences that should be noted when it comes to travel for different genders.
Differences in Packing
There is one traveling difference that usually starts out even before the trip – and that is the packing habits of men and women. It is often found that women tend to take more care about how they pack their clothes, toiletries, and other items into their bags. It has also been found that women start packing sooner than men – often quite a while before the trip starts.
As an example, one survey by SpringHill Suites found that more than half of men only start packing within the last 24 hours before they will be traveling. On the other hand, less than 50% of women who responded claimed that they packed in such a short time.
There is also a difference in how much items are packed. One survey found that men tend to take approximately 18 items with them when they know they will be traveling for a single week. When women were surveyed, the average number of items went up to 36. Sure, when considering senior dating and relationships, these may differ, as additional items may be needed for senior individuals – but these are still interesting facts to look at.
The Travel Destination
The preferred destinations that people tend to travel to also seems to be slightly different when comparing men and women – particularly in terms of who gets to choose the destination. Among men in the United States, it seems like popular travel destinations for a holiday would include South America, as well as Antarctica. Now, when we consider women, on the other hand, we found that the majority of American female citizens tend to prefer a holiday over to Europe – with Paris being an especially popular destination among women.
The Duration of Travel
Another area where we found a difference between men and women when it comes to traveling is in terms of how much the ideal time is for traveling and holidays. It has been found that the average woman does not seem to like going away on vacation for more than a week. In the SpringHill Suites survey mentioned previously, 61% of female correspondents reported that they prefer to go on holiday for less than a week at a time.
Men, on the other hand, seems to enjoy getting away from home for a longer period of time in general. The same study found that 52% of men who responded to the survey noted that they prefer a vacation that is at least two weeks – or preferably longer.
Here, we should mention that there does seem to be a difference in terms of how much vacation days men and women get. This might have a role to play in the fact that women seem to prefer shorter holidays when traveling is part of the vacation.
In the survey, 44% of men were able to get a period of three weeks off at a time. Some men were able to get a more extended period as a vacation at a time. When looking at the female respondents, however, it was found that only about 30% were provided with such benefits. The majority of female respondents noted that they were not able to get three weeks off at a time. It should be noted, however, that women, on average, get vacation days once every ten months, with men rather obtaining their vacation days once a year.
There are several differences in how men and women do certain things – and traveling is certainly one of them. This post looked at some of the most interesting and crucial differences that have been noticed between male and female travelers, ranging from their packing habits, all the way to the choices in terms of activities that men and women tend to prefer when they are on holiday and busy traveling.