Forget your typical London hotel experience.  The Rosewood London isn’t just about plush beds and impeccable service (though let’s be honest, they’ve got those in spades). Think Downton Abbey meets modern makeover. Seriously stunning, but with a playful edge.

Our Editor in Chief, Laura Bartlett, checked in…

A Legacy Etched in Marble

Step through the wrought iron gates and surrender to a hushed serenity. The city’s clamour melts away as you enter a hidden courtyard, a tranquil oasis that whispers of the hotel’s rich past. 

Believe it or not, this wasn’t always a haven for weary travellers; it once housed the Pearl Assurance Company.  But step through the rose bronze gallery, a dramatic passage adorned with quirky art and books and prepare to be transported to a different era, one where luxury gets a playful, whimsical makeover.

The Rosewood London throws out the stuffy rulebook. Expect playful surprises around every corner, a delightful departure from traditional luxury.

Where Opulence Meets Whimsy

Step inside The Rosewood London and brace yourself for a delightful assault on your senses. Black and white marble floors gleam like polished piano keys beneath gilded partitions overflowing with art and books. It’s a feast for the eyes – a stunning juxtaposition of modern luxury and curated chaos.

An Argentinian masterpiece by Eduardo Hoffmann takes center stage, depicting a tranquil English countryside estate. The artwork’s serene scene offers a surprising counterpoint to the hotel’s vibrant energy. But before you get swept away by the grandeur, a delightful surprise awaits: bowls overflowing with tempting chocolates and an array of delectable sweets. It’s a whimsical welcome wagon, a small but delightful first taste of The Rosewood’s commitment to indulging all your senses.

A Grand Staircase Fit for Royalty

No exploration of the Rosewood is complete without experiencing the iconic Grand Staircase.  This architectural marvel, crafted from seven different types of rare marble (some irreplaceable!), winds its way up all floors, culminating in a 166-foot cupola.  Take the stairs or the exquisitely embellished lifts, each a work of art in itself.

Upgraded Luxury: Where History Meets Herstory at the Rosewood

Nestled within the luxurious confines of the Rosewood suite, I found myself face-to-face with Pelumi Nubi, the pioneering explorer who defied expectations and became the first woman to drive solo from London all the way to Lagos.

The grandeur of the Rosewood, a testament to overcoming odds and standing the test of time, felt strangely fitting for our conversation. As Pelumi recounted her story of resilience and adventure, the surroundings seemed to whisper tales of their own. Perhaps it was the grand staircase, crafted from seven different types of rare marble, each piece a symbol of enduring strength. Or maybe it was the playful artwork adorning the walls of Scarfes Bar, a reminder that even the most established paths can be approached with a touch of fun.

Throughout our interview, Pelumi’s passion and determination were contagious. Here, at The Rosewood London, luxury wasn’t just about comfort and style; it was about celebrating those who defy expectations and create their own extraordinary journeys. As our conversation concluded, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of admiration, not just for Pelumi’s groundbreaking achievement, but for the hotel that provided the perfect stage for her story to unfold.

A Timeless London Experience

Speaking of unforgettable experiences, on this particular stay, I found myself at an event mingling with the likes of Naomi Campbell.  Let’s just say, for a fleeting moment, it was hard to tell who was more glamorous –  me, basking in the Rosewood’s luxurious embrace, or the supermodel herself. 

Though truth be told, the Rosewood never disappoints, consistently ranking in the 10 best London hotels. Looks like some things, like impeccable service and timeless elegance, never go out of style.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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