If you are addicted to alcohol and have finally decided to change for the better, there must be numerous questions in your mind. The first question is, how do I quit alcohol? Following this question, another crucial question that most addicts have in their mind is what the after-effects of alcohol detox look like. 

For an addict who is currently trying to get over their addiction, the road to recovery is very uncertain.  However, when you focus on the 7 dimensions of wellness, which involve social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical well-being, coming out clean becomes easier. Fortunately, to help you navigate the rough waters of this uncertain journey, there are numerous alcohol addiction treatment programs to help you.  If you want to know about how alcohol detox works and how these treatment programs help the addict, this article is here to help you.

What is Alcohol Detox? 

Before learning about the consequences of alcohol detox and how a treatment program can help you, it is important to understand what alcohol detox actually is. When a person consumes high amounts of alcohol for a long time, their body and brain work in a different way.  

Consumption of alcohol or any other drug leads to the release of different chemicals in our brain, and our neurotransmitters get altered, which sends a sense of relaxation and relief to the body. However, when one stops consuming alcohol, it takes time for the brain to readjust to the lack of substance, and during the initial phase of readjustment, the body shows withdrawal symptoms that tend to be painful for the body and can even be life-threatening if the addiction is extreme. 

When your body is “detoxing,” it is cleansing the body to restore healthy functioning, which can be difficult on the addict mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Some of the minor symptoms of alcohol detox include anxiety, sweating, insomnia, headaches, and nausea. On the other hand, the extreme symptoms can range from tremors, seizures, extreme hallucination, and even loss of life. 

Alcohol Detoxification Timeline: 

The symptoms of alcohol detoxification arise as soon as 2 hours after the last consumption. However, the major symptoms are noticeable only after 6 to 12 hours, lasting up to one week. In terms of minor symptoms, they may persist for days and even months, depending on how much alcohol the addict used to consume. 

  • The first six to twelve hours: 

The first six to twelve hours are relatively easier for the addict with minor symptoms such as nausea, headache, and irritability. 

  • Day one: 

After the first 12 hours, alcohol detoxification is rather tough on the addict. Most individuals experience tremors, seizures, hallucinations, and even disorientation in some cases.  

  • Day two: 

Day two symptoms are the same as day one, and the individual may also experience additional issues, such as panic attacks, as the body gets rid of the alcohol. 

  • Day three: 

This day is most likely to be accompanied by the symptoms experienced in days one and two, along with high chances of fever. 

  • Day four to seven: 

As one proceeds to one week of complete alcohol detox, one may experience that their symptoms are aggravated. This is the time when the addict’s life is at the most risk, and once they cross this mark, the later stages become easier. 

The Role of an Alcohol Detox Program: 

Alcohol detoxification on your own is tough. This is the reason why you must enroll in a detox program that takes a holistic approach towards recovery from substance abuse and focuses on the all-round development of the human being, which involves social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical wellness. 


Alcohol addiction is extremely tough on an individual and their family physically, mentally, and financially. Hence, before matters get worse, it is important that you take some solid steps to fight your addiction. 

Remember that you are not alone. You have numerous alcohol detox treatment centers that will help you get over your addiction under the supervision of professionals. All you need to do is take a positive step towards a better life.  


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