


Poker is often viewed as purely a game of winning and losing – but experts say it can be so much more than that.

While the classic card game is based on players competing to win chips or money, it encompasses an array of experiences beyond the simple dynamic of winning and losing.

The game provides a platform for personal growth, intellectual challenge and social interaction.

What are the hidden depths of poker?

This is a game of skill where strategic thinking, decision-making and psychological insight play crucial roles. Players must constantly analyze opponents, evaluate probabilities and make decisions based on incomplete information.

The ability to outthink opponents is central to success in poker. So, playing it helps the development of those thinking skills.

At the same time poker teaches valuable lessons in risk management. Players must constantly balance risk and reward, knowing when to take risks and when to fold to minimize losses.

Learning to manage risk is vital in real-life situations such as investing, business and personal decision-making.

Poker also requires emotional discipline. Players learn to manage their emotions, stay composed under pressure and avoid ‘tilt’ (emotional frustration that leads to poor decision-making).

Developing the emotional control to play poker can translate into improved emotional intelligence in the rest of your life. It can also enhance analytical thinking skills and problem-solving.

Players must navigate social dynamics, including bluffing, reading opponents’ body language and understanding subtle social cues. Developing interpersonal skills through poker can be beneficial in lots of personal and professional contexts.


The types of poker

There are several variations of poker, each with its own rules, dynamics – and popularity.

Here are some of the most common types and the people or stars who enjoy them:

  • Texas Hold’em

In the most popular variant of poker players are dealt two hole cards and must use them with five community cards to make the best five-card hand.

Texas Hold’em appeals to competitive, strategic personalities who enjoy calculated decisions. Celebrities who enjoy Texas Hold’em include Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Tobey Maguire.

  • Omaha

Omaha is similar to Texas Hold’em but with a few key differences, most notably that players are dealt four hole cards instead of two. To make the best hand, players must use two of their hole cards and three of the community cards.

High-stakes poker player Phil Ivey is known to favour Omaha. It generally appeals to players who thrive in situations where they have to manage multiple variables simultaneously.

  • Seven Card Stud

Seven Card Stud was once the most popular form of poker before the rise of Texas Hold’em. In this game, players receive a combination of face-up and face-down cards over several betting rounds, aiming to make the best five-card hand.

It requires players to remember exposed cards and make decisions on incomplete information. Seven Card Stud appeals to methodical and patient personalities who enjoy a slower-paced game. Actor and comedian Ray Romano is a big fan.

  • Razz

Razz is a variation of Seven Card Stud where the worst hand wins. Players aim to make the lowest possible hand using five of their seven cards.

Professional poker player and actor Jennifer Tilly is known to enjoy playing Razz. Razz appeals to contrarian personalities who enjoy thinking outside the box.

  • Five Card Draw

Five Card Draw is one of the simplest forms of poker, where players are dealt five hole cards and have the opportunity to draw new cards to improve their hand.

It relies heavily on probability and bluffing skills. Draw Poker appeals to unpredictable personalities who enjoy keeping their opponents guessing.

It’s a favorite among recreational players and has been played by celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Gabe Kaplan.

  • Mixed Games

Some players enjoy playing a mix of different poker variants. These games can include a rotation of different types such as HORSE (which includes Hold’em, Omaha, Razz, Seven Card Stud, and Eight or Better) or 8-Game Mix.

High-stakes poker pro Daniel Negreanu is known for expertise in mixed games. Mixed games usually appeal to versatile personalities who enjoy a variety of challenges.

In general, poker appeals to individuals who enjoy strategic thinking, risk assessment and virtual psychological warfare.

Successful poker players often possess traits such as patience, discipline, resilience and emotional control. However, the specific variant of poker someone enjoys may depend on their preferences for complexity, pace and the types of decisions they enjoy.

Overall, playing poker can offer wellness benefits, both mental and social, when approached in a balanced and responsible manner.

Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind can help keep cognitive functions sharp – and may even reduce the risk of cognitive decline as people age.

Dealing with wins and losses, and staying composed under pressure can help players develop better emotional control, which can be a major benefit across the rest of their life.