


Elephant Kind first caught the attention of the House of Coco music team last year with their fantastic single ‘Follow Through’ and their  EP ‘Live In London’.

In less than six months, the band have been on one heck of a journey and have built upon their reputation in the UK and beyond having already cemented a stellar reputation in their home country of Indonesia where they supported the likes of shows with the likes of Franz Ferdinand and The xx.

In the last year, it certainly feels like Elephant Kind’s star is firmly in the ascendancy, and their rise continues with the release of their new single ‘Louder’. It’s chock-full of glistening synths fused with indie exuberance, with lead singer Bam Mastro’s distinctive and hypnotic vocals.

The track was produced by Iain Berryman (beabadoobee, Wolf Alice, Young Fathers) and was mixed by the Grammy-winning Oli Jacobs (Harry Styles, The 1975, Taylor Swift).

Be sure to catch Elephant Kind on one of their festival appearances this summer which includes Tramlines, Truck and Y NOT? If you are in London, you can also see the band perform at London, The Victoria on 15th June.

It was worth the wait, Hard-Fi have returned with the funk-infused ‘Don’t Go Making Plans’.

The Staines quartet returned to the live stage for the first time in a decade last autumn to an explosive reaction. Whilst the audience were treated to a heady injection of nostalgia with the band performing tracks from their previous albums like ‘Stars of CCTV’, Once Upon a Time in the West’ and 2011’s ‘Killer Sounds’, the band also showcased a new track which is out now.

Hard-Fi’s new track serves as a the taster of their forthcoming EP of the same name which is out later this year.

‘Don’t Go Making Plans’ is a soul-influenced, funk-driven belter of a track which has made the House of Coco team hugely excited for their new EP. Set to be a huge part of your summer soundtrack, the track and its feeling of defiance was influenced by protest – in the sense of protesting against the iUK Government’s attempts to criminalise many aspects of popular protest through the 2022 Public Order Act.

Of course, this is not Hard-Fi’s first rodeo at incorporating powerful and politically-infused messages in their lyrics and despite the hard-hitting subject matter, ‘Don’t Go Making Plans’ is still at heart a pop song, but the themes are elevated by the boisterous beats and Richard Archer’s delectable punchy delivery of his vocals.

If you missed Hard-Fi last autumn, then you are in luck as they have announced their tour which will coincide with their highly-anticipated EP. The band will perform a 10-date UK headline tour in November which will include their homecoming show at London’s Roundhouse on the 30th November.

We can’t wait!

Photo Credits: Mark Thompson and Oscar Goes Wild

In the digital era, the entertainment landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, and one industry at the forefront of this evolution is online casinos. Notably, the emergence of  new Australian online casinos has redefined leisure by offering an unprecedented variety of games, live dealer experiences and integrating cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). We delve into the dynamic world of entertainment that these new online casinos are creating, providing a comprehensive exploration of the diverse experiences they bring to the table.

The Evolution of Online Casinos in Australia

Australia has long been a hub for gaming enthusiasts, and the transition from traditional brick-and-mortar casinos to online platforms has been a natural progression. The advent of new online casinos marks a significant milestone in this evolution, presenting many opportunities for players seeking diverse, immersive entertainment experiences.

Variety of Games: A Plethora of Choices

One of the defining features of new casinos is the variety of games they offer. From classic table games like blackjack and roulette to innovative and themed slot machines, players can explore various options tailored to their preferences. The seamless integration of high-quality graphics and engaging gameplay ensures that each gaming session is a visually stunning and enjoyable experience.

Live Dealer Experiences: Bridging the Gap Between Virtual and Reality

The introduction of live dealer games has elevated the online casino experience to new heights not only in Australia, but in the United States and all around world. Players can now immerse themselves in the ambiance of a real casino, complete with human dealers facilitating games in real time. Live dealer experiences bridge the gap between the virtual and real world, providing an authentic and social dimension to online gambling previously only found in traditional casinos.

AR/VR Technologies: A New Dimension of Leisure

Incorporating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are pushing the boundaries of online casino entertainment. These immersive technologies transport players to virtual realms where they can interact with games and fellow players in unimaginable ways. From VR-enabled slot machines to AR-enhanced live dealer experiences, the fusion of technology and entertainment creates a new dimension of leisure for Australian online casino enthusiasts.

Themed Slot Adventures: Beyond Traditional Reels

New Australian online casinos are redefining slot games by introducing themed adventures beyond traditional spinning reels. For example, players can embark on virtual journeys, explore rich narratives, and unlock bonus features in slots more akin to interactive storytelling than gambling. These themed adventures add an element of excitement and engagement, catering to a diverse audience with varied interests.

Immersive Live Dealer Games: Bringing Casinos to Your Living Room

Live dealer experiences have become a cornerstone of online casinos, offering a unique blend of convenience and authenticity. Players can enjoy games like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat with real dealers, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a land-based casino. The social interaction facilitated by live dealer games adds a communal aspect to online gambling, making it a shared leisure activity.

AR-Enhanced Table Games: Transforming the Gaming Table

Augmented reality transforms traditional table games, providing a fresh perspective on classics like poker and roulette. With AR technology, players can enjoy a virtual overlay of their physical surroundings, enhancing the gaming experience. This innovation adds a layer of visual appeal and introduces dynamic elements that respond to player actions, creating a truly interactive and personalized journey.

VR-Enabled Slot Machines: A Virtual Playground for Players

Virtual reality has found its way into the world of online slots, turning the solitary act of spinning reels into a communal and immersive adventure. VR-enabled slot machines transport players to fantastical realms, where they can enjoy the thrill of slot gaming in a visually stunning and interactive environment. This evolution transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming, offering a futuristic and captivating leisure experience.

Technological Integration for Enhanced Experiences

New casinos recognize the importance of mobility in the modern lifestyle. With seamless mobile gaming experiences, players can enjoy their favorite casino games on smartphones and tablets. Whether on the go or from the comfort of home, mobile gaming’s accessibility ensures that entertainment is always within reach.

Innovative Payment Solutions: Streamlining Transactions

The integration of innovative payment solutions gives Australians more payment options and enhances the overall gaming experience. For instance, from cryptocurrency options to secure e-wallets, new online casinos prioritize convenience and security in financial transactions. This forward-thinking approach reflects the industry’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Responsive Customer Support: Ensuring a Smooth Journey

New Australian online casinos understand the importance of customer support in creating a positive leisure experience. For example, with responsive live chat, email, and even phone support, players can have their queries addressed promptly, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gaming journey. This emphasis on customer service contributes to the overall satisfaction of players.

The Future of Australian Online Casinos

As new online casinos continue to redefine leisure through innovative games, immersive technologies, and a commitment to responsible gaming, the future promises even more exciting developments. The fusion of entertainment and technology creates a dynamic landscape where players can explore different gaming experiences, engage with live dealers, and venture into virtual realms using AR and VR technologies.

Overall, the emergence of new Australian casinos has reshaped the entertainment environment. These platforms offer many games, introduce live dealer experiences, and integrate AR/VR technologies to provide a new dimension of leisure and amusement. As technology advances and player preferences evolve, these online casinos are poised to remain at the forefront of redefining how Australians experience leisure in the digital age.

For digital nomads, making plans after work can be tricky. Not all services support the lifestyle, and travelling so often means that you need to find new local attractions in every town. That can be confusing if you’re just starting out. Here are some ideas that every digital nomad can use to help find their next adventure.

Leverage the Internet

The internet puts the ‘digital’ in digital nomad. It’s what allows remote workers to communicate with clients and send off their work once they’re done with it, enabling their travel-friendly lifestyle.

However, the internet is also home to many entertainment industries that can help digital nomads out. They work best for nomads who are living the van life or stay at hotels with stable internet connections. For example, many industries exist wholly on the internet like on-demand streaming or iGaming. These make it possible to access large catalogues of shows and movies, with many services offering free trials for users. Similarly, large iGaming sites offer some of the best casino sign up offers, like free spins. These allow nomads to try out certain forms of entertainment to see if they like them.

If the internet is in short supply, nomads can also download entertainment that can be played offline. Then, when out in the wild or in an area with a spotty internet connection, you’ll never run out of entertainment you can enjoy from your temporary home. Specialised devices like Kindle are also great for avid readers, allowing you to carry a whole library of books with you on your travels.

Find a Local Adventure

If you’re a digital nomad, you don’t want to stay cooped up all day. You already have a passion for travel, so you should seek out local adventures once your workday ends. Your preferred activities will vary a lot depending on your personality and interests.

For example, some nomads prefer to hit the trails by venturing out into nature. If you’re one of those outdoors types, then you should seek out things like hiking and camping. It can be quite easy to find a camping spot in nature no matter where you are in the world, but you should have experience and get informed about your location first, and if you have permission to camp there.

Not all digital nomads are campers, however. Some want to experience the world’s best cities and what they have to offer. For that, you’ll want to consult typical tourist resources that let visitors know what is happening in the local area. Every city has unique attractions that you can’t find anywhere else, which may be of interest to travellers who are used to city life. Tech-savvy travellers may want to visit the world’s smart cities. They are cities that have state-of-the-art transport and entertainment systems built into the city to ease tourist experience, perfect for digital nomads.

Pick up a Hobby

Just like many places have their own unique attractions, some of them have reputations for certain hobbies. An obvious example is cooking – why not pick up recipes from every place you go to? Every country has its unique cuisines and sometimes even cities have their own special ways of cooking. Learning new recipes can be as easy as buying a local cookbook, or you could find classes tailored toward tourists.


Otherwise, hobbies that capture your journey are a great alternative. Sketching and painting are valuable creative skills that can change with your destination if you use the local landscape for inspiration. Likewise, photography is ideal for capturing your travel destinations in lifelike detail. They make perfect mementos and you can share them with friends and family. Different places have rules surrounding photography, mainly in urban areas. However, if you’re alone in nature, you’re free to take as many photographs as you like.

As the son of Hollywood icon Johnny Depp and French singer Vanessa Paradis, Jack has grown up in the shadow of his famous parents but is now coming into his own as a young adult. With little known about his personal life and limited public appearances, there is a sense of curiosity surrounding this enigmatic figure, particularly when it comes to uncovering details about his age and burgeoning career. leaving many eager to learn more about him. As he begins to carve out his own path separate from the shadows cast by his parents’ fame, fans are eager to discover how old Jack Depp really is and what lies ahead for this elusive member of Hollywood royalty.

Early Life: Family background and childhood experiences

Born on April 9, 2002, as the son of Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp and French singer Vanessa Paradis, Jack’s life has been anything but ordinary. Despite growing up in the shadow of his renowned parents, he has managed to capture the public’s curiosity with his own unique persona and talents. Unlike many celebrity children who shy away from the spotlight, Jack Depp has embraced his family’s legacy while carving out his own path in both entertainment and personal endeavors. As he navigates his teenage years under constant media scrutiny, there is much intrigue surrounding this young man’s journey to adulthood and how he plans to leave a mark of his own in an industry dominated by household names.

Career: Any notable achievements or aspirations

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. With the spotlight firmly on him, fans are eager to learn more about this young man who seems destined for stardom. From his early years growing up in the shadow of his parents’ fame to his burgeoning career in music and acting, there’s no doubt that Jack Depp is a rising star worth paying attention to. As he navigates the challenges and opportunities that come with being born into Hollywood royalty, it’s clear that Jack Depp is carving out a path all his own. In this article, we’ll delve into all things related to Jack Depp’s age – from his childhood years to his current endeavors – shedding light on the fascinating journey of this young talent as he steps into the limelight.

Personal Life: Hobbies, interests, and relationships

Jack Depp, the younger sibling of Hollywood star Johnny Depp, has always been a subject of intrigue for fans and media alike. As the son of one of the most enigmatic and talented actors in the industry, Jack’s life has been shrouded in mystery and speculation. With rumors swirling about his age, upbringing, and potential entry into show business, it’s no wonder that audiences are eager to uncover more about this elusive figure. From his early years spent traveling with his parents on film sets to recent sightings at high-profile events, Jack’s age remains a point of contention. As he teeters on the brink of adulthood, there is much curiosity surrounding his personal journey and potential future endeavors.

Public Attention: Media coverage and public perception

As the son of Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp and French singer Vanessa Paradis, he has grown up under the spotlight and is now carving out his own path to stardom. With rumors swirling about his budding acting career and burgeoning talents, fans are eager to learn more about this young talent. Despite growing up in the shadow of his famous parents, Jack Depp is making waves on his own terms and captivating audiences with his charisma and undeniable potential. From attending high-profile events alongside his renowned family members to sparking curiosity with social media posts that offer glimpses into his world, it’s clear that Jack’s journey is one worth following. With speculation surrounding potential film projects and music ventures swirling around him, there’s no denying that this youthful sensation is poised for greatness.

Controversies: Any controversies or scandals surrounding Jack Depp

The young Depp’s age has sparked much curiosity and interest among fans and tabloid readers alike, as they seek to uncover more about this elusive yet intriguing figure in the world of celebrity offspring. With a lineage that includes one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic actors, an acclaimed French singer, and a model sister, Jack’s age seems to be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding his place in the public eye. As he navigates his late teens with all the challenges and opportunities that come with being part of a globally recognized family, Jack Depp’s age becomes a point of fascination for those eager to understand how he is carving out his own identity separate from the shadows cast by his renowned parents. From attending high-profile events to making headlines with his social media presence, every aspect of Jack’s life at this pivotal stage is scrutinized through the lens of curiosity about what lies ahead for him. Join us as we delve into the world of Jack Depp and explore not just his age but also what it means to grow up in one of Hollywood’s most iconic families.

Conclusion: Summary of key points about Jack Depp

With his enigmatic charm and striking resemblance to his famous father, Jack has captured the attention of both fans and paparazzi alike. However, one burning question seems to be on everyone’s mind: just how old is Jack Depp? As he navigates through his teenage years in the midst of intense public scrutiny, it’s no wonder that people are eager to uncover details about this elusive young man. Join us as we delve into the mysterious world of Jack Depp’s age and explore what makes him such an intriguing figure in today’s celebrity landscape. Despite growing up in the shadow of two incredibly talented parents, Jack Depp has managed to carve out a unique identity for himself while maintaining an air of mystique that only adds to his allure. With glimpses of him appearing on social media or accompanying his father at glamorous events, fans have been left wondering about this elusive figure who seems to shun the spotlight despite being born into it. As we uncover the details surrounding Jack Depp’s age, we’ll also take a closer look at how he is navigating adolescence under the watchful eyes of adoring fans and relentless media coverage.