In the gig economy, having a car can be a ticket to additional income, offering opportunities to turn your vehicle into a money-making asset. Whether you’re looking to supplement your main income or exploring ways to capitalise on your free time, there are various side hustles you can embark on using your car. This blog post will explore three ways to rev up your income, from familiar options like rideshare driving to lesser-known opportunities such as renting or turning your car into a mobile billboard. Each side hustle has its own considerations, which we’ll explore to help you make informed decisions.

Rideshare Driving

Driving for rideshare companies like Uber is a popular side hustle that offers the flexibility to work on your own schedule. As a driver, you earn money by picking up passengers and driving them to their destinations.

Before you can start, there are several requirements to meet. Generally, you must be at least 21 years old. You must possess a valid driver’s license, have some years of driving experience, and pass a background check.

If you’re considering new number plates, remember that they must comply with local laws and be visible and legible for identification purposes. You can find out more about new number plates on sites like

Keep in mind that driving for these companies will increase wear and tear on your vehicle, potentially raising maintenance costs. However, with strategic planning, rideshare driving can be a lucrative way to leverage your car for extra income.

Renting Out Your Car

Car-sharing platforms like Turo have revolutionised how people rent cars, offering a profitable side hustle for car owners. These platforms allow you to list your car for rent when you’re not using it, providing an opportunity to generate passive income.

However, you need to bear some considerations in mind. Firstly, although these platforms offer insurance coverage, understanding the policy’s specifics is critical to ensure you’re adequately covered in case of damage or theft. Secondly, your car’s availability might limit your personal usage during high-demand periods.

Ensure your car is in good condition, as customer reviews can significantly impact your rental attractiveness. Also, consider local laws and regulations around car rental services. By doing a thorough assessment, car-sharing can indeed be a lucrative way of utilising your idle vehicle.

Mobile Advertising

Turning your car into a mobile billboard is an innovative way to earn extra income. Companies are willing to pay for moving advertisements that can reach a wide audience. This process involves wrapping your car with a company’s advertisement, which is done professionally and does not damage your vehicle’s paint job.

Pay varies depending on factors such as the campaign duration, the advertiser, your driving habits, and the ad size. Typically, you need a clean driving record, a relatively new, well-maintained car, and a commitment to drive a certain number of miles per month.

It’s essential to ensure you work with reputable car advertising companies to avoid scams. Always read the terms and conditions of the agreement carefully before committing. This form of advertising can be a great way to earn passive income, especially if you drive frequently or cover long distances. It’s a simple way of monetising your daily commute or road trips.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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