Nothing beats the experience of wearing a brand-new pair of dancing shoes for the first time. And, while most people attempt to make their shoes as comfortable as possible by using soft leather linings and high-quality materials, you may occasionally require some breaking in. 

The good news is that shoes made of good natural leather will fit your feet better over time and become more comfortable. With perseverance and these helpful hints, you will wear your shoes comfortably in no time.

So, what must you do to break in your new ballroom shoes?

Wear the shoes every day inside the house.

Before you hit the dance floor in your new ballroom shoes, try them out around the house. A good way to do this is to wear the shoes for 10-15 minutes daily until you feel comfortable in them. 

This will soften the leather, allowing it to conform to your feet more rapidly. When the shoes are new, it’s common to feel uncomfortable wearing them even for a few minutes. To counter this, wear them for brief periods every day, gradually extending the duration until they adapt to your feet.

Wear the shoes with socks.

While it may appear paradoxical to wear your new shoes with socks, as they are already tight, it can actually help speed up the break-in process. This will stretch and soften the leather around your foot. 

The socks will also absorb moisture from your feet, softening the leather and making it comfier. Additionally, wearing socks can help avoid blisters and other foot ailments that might come about as a result of wearing tight shoes. 

If you wear the shoes and your feet are too tight, switch to thinner socks or wear the shoes sockless until you feel ready to rock on socks. 

Stretch them out using shoe horns.

If your new shoes feel tight in some areas, even after wearing them for some time, you can use a shoe horn to relieve the discomfort. 

If you don’t have a shoe horn, stretch them out slightly by stuffing them with damp newspaper and leaving them overnight. 

 Shoe stretchers are intended to broaden the toe box or other shoe sections, resulting in a more comfortable fit.

To use it, simply slip the stretcher into the shoe, adjust it to the desired width, and leave it there for a few hours. When using the shoe horn, be cautious and use one intended exclusively for leather shoes, since other models can cause harm.

Soften the leather using a conditioner.

A leather conditioner can keep your leather shoes in good shape. It can also soften and make the leather more flexible, making the shoes more comfortable.

For the best outcome, ensure you use a conditioner suited to the type of leather in your shoes.

You should apply a small amount of the conditioner on a soft cloth and rub it into your shoe in a circular motion. Allow the shoes to dry for a few hours before wearing them again. 

Applying it regularly to dance shoes can soften the leather, prevent cracking, and extend the shoe life.

Be slow on the dance floor.

Start slowly when you’re ready to wear your new dance shoes on the dance floor. Begin with shorter dances or practice sessions to allow the shoes to conform to your feet.

Concentrate on your footwork and technique rather than attempting to dance too quickly or too hard. As your feet get used to the shoes, you can progressively increase your dance energy. 

 Do not hasten the process by wearing the shoes for extended periods of time right away. Doing so might result in blisters and other foot ailments, and you don’t want this, do you?

Instead, take your time and gradually increase how much you wear them daily.

Things you shouldn’t do when breaking in your dancing shoes

Ask someone to break in the shoes for you

It’s tempting to ask someone with a larger foot to wear the shoes for some time so that they can help break them in faster, but this isn’t a good approach. 

While it might seem like a good move, it can lead to problems. Breaking in the shoe with anything other than your foot will result in it not fitting correctly. And you don’t want this. 

Remember that you are better off breaking in your shoes slowly.

The person you ask to wear the shoes on your behalf might end up even damaging your new shoes rendering them unusable. 

To be on the safe side, break in the shoes at your own pace until you are comfortable wearing them. 

Bend the shoe in half.

Some people recommend breaking in shoes by bending them in half, securing them with elastic bands, and stuffing them beneath a couch or something to weigh them down. 

While it might seem like a good move as it stretches the shoe, it’s a dangerous venture, primarily because the shoes may flex in the wrong place–or just break, and you have to buy a new one. 

To be on the safe side, follow the best practices mentioned above. Don’t bend the shoe. 

Submerge the shoe

You must have heard about people who put their shoes on and stand in tubs of water to break them in faster. On paper, this seems like it should work, as more moisture implies that the leather softens faster.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work as completely submerging your shoes weakens the adhesives that hold them together, causing them to fall apart at the seam.

In conclusion

Breaking your new dancing shoes may take some time and work, but it will be worth it. 

By following the advice in this article, you will progressively and comfortably break in your shoes while maintaining them in good condition. 

Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or a beginner, having a comfortable and beautiful pair of shoes may make a huge difference on the dance floor.

So take your time, be patient, and enjoy the experience of breaking in your new dancing shoes. 


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