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What is Feel Electric? London’s best new workout

Have you ever heard of Electro-Muscular-Stimulation? his technology is at the heart of London’s newest workout craze, Feel Electric. Our girl Hannah Tan-Gillies checks it out.

Have you ever heard of Electro-Muscular-Stimulation? This technology is fuelling Feel Electric, London’s best new workout craze. It uses a wearable device that stimulates your muscles through tiny electrodes that accelerate the efficacy of your workouts, toning your body like it’s nobody’s business.

Feel Electric, offers high-tech EMS training that helps you blast those unruly and unwanted fats in a safe studio environment. Could it be London’s best new workout craze? Our girl Hannah Tan-Gillies finds out.

According to Feel Electric, each EMS session activates 90% of your muscle fibres, which means that EMS workouts push your muscles so much harder than a regular gym workout can. For reference, a 20 minute EMS workout is the equivalent of a two hour session at the gym.

Also, low-impact EMS workouts have been known to reduce subcutaneous fat mass, body fat percentage and boosts your basal metabolic rate, which means that you can burn calories while resting.

It also helps tighten your connective tissues as you activate a vast portion of your muscles, which often get overlooked, during your EMS sessions. This helps tone your skin and also reduce cellulite.

The 1-2-1 sessions mean that every workout is tailored to your body type and goals, and with the help of an expert trainer who guides you through the entire workout, you know that you can do it safely too.

For first timers, the experience begins with a measurement of your Body Mass Index, which is admittedly always a daunting ordeal. Don’t fret though the trainers at Feel Electric go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and also explain what the different measurements mean. Women, for example, always hold onto a bit more fat than men do, so don’t let the scales freak you out.

Afterwards, you are given a semi-wetsuit outfit to wear, before putting on the wearable tech (that needs to be worn wet by the way) around your body, arms and legs. It is through these garments that the electronic currents will pulse throughout your body.

The workouts can be as hard or as easy as you want. For 20 minutes, you will be doing low impact exercises such as squats, lunges, and arm raises – with a current of electricity activating muscle groups you didn’t even know you had. The strength of the electric current is also dependent on your tolerance level – so you don’t have to worry about getting shocked.

While I’m used to quite hardcore workouts, the 20 minute low-impact workout at Feel Electric definitely left my muscles feeling toned and tired – and I certainly felt it the next day. For people who are short on time and want to maximise the results of their sessions, Feel Electric is certainly a great choice. No wonder it is electrifying London’s yummy mummies and fitness fanatics. Could it be London’s best new workout craze? If you’re short on time and want maximum impact, then definitely give this a shot.