In the heart of Florida’s lush landscapes, where the serene beauty of nature meets the enchanting allure of romance, lies Mill Pond Estate—a wedding venue unlike any other. Founded by the visionary Toni Miller, Mill Pond Estate is a testament to the power of dreams, passion and a deep respect for the natural world. 

Toni, a trailblazer in the wedding industry, has transformed her love for nature and design into a breathtaking sanctuary where couples from around the world come to celebrate their love. Her journey from a dreamer with a vision to the proud owner of this extraordinary estate is nothing short of inspiring. With a commitment to inclusivity, sustainability and genuine connection, Toni has created a space where every love story is honoured and every moment is magical.

Join us as we delve into the story of Toni Miller, the heart and soul behind Mill Pond Estate. Discover the inspiration that guided her, the challenges she overcame and the unwavering dedication that turned a simple piece of land into a beloved destination for couples seeking a wedding experience as unique and beautiful as their love…

What inspired you to create Mill Pond Estate, and how does its concept differ from traditional wedding venues?

We wanted to emphasise what makes this place special to everyone, so the natural beauty of the property has been my guiding light and inspiration throughout the entire process. All design choices and property development are made with a deep respect for nature, ensuring all spaces are designed to fit and intertwine with what was already here. The best example of this is our Broken Oak ceremony space. Couples are literally embraced by the boughs of a giant centuries-old live oak tree as they say their vows and commitment to each other. There’s something magical and powerful in that moment. It’s not something that can be recreated elsewhere.

Could you share a bit about the history or significance of the name “Mill Pond Estate” and how it ties into the venue’s identity?

It’s a cute story I tell couples when they tour the venue. When we bought the property, we discovered a low area where all the water would naturally pool. We decided to create a small pond in that area to avoid a giant mud hole. We also happened to hit a spring during the process, resulting in a much larger body of water than originally planned, thus creating our lily pond. Another name for a lily pond is a Mill Pond, and coincidentally, my last name is Miller, so it all kind of worked out.

As the lead floral designer, how do you incorporate the natural surroundings of Mill Pond Estate into your floral designs?

We utilise a lot of greenery that naturally grows around the property and some that we planted after purchasing it. One of our couples’ favourite picture spots is called Eucalyptus Alley, which consists of around 20 large eucalyptus trees planted in a row. It also doubles as a eucalyptus farm, allowing us to harvest as much as we need to incorporate into our floral designs year-round.

Transparency in pricing can be a rarity in the wedding industry. How do you ensure that couples understand and feel comfortable with the pricing structure at Mill Pond Estate?

It is! Many venues won’t list prices on their website. As a consumer, I find it off-putting if I have to call for a quote or endure a sales pitch. I wanted to make it convenient for our couples to choose us, so we provide as much information upfront as possible. This approach serves the couples and ensures that those who choose us are a good fit.

Can you tell us more about the Equally Wed Certification that Mill Pond Estate earned in 2021 and why it’s important to you?

One of the core values of my business is ensuring everyone feels welcome at Mill Pond Estate. I knew it wasn’t enough to say we are allies to the LGBTQIA community; we needed to take action. The wedding industry is still behind in this regard, often using gendered terminology in communications with potential couples. For example, not everyone identifies as a bride or groom, yet they encounter these terms repeatedly during their planning journey. It was important for me to learn how to be a safe landing for the community and appreciate the diversity and beauty of everyone. Getting to know our couples, asking what terms or pronouns they use, and including that in our contracts and messaging makes a big difference.

For couples interested in a destination wedding, what makes Mill Pond Estate an attractive option compared to other venues?

Many think of a Florida wedding and imagine beaches. While our beaches are amazing, we also have beautiful wildlife and natural fauna ready to be explored and appreciated. At Mill Pond Estate, you get full access to 18 acres of Florida’s natural beauty. Additionally, we are only 15 minutes from the famous Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. Many of our couples have come from out of state and even from different countries, including Canada and Spain.

What are some common misconceptions couples have about wedding venues, and how does Mill Pond Estate address or dispel these misconceptions?

A common misconception is that venues only provide a space, but your venue is the most important decision in planning your wedding. It sets the entire tone. Your venue team needs to communicate effectively with all your vendors, from the planner to the caterer and even the saxophone player. The venue has touch-points with every aspect of the day. It’s a big job with many responsibilities, countless emails, and meetings over several months to achieve the couple’s vision.

What advice would you give to couples who are just starting their wedding planning journey and considering Mill Pond Estate as their venue?

Don’t be afraid to embrace the natural environment of an all-outdoor wedding venue! Florida weather can be unpredictable, but don’t be intimidated. We will be right there with you, offering support, inspiration, tips, tricks, and expertise. Whether it’s providing cute parasols for warm weather, incorporating bright colours, enjoying light and refreshing signature drinks, offering blankets as favours during cooler months, having a hot cocoa bar, or using our fire pit for s’mores, embracing the weather and natural environment can create a special and memorable experience for you and your guests.

Can you walk us through how you work with couples to bring their wedding vision to life at Mill Pond Estate?

It all starts from the very beginning at the tour. During the tour, we discuss your colour palette, theme, and overall vibe to highlight key venue features and discuss how your vision can come to life in our space. Once booked, you will have access to our in-house decor catalog and those of our trusted design partners to curate a unique look for you. We are there throughout the planning process, setting up design meetings, creating digital floral mockups, and working closely with all vendors. We’ve never had two weddings look the same here.

Can you share any upcoming plans or developments for Mill Pond Estate that our readers should be excited about?

Yes! I want to explore my passion for sustainable floristry more, including growing our own flowers on the estate for use in our events. Florida weather is harsh, so I plan to use Florida-friendly flowers that can withstand our climate. I’ve successfully grown sunflowers, wildflowers, carnations, and anemones for events and would love to scale this further. We will be creating more production beds and a greenhouse during our off-season this year. The wedding industry can be known for excess and waste, and I want to do my part to make this beautiful industry better for the planet.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

As small business owners, burnout is real. I often focus on the future—how can I improve in this area or make this aspect easier for my couples—and then forget to celebrate where I am today and what Mill Pond has accomplished. My motivational quote would be, ‘Keep an eye on the future, but your heart in today.’ Truly appreciating and acknowledging your hard work and accomplishments can help fuel and nourish you when it feels hard to push forward.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

My team and I are mostly on Instagram @MillPondEstate. You can also reach us through our website, We are very responsive to emails and have a quarterly newsletter where you can keep up with our latest events and what’s been happening around The Estate. The animals are always a big hit with readers.

Discover more captivating stories from around the globe by exploring our Worldwide Wonders series on House of Coco.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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