Buying a property, whether that be a modestly sized apartment in the heart of the city, or an old, sprawling farmhouse in the middle of the countryside, there is certainly a lot to think about.

With this in mind, continue reading to discover a simple(ish) guide to buying a house.

How to Choose a Mortgage Lender

First and foremost, unless you have recently won the lottery or just got back from Vegas with a huge win, you will need a mortgage in order to achieve your ambition of owning your home.

Choosing a mortgage lender can be more than a little complicated, especially due to the fact that there are usually a great deal more offers and deals for first-time homeowners. Prestigious and established loan officers in New Jersey will be more than happy to go through with you, in detail, the step-by-step process of applying for and being accepted for a mortgage.

Shop Around for Your Ideal Home

One of the best pieces of advice you could possibly be given when looking for a house or apartment to purchase is to avoid being ‘sucked in’ by an overly enthusiastic realtor whose primary goal involves earning as much personal commission as possible.

Instead, when you are absolutely and confidently ready to start searching for your dream home, make sure you have already applied for a preapproval mortgage document, are fully aware of how much money you can use as a downpayment, and consider carefully the area you are looking to reside in.

Shop around for your ideal home and utilize the internet (which would have been considered a luxury resource in the past) to discover local amenities, the number of incidents in terms of burglaries, and other key factors before booking a viewing.

Calculate Rather Than Estimate Your Costs

Obviously, there are many more costs and associated outgoings connected to buying a home than the mortgage itself, so being aware of your financial situation and moreover, making an effort to pay any outstanding debts and generally improve your credit score, are all important ways to prepare.

The primary additional costs of buying a home aside from your mortgage include the following:

  • Removal company fees
  • A house survey
  • Any home renovations and repairs
  • Conveyancing solicitors
  • Downpayments
  • Energy performance certificates

Physically Visit Any Potential Properties Several Times

Finally, once you have ensured your finances and savings are in order, that your credit score is as good as it is going to get, that you have saved enough money for a reasonably sized downpayment, and you have applied for preapproval for a mortgage, it is time to consider placing an offer.

Before you do, it is strongly advisable to visit any potential neighbourhoods on more than a couple of occasions at various times of the day, as this will provide a much more accurate insight of what life would be like living in that area than any estate agent is ever going to provide you with.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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