Even with bone loss or broken roots, a dentist requires approximately 15 minutes to extract a problematic tooth. Depending on the healthcare facility you visit, tooth removal costs about $75 to $200. If calculated per hour on the basis of the highest price ($200), a dentist will earn roughly $3,000. You might wonder why this provider charges this amount, yet the procedures take a short time. Usually, the costs compensate for the time a dentist spends studying in medical schools and hospitals. So, how does this case scenario relate to easy books that allow you to write essays on them? The quality of your paper doesn’t entirely depend on references you used, but on the knowledge you have acquired through extensive reading.

When you’re pursuing your postgraduate or undergraduate studies in a US college or abroad, you’ll come across assignments that obligate you to write a book review or base your essay on a specific chapter(s) of the book. If you haven’t mastered the art of writing, you might think that you need to read an entire book or chapter to complete the homework. Although you’re advisable to do this, it’s never feasible, especially when you’ve other important off-class things to accomplish. However, there are other books you should read thoroughly without skipping a section, even if they’re not part of your course outline or program. This article lists some books you can rent or purchase online if you desire to be a pro in crafting essays on different topics.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

If you want to achieve academic excellence in any program, including STEM ones, you need to master the art of logically organizing ideas on paper. For example, an engineering student can only score proficient or distinguished on a rubric after providing a detailed report on the completed analysis. However, individuals enrolled in technical programs often struggle with this aspect. Owing to this challenge, they should read Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft at least once yearly. Considering these students won’t have enough time to search for reference materials for their assignments, they can hire fast essay writers from FastEssay.com, available online 24/7. As you get quick help from an expert recruited and trained in this company, you can concentrate on reading the stories of King’s childhood.

The memorable stories depicted in this book will boost your creativity in writing essays that attract readers’ attention from the hook to the last sentence in the conclusion. What’s more, the variation of sentence structure and choices of words will help you learn about the intricacies of proper sentence structure and mechanics. When you read this book, you get acquainted with the King’s thinking, especially in formulating not-of-this-world ideas. While you enjoy different themes and plots, you’ll borrow ideas you can use in writing essays on various subjects.  

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

How do you become a successful writer even if you’re not born as one? Undoubtedly, many consider writing a science and art. Concerning the former, you will need to put words on a paper to communicate your research findings or illustrate your understanding of a specific concept. However, it is more of an art than a science due to the inclusion of narratives and plot lines to make the reading enjoyable. As such, you need to incorporate this style into any of your essays. You can only achieve this milestone with an in-depth understanding of the mind and life of a writer communicated in this book.

Lamott demonstrates exceptional storytelling skills to make you dive into her stories and experiences. As a writer, you will appreciate the significance of believing in oneself. For example, you shouldn’t doubt yourself when unveiling unconventional ideas in your essays. What’s more, you can overcome writer’s block when you have faith by acknowledging that the only way to finish classwork is to start working on the task whenever you get time. Similar to King’s book, you should consider reading Bird by Bird yearly.

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg

If you want to be an accomplished scholar in an area of your study, you should be willing to immerse yourself into the world of writing, as you’ll need to publish several studies to earn some degrees. As a consequence, you need to draw your inspiration from different authors. Natalie Goldberg is one of them. In particular, Goldberg’s book will motivate you to enter the writing world because of the communicated feelings and wonders you get from being an author in any field. Although the publication occurred three decades ago, this book offers inspiration for writing essays and blogs, in addition to overcoming procrastination.   

Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation by John Seely

Do you think writing an essay with a mix of tenses can communicate an intended idea? Ideally, you should always establish a time perspective at the beginning and maintain it throughout the paper. For instance, if you’re writing about a past political event, you should write it in the past tense. However, you can change the tense when offering the recommendations within the paragraph or the paper. Many students often struggle with this simple grammar rule. For that reason, they should consider reading Seely’s handbook occasionally. This material will help you understand how to incorporate different punctuation in your essays.

How to Write an Essay in Five Easy Steps by Inklyo

Even if you have real-world experience with a specific phenomenon, you might struggle to write a two-page essay because of anxiety or a knowledge deficit about the required structure or technique of organizing ideas. For that reason, you should consider reading Inklyo’s How to Write an Essay in Five Easy Steps. This book comprises 58 pages. You don’t need to worry about its length, as the author simplifies everything you need to know about writing essays. If you read this book, you will appreciate the importance of understanding the question, brainstorming ideas, and making a plan before writing your essay. You don’t need to review the entire material often, but you can identify key sections you aspire to improve.

In retrospect, you don’t need to rephrase sections of the books to consider that you’ve written essays on them. You can use some as a source of inspiration in tackling assignments and homework in the field of your study. Similarly, other books mentors you on how to construct and structure sentences and paragraphs of your essays. Pursuing a STEM program or any other shouldn’t be an excuse for you not to read these books, as they not only help you achieve academic excellence but also prepare you for after-school life.


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