In a world where every love story is unique, Kingsdown Rings stands as a beacon of bespoke craftsmanship and personal connection. Founded by lifelong friends Laura and Hayley, Kingsdown Rings emerged from a shared passion for jewellery and a dedication to creating memorable experiences for couples. Their journey from traditional high street retail to establishing a beautiful, intimate space is a testament to their commitment to excellence and innovation.

At Kingsdown Rings, each ring is more than just a piece of jewellery—it’s a reflection of a couple’s journey, crafted with love and care. Laura and Hayley have redefined the wedding ring selection process, offering a private, personalised experience that allows couples to savor every moment. With a deep understanding of the emotional significance of wedding rings, they ensure that every design embodies the unique story and style of each couple.

Join us as we delve into the inspiring story of Kingsdown Rings, a brand that not only creates stunning rings but also celebrates the essence of love and commitment…

How did the idea of Kingsdown Rings come about?

Our journey began with a deep passion for the jewellery and wedding industry, backed by extensive experience in both fields. We’ve always cherished working with engaged couples, guiding them through the special process of selecting their wedding rings. We noticed a significant gap in the market for providing an exclusive, private experience that couples could cherish forever. This inspired us to transition from traditional high street retail and create a beautiful, intimate space where couples can savour every moment of choosing their rings.

What has been the most rewarding part of creating a bespoke wedding ring service?

Helping couples find their perfect rings without compromise. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see their dreams and visions come to life and to celebrate the significance of a wedding ring by crafting a unique design that truly reflects their love and commitment. Seeing how much joy this experience provides our couples is the ultimate reward!

Your studio sounds incredibly inviting. What was the vision behind designing such a cosy and welcoming space?

Our vision for the studio was to create a space where couples could feel truly relaxed, away from the hustle and bustle of a busy shop floor. We wanted to provide a private, comfortable environment where they could take their time and feel at ease while selecting their wedding rings. All of our couples comment on the awesome vibe and decor!

What has been the most unique or memorable ring request you’ve received?

One of the most unique and memorable ring requests we received came from a couple who had each inherited their grandparents’ wedding rings. They wanted to honour their grandparents but felt the original styles didn’t match their tastes. We helped them design rings that truly reflected their individual styles while using the metal from their grandparents’ rings.

We also extracted diamonds from one of the rings, setting several into the bride’s band, perfectly shaped to fit her beautiful engagement ring. Additionally, we set one of the diamonds inside the groom’s band as a nod to his wife-to-be’s ring and as a symbol of their two families coming together. When they collected the rings, the sentimental value was so evident that we all shed tears. Helping them honour their grandparents while creating a design that resonated with their own styles is a testament to what we are passionate about as a business.

How do you balance creativity with the practical needs of your clients?

We offer our clients the freedom to express their own style through our bespoke design service while also providing expert advice on important factors such as metal choices and settings. This ensures that their rings are not only beautiful and unique but also durable and suited to their lifestyle.

Can you share a heartwarming story from one of your at-home visits?

One of our most heartwarming at-home visits was with a couple who had recently welcomed their first child. They wanted their wedding rings to reflect this new chapter in their lives.

During our visit, the baby was present, adding an extra layer of warmth and love to the experience. We discussed various design options while the couple shared stories about their journey together and their hopes for the future. In the end, we crafted rings that incorporated the baby’s birthstone and a subtle engraving of their child’s initials. Seeing the joy and emotion on their faces when they received the rings was incredibly touching and knowing that we could create something so meaningful for their family is a memory we cherish.

What advice would you give to couples who are overwhelmed with the wedding planning process?

Our advice is to focus on enjoying the journey rather than striving for perfection. And when it comes to choosing your wedding rings, make the experience special and personal. Take the time to explore designs that truly reflect your relationship, and don’t rush the decision. Above all, remember to take moments to relax and appreciate each other during this exciting time.

How do you ensure your services cater to every budget and style?

We provide tailored recommendations that align with our clients’ vision and budget. Whether it’s selecting different metals or incorporating alternative gemstones, we strive to create beautiful and meaningful rings that reflect each couple’s personal style without compromising on quality or craftsmanship.

What trends are you seeing in wedding rings this year?

This year, we’re noticing several exciting trends in wedding rings! One prominent trend is the increasing popularity of lab-grown diamonds, which offer a sustainable and ethical alternative to mined diamonds without compromising on quality or brilliance. Couples are also embracing custom engraving to personalise their rings with meaningful dates, coordinates, or messages. Vintage-inspired details, such as milgrain and filigree, are also trending, adding a touch of timeless elegance to modern designs.

If you could design a ring for any celebrity couple, who would it be and what would it look like?

For Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth: For Elsa’s ring, we would design a stunning band inspired by the landscapes they cherish from their travels. The ring would feature a mesmerizing Australian opal or a vibrant turquoise gemstone, symbolising their adventurous spirit and connection to nature. Surrounding the centre stone would be a halo of smaller diamonds set in a warm rose gold or yellow gold band, reflecting the colors of sunsets over exotic landscapes. The band itself could be intricately engraved with patterns inspired by their travel experiences, adding a personal touch and capturing the essence of their journey together.

For Chris Hemsworth, a rugged yet refined wedding band would be perfect. Crafted from durable materials like black rhodium-plated platinum or palladium, the band could feature a matte or textured finish reminiscent of the rugged terrains they’ve explored. The band might also include a subtle engraving of coordinates or a significant date from one of their favourite travel destinations, symbolising their shared adventures and deep connection. This design would encapsulate their love for exploration and nature, celebrating their bond in a meaningful and unique way that resonates with their adventurous lifestyle.

What’s your favourite part of the ring design and selection process?

Our favourite part of the ring design and selection process is witnessing the personalisation and creativity that unfolds during each interaction with our clients. We love getting to know our couples and hearing about their wedding plans, as it allows us to understand their unique stories, preferences, and emotions. It’s incredibly rewarding to see their excitement and satisfaction as we collaborate to create a ring that not only reflects their individual styles but also captures the essence of their relationship.

How do you stay inspired and keep your designs fresh and innovative?

Staying inspired and keeping our designs fresh and innovative is a continuous process that involves several key elements. Firstly, we draw inspiration from our clients themselves – their stories, personalities, and unique preferences provide a wealth of creative ideas. We actively listen to their vision and strive to translate it into designs that exceed their expectations.

Secondly, we stay on top of current trends in both fashion and jewellery design while also looking beyond trends to timeless elements that resonate with our clients. This helps us blend contemporary styles with classic craftsmanship. Additionally, we find inspiration in art, architecture, nature, and travel. These diverse influences often spark new concepts and approaches that we integrate into our designs.

What has been your biggest “pinch-me” moment since starting Kingsdown Rings?

Our biggest ‘pinch-me’ moment since starting Kingsdown Rings was when several highly respected local wedding venues approached us to collaborate and recommend our services to their couples, in our first year of business. It was incredibly validating to receive recognition from these popular venues for our dedication to creating personalised and memorable wedding ring experiences.

This acknowledgment not only affirmed the quality of our work but also opened up new opportunities to connect with couples who value craftsmanship and individuality in their wedding rings. It’s moments like these that inspire us to continue striving for excellence and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in our industry at Kingsdown Rings.

How do you support each other in the business, especially during challenging times?

Supporting each other is fundamental to our partnership and the success of Kingsdown Rings. As best friends for over twenty years, we’ve built a foundation of trust, understanding, and mutual respect that underpins our collaboration. We prioritise open communication, actively listening to each other’s perspectives, and making decisions together based on our shared vision for the business. In our business operations, we leverage our long-standing friendship to enhance teamwork and efficiency.

We understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to divide responsibilities effectively and play to our individual expertise. Furthermore, our enduring friendship encourages a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from each other’s experiences. Overall, our deep-rooted friendship is a cornerstone of our business partnership, enabling us to navigate challenges with unity, creativity, and unwavering support for each other’s success.

What does a typical day look like for you at Kingsdown Rings?

When we’re in the studio and not out on styled shoots or exhibiting, we always begin our day with a coffee and catch-up session. We prioritise contacting our clients with any updates from our workshop, as keeping them informed about the progress of their rings is paramount to us. Next, we review new emails and inquiries that have come in since our last studio session. This ensures that we promptly respond to new potential clients and address any questions or requests.

Following that, we dedicate time to social media. We discuss and plan what we’d like to share on our platforms for the day, ensuring our content reflects our brand values and showcases our latest designs. We also prioritise engaging with and supporting other suppliers, venues, and businesses in the local area by liking and sharing their posts. In the afternoon and evening, our schedule usually revolves around consultations with new clients who are eager to discuss their wedding ring preferences.

We also set aside time for our current clients to come and collect their rings, ensuring they leave with smiles on their faces. This structured yet dynamic routine allows us to blend creativity, client care, and business management seamlessly, ensuring each day at Kingsdown Rings is productive and fulfilling.

What are your future goals for Kingsdown Rings?

Our future goals for Kingsdown Rings are focused on growth, innovation, and sustainability within the wedding ring industry. We aim to expand our reach regionally and nationally while enhancing the client experience through streamlined processes and innovative offerings.

Sustainability is a priority, and we’re committed to integrating more eco-friendly materials and practices into our designs. Strengthening community engagement and partnerships with local venues and suppliers is also crucial. We aspire to push the boundaries of design by exploring new techniques and styles, ensuring each ring remains unique and cutting-edge.

If you could give one piece of advice to women looking to start their own business, what would it be?

It would be to believe in yourself and your vision wholeheartedly. Trust your instincts, embrace your unique perspective, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can offer guidance and encouragement along the way. Stay resilient in the face of challenges, learn from setbacks, and continually educate yourself in your industry. Most importantly, remember that your voice and ideas matter— never underestimate the power of your passion and determination to drive your success.

Kingsdown Rings

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

For Laura, Bali is her dream destination. She’s eager to explore the picturesque beaches, turquoise waters, and lush landscapes of this tropical paradise. Discovering the vibrant culture, indulging in delicious cuisine, and spiritual relaxation are all part of her dream getaway.

For Hayley, New Zealand remains at the top of her bucket list. She dreams of exploring the stunning landscapes, from the dramatic fjords of Milford Sound to the geothermal wonders of Rotorua and experiencing the rich Maori culture.

What’s your go-to quote when you’re lacking motivation?

Our go-to quote is “And so together they built a life they loved.” This phrase holds immense significance for us as friends and business partners, reflecting the journey we’ve shared in building Kingsdown Rings and creating a business and life that brings us fulfilment and joy.

It’s not just a reflection of our journey but also resonates deeply with our couples, symbolising the meaningful experiences and relationships we help create through our work. This quote is proudly displayed in the entrance hall of our beautiful studio, serving as a constant reminder of our commitment to pursuing our dreams and supporting others in doing the same.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook @kingsdownrings to stay updated and learn more about our latest designs, client stories, and behind-the-scenes insights. Visit our website for detailed information about our bespoke wedding ring services, testimonials and how to get in touch with us.

The story of Kingsdown Rings is a beautiful example of how passion, creativity, and dedication can transform an idea into a cherished experience. Laura and Hayley have created more than just a bespoke jewellery service; they’ve built a haven where love stories are celebrated and turned into timeless pieces of art.

For more inspiration and to learn about their unique designs, visit House of Coco.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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