When new mum Natasha Bray hit rock bottom she wasn’t sure that she could ever build herself back up, but that’s exactly what she did with gusto, pride, and an abundance of inner strength, and as a result, Rapid Transformation Coach Natasha Bray emerged, guiding others through their own journeys of growth and resilience. #TeamCoco’s Rachel McAlley has been lucky to interview this strong businesswoman to find out more about her background and what Natasha Bray, Rapid Transformation Coach is truly all about.

One of the business straplines for Natasha Bray is; ‘Helping Women Unlock Their Success’ which is something we feel strongly about at House of Coco Magazine, and another of Natasha Bray’s straplines is; ‘Self Belief + Self Love + Self Worth = Next Level Success, and we simply love this motto for life.

Rapid Transformation Coach Natasha Bray

Q. You had a successful career in the world of social work, at what point did you realise that this wasn’t the career path for you?

A. I actually began my first business whilst on my social work master’s, and I felt torn between both when graduating. I applied for my dream social work job in a specialist intervention role and felt if I got it great, if not I would go full-time into my business. I got the job and then had the task of running both alongside each other for a year when I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant after previously having fertility issues. It was after having my son and becoming a single mum, that the enormity of life as a parent hit me. I realised I wouldn’t be able to run a business, have a full-time social work career and be the mum I so I handed in my notice and took the leap to full-time entrepreneur. I call it my ‘it’s now or never moment’. I haven’t left social work behind entirely though, I merge a lot of my skills and social work theory into my work in my business, utilising a holistic approach to success.

Q. When you started Natasha Bray, Rapid Transformation Coach was your initial aim to work solely with women, or did this just happen organically?

A. This just happened organically. I previously had a health business where 80% of my clients were women and I attracted more female clients. I believe sometimes your ‘niche’ finds you so in order to improve my marketing I decided to shift to working exclusively with women. I do believe there are gender differences in how women and men approach business and the challenges they face.

Q. As mentioned previously, one of your business straplines is; ‘Helping Women Unlock Their Success’, where do you start with this, as it can’t be an easy process?

A. It all comes down to mindset and relationships. Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship we will ever work on, it impacts every area of our lives, relationships with others, relationships with money, relationships with food, the level of success we feel we can have or deserve….everything. By improving our relationship with ourselves we can unlock more success in our lives. This is where the mindset work comes in: by changing negative beliefs, overcoming fears and breaking bad habit patterns I can impact success really quickly. I focus on helping women achieve 3 key aspects of self that are essential for success- Self love (the belief I am enough), self-worth (the belief I am worthy) and self-belief (the belief I can do this). The way I change these things is by healing past emotional traumas through a mix of integrated therapies, coaching and practical tools, providing a secure base for my client to go through the transformational process. This impacts on their personal life and business success.

Q. Do you use RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) with all your clients, and can you tell us a little more about what this is and how it can potentially help an individual unlock their success?

A. I do use it with all my clients yes. It is a revolutionary new super therapy developed by Marisa Peer, a renowned therapist with over 30 years of experience. However, I integrate this therapy with my own techniques I have developed from studying and working in psychology and behaviour change over the last 13 years. RTT mixes concepts from CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Therapy and other therapies into one powerful session, it works by finding the root cause of the issue and changing the meaning associated with the root cause in order to free the person from the effect the event has had on them.

Q. Being a coach isn’t something that everyone can do – you need to have certain qualifications, plus an understanding of psychology and behaviours, and a great deal of patience, did you have these before embarking on becoming a coach?

A. I studied psychology for 8 years in total, all the way from a-level up to master level and worked in many roles where I was coaching people to make huge changes to their lives and achieve their full potential. I work very much in a way that the client has all the answers within them just needing to be unlocked. In my previous career, I was trained in various change psychology tools and interventions that I used on a daily basis in practice. My social work career was as a specialist rapid intervention worker so coaching was just second nature to me. I have a nutrition coaching qualification and I also trained with Marisa Peer herself in her RTT method. My current role actually involves a mix of coaching, therapy and mentoring but I felt coach was the best label for me and one that my client base resonates with.

Q. Tell us what being a Rapid Transformation Coach means to you.

A. Being a Rapid Transformation Coach means the world to me. Being a single parent and having gone through my own difficult childhood experiences that left me lacking in self-worth, self-love and self-belief I know firsthand the huge benefit this deep transformational work can have on the lives of the women I work with. I have now helped hundreds of women achieve more success in their lives and businesses too and there is nothing more rewarding. It’s not just about impacting the women I work with, it’s about the positive ripple effect that then has on their children and their clients too. It’s not a job to me, it really is a passion. I get to spend every day doing what I love and making a difference, something I am very grateful for.

Q. You have been running your successful business for 2 years, did anyone offer you a core piece of advice before launching, something that you remember to this day, and that you still advocate?

A. I didn’t have any advice before launching as I was on the journey alone most of the time. However, if there was something I could go back and tell myself it would be…..be your true self. Let go of perfectionism, and love yourself enough to be yourself. Having been in business for a total of 5 years now, I used to hide the quirky parts of me and think I needed to appear perfect on social media etc. I didn’t embrace every part of me. Since doing my own deep inner work I started showing up more authentically online and with my clients, my business success exploded.

Q. Have you made any big mistakes that turned into a great learning curve since starting your business?

A. Oh gosh yes lots of mistakes along the way, but I don’t see them as mistakes – I see them as opportunities. For a long time, I wasn’t charging enough for my services and struggled to say no to people who needed my support. I ended up burned out as a result. The lesson was basing my prices on what I was worth and the level of transformation I offered, not what I believed others could afford.

Q. If you were to offer one piece of advice to someone thinking of setting up a small business to help people through coaching, what would it be?

A. get clear about the transformation you want to provide for people and who you want to work with first. Very often the most purpose and passion is helping an earlier version of ourselves. There are many types of coaching- nutrition coaching, business coaching, wellness coaching….If you don’t already have experience or qualifications in coaching, look for the best qualification to support what you want to achieve.

Q. Can you leave us with a little nugget of rapid transformational coaching that would give our readers ‘food for thought’ about how they can make a start in unlocking their own successes?

A. Most people tend to look outside of themselves for success, but the key to rapid success in life and business is doing the inner work, the personal transformation. That means going back and healing old emotional wounds that have been left by feeling unloved, not enough or unworthy.

Thanks to Natasha Bray, Rapid Transformation Coach for taking the time to answer all our Girl Bosses of Great Britain questions for House of Coco Magazine.


A veteran in global travel, Rachel also loves to explore hidden gems on home turf. She’s a writing connoisseur of Britain’s best hotels, luxury beauty products, and UK food and drink launches.

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