Personal injury cases are any lawsuits for compensation involving negligence or direct action. Those who are injured have the opportunity to request compensation from the person or business that caused the injuries. The compensation generally covers any medical expenses, costs for damages, and money to cover any other expenses relating to the accident. If you need the best legal services to defend your rights in the event of an accident, contact the professionals at Lem Garcia Law. Some of the top reasons people open a personal injury case include the following.

Vehicle Accidents

One of the most common types of cases for a personal injury attorney to handle is a vehicle accident case. This includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and pedestrians injured by a vehicle. In these cases, the victim may need help obtaining the full amount of compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company or whoever is determined to be liable for the accident.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Another common reason for personal injury cases would be slip and fall accidents. These are any cases that involve a victim who is injured because they slipped or tripped due to someone else’s negligence. One of the biggest examples of this is someone who falls and is injured because of a spilled liquid in the grocery store that wasn’t cleaned up or marked off in time. While slipping and falling may not seem serious, these incidents can lead to serious injuries or death- click more to get further information about slip and fall accidents.

Products Liability

Products should be safe for consumers to use, yet every year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalls a number of products because they are not safe or could be unsafe when used. If someone is injured by a product they’ve obtained, they may be able to seek compensation for medical bills and other expenses relating to the defective product. Products covered under this include everything from toys to tools, food, medicine, or other belongings.

Workplace Accidents

Workplace accidents are another type of personal injury that are far too common. Each year, many people end up injured due to accidents at their workplace, and the injuries can range from minor to life-threatening. When they are, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. This can be crucial if they become permanently injured and cannot return to work, as they will need compensation to replace the lost wages.

Medical Malpractice

Each year, thousands of medical mistakes are made. Though not every mistake is an example of malpractice, this does occur if the mistake falls under certain conditions, such as the failure to meet the standard of care which resulted in injuries to the patient. It is important to speak with a lawyer such as this Miami medical malpractice attorney after a medical mistake is made to see if it could be considered malpractice and, if so, if it’s possible to obtain compensation for any further injuries or damages.

When injuries occur, especially serious injuries, large medical bills, and other expenses can occur. If the injuries occurred due to the negligence or direct action of another person or business, the victim may be able to obtain compensation to cover these expenses. To do this, it is imperative the victim contacts a lawyer as soon as possible after the injury, as there is a lot the lawyer can do to help them get more compensation and make sure the compensation is sufficient to cover all expenses relating to the injury. Talk to a lawyer about your situation today to learn more.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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