


We tend to think that creativity is confined to the arts and fashion-focused industries. Of course, there is certainly a lot of creativity in fashion. Creating new looks for the season not only requires an understanding of what’s in vogue, but also an ability to work these trends into something people haven’t seen before. This isn’t easy. It requires a special kind of mind that’s capable of looking at the box (i.e. what’s happening in the moment) and then stepping outside of it.

This process happens in many other industries that are deemed “creative.” However, this doesn’t you can’t push the envelope in so-called “non-creative” industries. Specifically, if you’re thinking of a new career outside of fashion and want to use your creative skills, it’s more than possible. There are examples of this all around us. Look at any big brand, regardless of what it’s selling, and you’ll see instances of creative, outside of the box thinking.

Outside the Box Thinking Makes Products Appealing

Take, for example, online casino gaming. You might think there isn’t much you can do with games such as blackjack and roulette. You’d be wrong. Modern online casino games are far more than cards and betting chips. There are live dealer games featuring nightclub backdrops, for example. Then there are promotions. All top-rated casinos offer incentives. These incentives often have a theme or overarching concept. For example, Betfair’s latest casino offers may include free spin promotion. The deal itself is appealing to customers, but there needs to be a theme.

A theme Betfair has used is the diamond geezer. Playing on the Del Boy from Only Fools and Horse vibe, this theme is multi-layered. The idea of diamond geezer can be seen as appealing to the casual bettor. Therefore, it’s an offer everyone can enjoy. Then there’s the diamond inference. So-called diamond geezers are often larger than life personalities that like to wear flashy outfits. There’s a certain sense of wealth and success associated with this which, in turn, implies it’s a generous promotion.

These connotations might be hard to spot on a conscious level, but they’re there. This is the mark of creative thinkers who have thought outside the box and found a way to make a simple offer more appealing to customers. We can say the same thing about De Beers’ famous “a diamond is forever” campaign. Coined in 1947, the marketing team at De Beers changed the industry by subtly implying that no marriage is complete without a diamond.

Don’t Lose Your Creativity

Source: Unsplash

There wasn’t anything inherently original in the idea that jewelry is essential for marriage. However, as fashion designers often do, De Beers took an existing idea and made it original. One of the first posters in this campaign had the tagline, “2 months’ salary showed the future Mrs. Smith what the future will be like.” The implication here is that diamonds are the ultimate declaration of love.

Their worth directly correlates with the worth of a spouse. That’s a clever (if not cynical) marketing trick. Not only that, it’s creative and another example of how thinking outside the box can help a business. As a creative thinker, this should give you a lot of confidence if you want to start a new career. Creative industries are creative, that’s obvious. However, you can apply your creativity to any medium and stand out from the crowd in any industry. That’s the point you should remember if you’re embarking on a new career or starting your own business.

Are you a coach who’s struggling to stand out in a crowded market? Do you find it hard getting new clients and constantly having to reinvent the wheel with each one?

Well, you’re in the right place! Creating a signature coaching program can be a game-changer for your business. It allows you to leverage your expertise, create a system for your clients, and provide a consistent and valuable experience for them. No more struggling with what to offer or how to structure your sessions.

Creating a signature program takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. But the benefits are worth it. You’ll be able to attract more clients, increase your income, and make a bigger impact on the lives of those you work with.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a signature coaching program from start to finish. We’ll cover everything from designing, to pricing and marketing your program. Get ready to stand out in your industry, attract your ideal clients, and take your coaching business to the next level!

Let’s get started!

Create a Niche-Specific Program

Many life coaches want to be a jack of all trades. Don’t be one. Narrow down your expertise to a specific niche. People prefer coaches who specialize in solving their specific problems. And, having a specific-niche goes along with creating a niche-specific coaching program.

There are numerous benefits that customers can enjoy when working with a life coach who has created a niche-specific program.

First and foremost, a niche-specific program means that you have a deep understanding of the specific challenges and goals that your clients are facing in that particular area.

For example, if you are a small business coach then you’ll want to create a signature program specifically tailored for small business owners. By knowing the pain points in the specific area, you can tailor your coaching methods and advice to better meet the needs of your clients.

Moreover, a niche-specific program can help to set clear expectations for clients, as they will know exactly what they can expect to achieve from the coaching program. This can help to increase their commitment to the process and reduce the risk of drop-out or disengagement.

Lastly, by taking part in your signature program, your customers can benefit from your network of contacts and resources within the niche, which can be an additional source of support and knowledge.

Designing Your Program

Once you’ve defined your niche, it’s time to start designing your coaching program. But where do you start? Here’s a simple framework to help you create a program that genuinely resonates with your target market.

Signature Coaching Program

The first step is to outline the program’s structure. This is like creating a blueprint for a house, ensuring that every room has a purpose and that the overall design flows seamlessly. Doing so can ensure that your program has a clear and logical structure that your clients can easily follow.

Next, decide on the program’s length and format. That’s like choosing the perfect vehicle for your journey. Depending on your niche and the complexity of your program, you may want to offer a shorter, more intensive program or a longer, more comprehensive one. Similarly, the format of your program may be one-on-one sessions, group sessions, or a combination of both.

And lastly, developing the program’s unique selling proposition (USP) is like adding the finishing touches to a masterpiece. Your USP should highlight your program’s unique benefits and outcomes, setting it apart from other coaching programs in your niche.

Pricing and Packaging

Determining the price of your coaching program is important to reflect your value as a coach, but you need to ensure that the price is also affordable for your target market. By following these steps, you can ensure that your pricing strategy is on point.

The first step is considering your target market’s budget and the value you offer. Also, it’s essential to take into account the competition in your niche, your level of expertise as a coach, and the length and complexity of the program.

Next, choosing the pricing model is like deciding on the perfect recipe for your signature dish. You can offer a one-time fee, a monthly subscription, or a pay-as-you-go model, depending on the needs of your target market and the complexity of your coaching program.

Packaging your program is like creating a beautiful gift box that makes your program stand out. You can increase its perceived value by bundling your coaching program with additional resources, such as workbooks, templates, or access to a community of like-minded individuals.

Marketing Your Program

So you’ve created your signature coaching program and now you want to get it out there and start helping people! Even though marketing a life coach program can be a challenging process, the efforts are totally worth it. Here are some effective marketing strategies to consider:

Word of Mouth

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to get the word out about your coaching program. This is when your clients tell their friends, family, and colleagues about the amazing results they have achieved by working with you. People trust the opinions of those they know and respect, so encouraging your clients to share their success stories with others can be a powerful way to attract new clients.

One way to incentivize your clients to refer their friends, family, and colleagues to your coaching program is by offering a referral discount or even a free coaching session for each successful referral. Not only will your clients be motivated to share your program with others, but you’ll also have a way to track the success of your referral program.

Work on Your Website

Your website is the online hub of your coaching business, so it’s important to make sure it reflects your brand and your coaching program. Consider adding a page specifically dedicated to your signature coaching program, outlining the benefits, features, and results clients can expect.

Make sure your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and that all of your contact information is clearly visible.

Place social buttons in strategic places so your signature coaching program page is easily shareable. Quantic’s website makes sharing a breeze by placing buttons for all popular social media platforms right on the page, so you can easily share their content.

Moreover, work on getting some traffic to your page. Use SEO tactics to increase your website’s visibility in search engine results. Research and use relevant keywords to optimize your website’s content and metadata. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, has a fast load time, and includes quality content.

Combine your digital marketing with traditional one. For example, you could set up a QR code on your business cards, flyers, or other marketing materials that leads directly to your website or landing page, making it easier for potential clients to access more information and take the next step.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to promote your coaching program. Start by creating a list of potential clients who have expressed interest in your coaching or have previously worked with you.

Then, send them a series of emails that highlight the benefits of your signature coaching program and explain how it can help them achieve their goals. Make sure to include a call to action in each email, encouraging them to book a consultation with you to learn more.

Business Text Messaging

Business text messaging gives you another way to promote your program and keep in touch with your client. Business texting platforms like MessageDesk make it easy to pre-save text messages as templates, build contact lists and schedule and automate text message sends.

Many coaches use business texting software to keep connected to their clients, offer encouragement, and communicate throughout their program.

Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your coaching program. Consider creating a social media page specifically for your coaching business, and share updates, testimonials, and success stories regularly.

Engage with your followers by answering questions and responding to comments. You can also use paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience.

Client Onboarding

A client onboarding is a crucial step in the coaching journey, and it involves creating a seamless and welcoming experience for your clients as they begin their coaching program. Here are some actionable steps to consider when creating an onboarding process for your life coaching program.

Define the purpose and goals of the onboarding process

Start by defining the purpose of the onboarding process. What do you want the new clients to know, understand, and feel after completing the onboarding process? What are the specific goals you want to achieve through the onboarding process? This will help you to design an effective and efficient onboarding process.

Identify the key information and resources to be provided

Consider what information and resources your new clients need to know about your program. This could include things like your coaching philosophy, the coaching process, scheduling, communication expectations, and confidentiality policies.

Also, consider what materials or resources can be provided to new clients to help them better understand the program. A common practice is to develop a welcome package or kit that outlines the key information and resources you identified previously. The welcome package can be in the format of documents, videos, tools and other resources that can be used by clients to prepare for the coaching experience.

Follow up after the onboarding process

After the onboarding process is complete, follow up with the client to ensure they feel comfortable and confident with the coaching program. Encourage feedback and make adjustments as needed to improve the onboarding process.

Finally, regularly evaluate and improve the onboarding process to ensure that it remains effective and relevant. Consider soliciting feedback from clients and coaches to identify areas for improvement and make changes accordingly.

Revolutionize Your Coaching With A Coaching Program

With the coaching industry on the rise and more people seeking guidance and support in their personal and professional lives, it is the perfect time to create a signature coaching program.

A well-designed signature coaching program can help you establish yourself as an expert coach in your niche and create a reliable income stream.

With careful planning and execution, you can design, price and market your program to transform your clients’ lives.

Now that you clearly understand what it takes to create a successful signature coaching program, don’t wait any longer and get started today!

Your resume is the one thing that can make or break your career. It shows your competencies and accomplishments, and if you don’t highlight them well, you’ll fall behind the other applicants.

That’s why it’s important to create a job-winning resume. It needs to fulfill all of the job description’s criteria and follow some general rules while still having a personal flare. This sounds tough, but it’s way easier than you think.

Keep reading to find out how to create a job-winning resume with zero hassle!

5 Tips on How to Create a Job-Winning Resume

Here are some tips on how to make a job-winning resume:

#1. Choose the Right Format

There are three main resume formats:

● Reverse-chronological format. It focuses on highlighting experiences and lists them from the latest to the earliest.● Functional format. Instead of highlighting your experiences, this format instead displays your skills.● Combination format. Last but not least, the combination format is a perfect blend of the above-mentioned formats, highlighting both your experiences and skills.

To choose the right fit for you, consider what you want to highlight in your resume and your current experience level. If you’re a recent graduate, opt for a functional resume so you can focus on selling your strengths.

#2. Tailor Skills to Match the Job Ad

The next step is to make sure you check what the job description says. Give it a thorough read, and find out what skills the company you’re applying for needs. With that out of the way, try to tailor your skills so that they match the job ad.

For example, if you’re applying for an IT job and have good computer knowledge, mention your computer and programming skills, such as Python or Java.

#3. Focus on Achievements, Not Tasks

When you start writing the experience section, focus on explaining what you’ve accomplishedinstead of your tasks. This leaves a good impression on the recruiters as they’ll see you got the job done.

Let’s say that you worked for a sales company. Instead of only saying that you worked as a sales representative, you can mention that you’ve managed to increase their app sales by 21% in less than six months.

#4. Write a Compelling Summary/Objective

Based on your experience level, you can either write a resume summary or an objective.Here’s what that means:

● Resume summary. Describes everything you’ve accomplished throughout your working experience.● Resume objective. Mention your career goals and what you can bring to the table.

Besides that, an additional difference between the two is that a resume summary is longer than a resume objective.

#5. Make It ATS Friendly

Lastly, remember to make your resume ATS-friendly. That is because ATS resumes are quite popular nowadays, and most recruiters will look out for them. An ATS-friendly resume is one that can easily be scanned through an ATS scanner.

Here’s how you can make your resume ATS-friendly:

● Keep it to one page.● Keep the structure simple.● Check for any spelling or grammar mistakes.● Add keywords that are listed in the job description.● List your personal information, job title, resume objective or summary, your experience, and then your skills.

With that out of the way, you can also run your resume through an ATS scanner before you send it. This way, you’ll ensure that everything is well-written.

Closing Thoughts

And that’s a wrap!

Before you try to build a resume, try to think of ways you can stand out and how you can catch the recruiter’s attention. The best way to become memorable is by building a job-winning resume.

Then, instead of going through the hassle of creating a resume by hand, turn to a resume builderinstead. They are easy to use, help you get the format of your resume right, and ensure it is ATS friendly.

Hopefully, this article has shown you how to create a job-winning resume, so you can nail your next job application. Good luck!

Fleet management can be a challenging task for any organization. From vehicle tracking to route optimization, there are numerous tasks to manage on a daily basis. Fortunately, technology has come to the rescue with the development of fleet management apps. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using apps to track employee location, popular options available, best practices for implementation, and future trends in the industry.


One of the most significant benefits of using a apps to track employee location is the real-time tracking of vehicles. This feature helps to monitor the location of each vehicle, which is crucial for ensuring timely deliveries, dispatching drivers, and providing customers with accurate information. By keeping track of their vehicles, fleet managers can make informed decisions about vehicle maintenance, fuel usage, and driver behavior, which can lead to significant cost savings.

Another benefit of fleet management apps is the cost savings they provide through route optimization. By using real-time traffic data, these apps can identify the quickest and most efficient routes to take, saving time and reducing fuel consumption. With the ability to plan routes in advance, fleet managers can also identify potential issues or delays, allowing for adjustments to be made before the driver sets off on their journey.

Increased efficiency is another benefit of fleet management apps, through automated processes. These apps can help to streamline processes such as maintenance schedules, fuel tracking, and driver logs. This saves time and reduces errors that could lead to increased expenses. By automating routine tasks, fleet managers can focus on more critical aspects of fleet management, such as driver training and customer satisfaction.

Improved safety and compliance is also a significant benefit of using fleet management apps. By monitoring driver behavior, such as speeding and hard braking, managers can identify areas where improvements are needed, leading to increased safety for the driver and other road users. Additionally, by keeping track of driver logs and other compliance requirements, fleet managers can ensure that their organization meets regulatory standards and avoids potential fines.

Best apps

There are numerous fleet management apps available, each with their unique features and capabilities. Some of the most popular options include Buddy Punch, Fleetio, Verizon Connect, and Fleetmatics.

When choosing a fleet management app, it is essential to consider the specific needs of your business. Some apps may be better suited for smaller organizations, while others may be better for larger organizations. Additionally, the cost and implementation considerations of each app should be evaluated before making a final decision.


Implementing a fleet management app requires careful planning and consideration. It is essential to provide training and support to staff members who will be using the app regularly. Additionally, integration with existing systems should be evaluated to ensure that the app works seamlessly with other tools and processes. Regular evaluation and optimization of app usage should be done to ensure that the app is being used to its full potential.


The use of apps to track employee location provides numerous benefits, including real-time tracking, route optimization, increased efficiency, and improved safety and compliance.

TikTok is an app launched in 2016 and took off in the US in the late 2010s and early 2020s. However, it’s still a relatively new platform compared to other mainstream social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Because of this, there are still many misconceptions about TikTok. Many unfamiliar with the app still see it as a place where teens dance to whatever popular song. However, the platform has much more to offer. It’s a massive place for brands and influencers, making it an ideal platform to promote your business and build your community on TikTok. This post will discuss why TikTok can promote your business and how you can approach it.

It’s Not Just Early Gen Z

Again, many people think that TikTok is a place overrun by teens and early 20s folks, but this could not be further from the case. While they still make up the majority of people, there’s a sizable amount of folks in their mid to late 20s, 30s, and even 40s and beyond.

Because of this, your business can reach various demographics through TikTok’s power.

It Can Be a Way to Promote Content in a Creative Fashion

TikTok is most defined by its short videos that are less than a minute. While it’s possible to have longer videos, short-form, vertical videos are still the bread and butter of TikTok. If you have a creative side, these videos can be fun to showcase your products, get in on the latest trends, and give behind-the-scenes looks at your business.

TikTok’s video makers, filters, and creativity can make your business stand out. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what videos you should make for your business; this ultimately depends on your creativity and business type.

TikTok is a platform that rewards experimentation. So take that box and think outside of it.

The Algorithm Makes it Easy to Know Your Audience

TikTok has a fierce algorithm that recommends videos based on what videos you like and what hashtags you use. So if you’re figuring out who your audience is, using relative hashtags can give you a treasure trove of content your audience is uploading and liking.

You can use this to make content that will attract your audience. Don’t be afraid to get a little inspired and research. Also, check out what significant brands like Nike are doing with their uploads. It can give you some ideas.

It’s Much Easier to Get Views Than on Other Platforms

With other platforms, it sometimes feels like an uphill battle for your post to go viral or to attract followers. While using the right hashtags and keywords and posting content regularly eventually gives you the audience you deserve, the problem is that many social media websites require you to invest in advertising to make a dent.

While TikTok has its advertising program, it’s still easier to reach people organically than other sites. So if you are frustrated at not getting enough Instagram followers or YouTube views, try TikTok, as it can give you the break you deserve.

When Should You Not Market on TikTok?

With that said, there are some reasons why you may not want to use TikTok. After all, you cannot be on every social media platform, and there are times when TikTok may not be fruitful for you, so you should focus on another platform. Here are some signs that TikTok may not be the best for your business:

● Your audience is older (40+)● Your audience is not interested in video content● Your business does not want to create lighthearted content relatable to the audience.

Otherwise, TikTok is an excellent place, and even with these reasons, it may still be worth it. For example, there is an older audience on TikTok, and making serious videos is possible.

How to Make Excellent TikTok Content

Now that we’ve discussed why you should be on TikTok, here are some tips to remember when making content.

Basic Video Tips

Again, we cannot tell you what to make, as this can depend on your brand and your audience. However, you should follow some objective rules when making your videos.

● Make videos that focus on the person. While showcasing your products can work, having a face in it can make your audience likelier to relate to you.● Try not to be too sales-y in your videos. People like it better when the video feels authentic and not another advertisement.● Why so serious? TikTok is a platform that promotes lightheartedness. So try to be humorous in your videos, and ensure it does not feel forced.● If you can, incorporate pets, food, or other content popular with TikTokers.● TikTok is all about trends. So participating in the latest dance, trend, or challenge can bring you popularity.

Making your videos with all these checkboxes makes it likelier to go viral and gain followers.

Don’t Forget the Hashtags

Hashtags are as vital on TikTok as any other business. When using hashtags, don’t use the ones everyone else is using—study hashtags used by similar businesses. Create your own branded hashtags and create challenges that use them.

The more focused your hashtags can be while still having usage, the better.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Engage With our Audience

This rule is evident in any social media marketing. Your audience wants to see you as more than a brand and, instead, someone who will talk to them like a friend. One way you can do this is to engage.

You probably already know that you should like and reply to comments. However, on TikTok, this is only the beginning. Your audience members may perform duets, use your products, respond to your videos, or make their own.

When this happens, comment on them and share them. So many people on TikTok want to go viral, and boosting them makes it likelier that they will engage with your product. You can even respond to their videos and make duets of your own.

On TikTok, the best business strategy is not to be seen as another business but instead as a person. If you do this, people will naturally support you.

Use TikTok for Business and Make Ads

Like most social media platforms, TikTok allows you to make a profile specifically for business. Launched in 2020, it was a sign that TikTok is more than just an app for teens.

TikTok for Business allows you to make ads. For example, you can make TopView ads appear when a user opens the app. In addition, you can make ads that pop between content. You can even promote a branded hashtag. There are many unique ways you can promote yourself on TikTok that other social media platforms don’t have.

As a business, you must check this out and create content your audience will love. With that said, what ads work to attract your audience?

Once again, creating something that does not feel too much like an advertisement would be best. If your audience feels like they’re being advertised to, they’ll skip that ad fast. So instead, you need to create something that grabs their attention and gives them a call to action. Give the audience why they should check out your profile and follow you.

Partner With Influencers

Like Instagram, TikTok is known for its influencer culture. This is an Internet celebrity with a loyal audience following, and thus, can influence them into making purchases. If you partner with a TikTok influencer, you can bring your product to a new audience.

Ideally, you’ll want to partner with an influencer with a large or engaged audience who has promoted similar products. Choosing a product not part of the influencer’s usual niche may not resonate with the audience.

Partnering with influencers can require an investment, and how much you spend can depend on the influencer themselves. Smaller accounts may be ideal at first; it’s much easier to partner with someone with tens of thousands of followers than millions.

When reaching out to an influencer, do not be intimidated. Instead, state your intentions, and negotiate a deal. This way, you can develop something that will satisfy both parties.

Look at Your Competition

Here’s another bit of common knowledge that some businesses may not be doing. You must look towards your competition if you want to succeed. TikTok makes it simple for you to search for businesses offering similar products.

See how they make their videos, and look at their profiles. We are not saying you should copy them whole cloth; instead, see them as inspiration. How can you make similar videos but with your own style? For example, if they have unique hashtags, can you create something with your branding to attract the same audience?


TikTok is not an app you want to miss. However, in most business situations, it can benefit from starting a TikTok profile, even if you feel your audience is not there. As long as you create great content that utilizes all of TikTok’s hashtags, you can obtain a loyal following that will love to try your products.

Companies spend a fortune on advertising and creating a brand image but, really, successful companies are born when they let their product and customer service speak for them.

There are many examples of how good customer service has propelled many companies to the top. Engaging the customer and ensuring the customer trusts your product and your company is an essential part of building your business.

Customer engagement and customer service are two things that can differentiate a successful business from a business that is struggling to stay afloat.

Thus improving customer engagement should be a very important goal in any business owner’s strategy. One important way to improve customer engagement is customer engagement training.

Who is an Engaged Customer?

Engaged customers are those customers who are attached to your brand, rationally, emotionally and psychologically. They tend to be advocates or ambassadors for your brand and are loyal repeat customers.

How Does Customer Engagement Training Help You?

Statistics show that companies committed to improving customer engagement have better productivity, revenue and customer ratings.

These companies are also likely to have much better customer retention rates.

Let’s see how training your staff can achieve the goal of customer engagement more effectively for your company.

1. Better Employee Motivation and Engagement

Before you try to convince your customers to trust your company, you must convince your employees that their organization trusts them and cares about them.

Other than improving their overall confidence and morale and encouraging them to solve problems for the customer, this also makes employees more engaged in the company, its philosophy and its products and also motivates them to work harder for the betterment of the company.

2. Improved Skill Set

Effective training always results in upskilling. Employees who take customer engagement training will come out with better skills and knowledge on how to handle customers of different kinds.

Training will help them improve communication, listening, problem-solving and team skills and this will directly accelerate the growth of your company.

Flagship courses included in the BSB Training Package offered by eSkilled are exactly what you need to train your employees in customer engagement.

3. Customer Satisfaction

The end goal of customer engagement training is to ensure the customer goes home satisfied.

Your customers must feel valued and must want to come back.

They must also have the trust that if they face any difficulties in the future, your staff will support them and ensure smooth tackling of the problem.

If your employees are trained they can ensure that customers have no problems and face no deficiencies in service. This can automatically increase your customer retention rate significantly and consequently revenue.

4. Loyalty

In most industries, customers are spoilt for choice!

They will be more inclined to choose your business over other options if you can deliver excellent customer service.

Most customers do not mind paying slightly extra if they are guaranteed good customer service, so while other businesses will have to rely on offering discounts and other practices to attract customers, you can easily bring customers in through remarkable service.

As a business, your first goal is to ensure your existing customers return to you.

Buying, product returns and after-sale support are important aspects of customer experience. When your staff is optimally trained to assist customers through their buying journey, customers will not forget how extraordinary their experience was.

5. Profit

The consequence of all the above results is that the revenue you generate will increase and so will your profit.

As employees become highly skilled and enthusiastic, they tend to put in more effort and bring in more revenue. Customers leave satisfied and oftentimes lead new customers.

All in all, your profit will rise with an investment in customer engagement training.


Customer engagement and customer service are two major areas businesses can exploit to increase customer satisfaction and revenue.

By using customer engagement training, you can increase your employees’ enthusiasm to work, improve their skill sets, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and also bring in more profit.

An investment in customer engagement training should be your next step to ensure your business stays ahead in the very competitive race.

It seems no matter where you go online, someone is saying that they’ve found the key to unlock their financial freedom. From opening multi-million-dollar Shopify stores to selling digital courses, there seems to be no shortage of ways to unlock your own potential. And as exciting and motivating as the idea of financial freedom is, not everyone knows how to go about it. What sounds good in theory can quickly become a demotivating mistake, especially if you invested money into it. Fortunately, there are still ways to build your passive income nest egg without going broke. Here’s how to do it.

What Exactly is Passive Income?

If you don’t already know, passive income is money you earn without having to, well, earn it. After initial setup or investment, it usually requires no effort on your behalf except to check in and see how things are going. Examples of passive income include digital courses, online stores, and rental properties. In fact, rental properties are probably the most lucrative way to earn passive income, even if you’re not familiar with now it works.

It’s always best to do your research before you invest in a property or rent out your own. If you were to rent out your own vacation rental on Airbnb or VRBO, do you know the tax rules on rental properties that may or may not apply to you? Most vacation homes carry a wide array of applicable items that deo meet the deduction criteria. To learn more, you should review how the IRS qualifies vacation rentals and what type of deductions are available.

Invest in Dividends

If you’re still sitting on the fence about rental properties, you could invest in dividends. You invest in mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. You earn the money you invested back in dividends. If you’re not sure what dividends are, not to worry. Dividends are the payments companies make back to shareholders. This usually occurs every quarter, however, it may vary.


If you have a creative side, you could earn money by earning royalties. Royalties are what you get when you sell your music, art, photographs, or writing. You can be paid out on time, or you can earn money every time someone buys what you created, like a copy of your book.

Write a Blog

While some say blogging is a dead-end street, not everyone would agree. You can still earn money through affiliate marketing on your blog. All you need to do is set up your blog and find affiliates that you want to promote. Whenever someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. You can also sign up for AdSense and let other businesses advertise on your site.

Digital Courses

Long gone are the days of attending in-person courses. Now, you can create a digital course and promote online to earn cash. Whatever your specialty is, you can create courses that teach everything they want to know from the comfort of their homes. If you love to bake, you could create courses for people who want to learn how to make homemade baked goods. The same idea applies to any other skill you have. You could create a course of teaches people how to draw, groom their pet or start an indoor garden. Just make sure you price your courses fairly. Even though people are willing to pay to learn, they don’t want to be ripped off.

Rent Out Your Car or Parking Space

This idea is not for the faint of heart, however, you could rent out your car to people who don’t have one. This trend has gained a lot of popularity over recent years, so if you feel confident that it can work for you, you should start marketing online. Start with your family and friends first to ensure that you get the right type of customers. Also, check the insurance laws in your state prior to letting anyone behind the wheel. If loaning to strangers doesn’t appeal to you, you could rent out your parking space. It’s usually impossible to find parking in big cities, so if you have an extra space, you can rent it out and earn money without doing anything. You can choose to charge by the day, week, month, or even on a yearly basis.

Here’s a cold truth: creating a near-perfect website isn’t easy. You need to ensure that your webpage is a cumulation of all the necessary elements that add to its success. Besides, since not everyone is a design professional, we mostly rely on appealing themes and pre-made templates on such platforms.

However, it’s not enough. Since most people settle with ready templates, you must ensure that you’re ahead of the others. So in this article, we look into some unique do’s and don’ts of effective website designing that take you a long way in delivering professionally-perfected websites. Let’s look at some do’s and don’ts in the following sections.

Do’s & Don’t Of A Website Design

Keep Your Website’s UI Consistent

Consistency in interface design across the board in a product is one of the pillars of strong UX. All pages on your website should have the same general layout and style. Usability and UX can benefit from consistency in navigation, color schemes, fonts, and writing style.

To ensure your visitors have a seamless browsing experience, adhere to user experience (UX) suggestions while structuring your website’s style. A webpage is not an adventure. Therefore, ensure that the navigation on your website is simple and intuitive and that all clickable elements (such as links and buttons) are uncomplicated and straightforward to comprehend.

Do: Focus on creating a usable design first. Consistency comes afterward.

Don’t: Avoid adding too many moving elements to your website’s design.

Focus On The Visuals

Visuals are one of the most determining aspects of any website. There’s a reason it’s called the “background”; it ought to be lovely but not overpowering. The better the images are visuals on the background, the higher your chances of standing out from your competition and ultimately selling more.

So, ensure your website backdrop is consistent with your site’s primary goals, whether you use stock videos, vectors, photographs, or any other graphic form. The purpose of the background is to create a mood, strengthen your branding, and facilitate browsing. Lastly, ensure that the backdrop and the text on top of it are in stark contrast.

Do: Say goodbye to stock photos that can be found everywhere on the internet.

Don’t: Limit your focus on emphasizing sales rather than creating a unique, sensual experience

Space Distribution Is Important

A nice website is like a wonderful feast to browse through. Besides, nobody likes to gulp down their food without first having the opportunity to chew and savor it, no matter how delicious it may be!

Therefore, when designing your website, stay cautious about space distribution. Don’t cram too much material into the screen while designing your website. When you overwhelm your visitors, they will unavoidably miss something.

Do: Use enough white space (areas without any content) to provide a smooth transition between the various parts of your website.

Don’t: Clutter the screen.

Are Your Color Schemes On Point?

In web design, colors are important. The psychological effects of color on website visitors may significantly impact how people interact with and perceive your business. Because of this, you can’t base your color scheme on a haphazard assortment of hues you enjoy.

Try learning about color theory to comprehend how various hues interact with one another. Then, make wise decisions about the color scheme of your website, and it will reward you with a fantastic online presence.

Do: Focus on making smart combinations that match psychology.

Don’t: Use colors solely because they look appealing.

Modify The Colors Of Previously Visited Sites

Links are a crucial aspect of a user’s surfing journey. They’re meant to bookmark a user’s journey and provide an overview of the crucial details on a website.

However, it can be not very reassuring if you accidentally continue the same website again. This is where you could modify the colors of a previously visited site for your users. This avoids repetition and allows you to decide where to surf next is simpler when you know your past and present places.

Do: Try innovating the customer’s site visit journey.

Don’t: Use similar colors for previously visited websites.

Don’t Overlook Your Website Content

Your website’s copy is equally as crucial as its design. Since most information on the internet (more than 95%) is textual, it is one of the major aspects of your website.

Besides, even if your site is brilliantly designed, it will be nothing more than an empty frame without it. Remember, a good website needs both outstanding design and amazing content. Adding a blog to your site is a great way to add quality content to your site continually. Consider using a blog writing service to manage your content and allow you to focus on other aspects of your website.

Do: Create a sound-proof content strategy.

Don’t: Target random keywords.

Keep The Checkout Process Minimal

Customers tend to abandon a cart if there are numerous steps between adding a product to the cart and checking out. So the next time you’re designing your checkout process, try streamlining the overall user experience.

It’s possible by keeping the website minimal with a human touch. This way, you can streamline the overall purchase process on your platform.

Do: Wrap the checkout process in two or three stages.

Don’t: Avoid adding KYC forms in between checkout.

Introduces Flexible Payment Options

Apart from a seamless user experience, customers today want to have options when it comes to payments. Therefore, try including new forms of payment like e-wallets, debit or credit cards, and cryptos, among others.

You needn’t develop a payment gateway to accept crypto payments. With platforms like Coingate offering plugins to accept payments in digital assets, you could acquire new, tech-savvy customers at no additional transaction costs.

Do: Keep your crypto payments limited to selective altcoins.

Don’t: Assume that all crypto transactions are the same.

Optimize Your Website’s Speed & Performance

Your SEO and conversion rate are significantly impacted by how quickly your website loads. Because of this, it’s crucial to reduce and compress your photos, limit add-on scripts, and be mindful of the number of fonts you employ in your design.

Do: Research the fonts that match your brand’s story.

Don’t: Assume all fonts are the same.

Did You Map Out Your Customer Journey Yet?

Concluding our list is advice on mapping your customer’s journey. Besides, since your website’s main goal is to increase your service or product sales. To give you a start, you must first plan how to guide visitors from point A (discovery) to point X before you can design a website that accomplishes that efficiently (sale).

Do: Research competitors around your niche.

Don’t: Assume, research, and analyze the journey.

Now You Know!

Most of us create complicated websites due to putting too much emphasis on making the web design distinctive. The more clutter there is, the less appealing it is. So the next time you’re revamping your website, we hope you follow these tips and observe what works best for your users; we’d like to remind you that there are no hard and fast rules for creating. All the best! The Bee Spotted website design company is one that delivers innovative and visually appealing designs, combined with strong functionality and user experience, all while meeting the specific needs and goals of their clients, find out more here.

Today many people are familiar with gambling and gladly accept everything that the industry provides in the best traditions of gambling establishments. Bitcoin casinos have become such a trend today. Here’s an FYI, bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that has been gaining popularity in recent years. One industry that has quickly embraced bitcoin is the gambling industry. Bitcoin casinos are popping up all over the Internet, offering players a new and exciting way to gamble.

For this article, we will take a look at how bitcoin is making its way into the gambling industry and what it means for players.

1. The anonymity that bitcoin provides, unlike traditional online casinos, is impossible not to appreciate. Such establishments do not require any personal information. This makes it much harder for hackers to steal your information, and it also means that you can keep your gambling activity private.

2. Bitcoin transactions are processed much faster, so you can deposit and withdraw money from your account quickly and easily.

3. Lower transaction fees here, unlike traditional online casinos, which often charge high deposit and withdrawal fees.

4. Bitcoin transactions are protected by advanced encryption technology, making them much more secure than traditional online casino transactions.

5. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin allows players more control over it and less dependence on government regulations and intermediaries. This creates the conditions for more honest and transparent gambling.

6. Bitcoin allows unlimited transactions, which means that players from anywhere in the world can participate in online gambling without any geographical restrictions.

7. Bitcoin casinos are available to anyone with an Internet connection, meaning that more people than ever before have access to online gambling.

Despite the benefits, gambling with Bitcoin is still in its early stages and is not yet as popular as traditional online gambling. Some players still prefer traditional methods of gambling and may not understand the concept of Bitcoin. But as technology becomes more popular and more people begin to understand how it works, it is likely that we will see more and more people turning to Bitcoin casinos.

Just for the sake of research in this article I decided to conduct an experiment myself and tried a crash bitcoin game. The game was simple and did not require any special skills except the absence of greed. Bet on the multiplier, jump off the rocket at the right time, and there you were, making a profit. It was interesting. First of all, I would like to note that registration on the site where the experiment was conducted was fast and all transactions were also successful.

Finally, it can be said that bitcoin enters the gambling industry and provides players with a new and exciting way to gamble online. Given its many advantages, such as anonymity, fast transactions and low fees, it is not surprising that more and more people are turning to Bitcoin casinos for their online gambling. As the technology becomes more popular, we can expect the industry to grow even more.

Choosing a career path to work towards is one of the most important choices a student can make. This choice will help determine what they study at university, what activities they pursue alongside their education, what personal skills they invest in building and many more. And a successful career doesn’t just eventually lead to financial stability for those who achieve it—it also enables greater personal well-being and fruitful interpersonal relationships.

There are many career options out there, that can seem impossible to narrow down to what you want to pursue. However, with career counselling for students, the choose for their career paths can be made easier! A career counsellor’s job is to help students identify their ideal careers and determine the best steps to take toward those careers. Effective career counselling incorporates the following basic practices:

Pinpoint Their Strengths and Interests

Students know that one of the keys to building a fulfilling career is finding a job they can both enjoy and excel at, but they don’t always know what such a job might look like. To determine the kinds of jobs in which a particular student might thrive, start by identifying what they’re good at and what they’re interested in. One of the ways you can do this is by administering a psychometric test.

Psychometric tests use psychology-based questions to create a comprehensive picture of the test-taker’s personality, skills and possible areas of interest. Some tests measure a person’s aptitude for particular professions based on their answers. While no test can completely guarantee a student’s success in a certain field, they do provide students with a valuable starting point when it comes to contemplating their career options. They also help students understand themselves better overall, which will be valuable not only for career selection but also for other major life decisions going forward.

When interpreting test results with students and engaging in career counselling in general, it’s always a good idea to encourage them to play to their strengths and pursue careers that align with these. However, it’s equally important not to discount passions and interests that a student may not have as much natural aptitude for but cares deeply about. Strive to strike a balance between offering practical options and encouraging students to extend themselves further in pursuit of their goals.

Identify Training and Education Opportunities

Once your students have identified a few possible career paths they’d like to explore, work with them to determine whether they can reach those goals most efficiently through full-time education, vocational courses, training courses or some combination of these. This process includes identifying colleges and universities your students might want to apply to, as well as other professional and skills development opportunities they can pursue. Depending on their interests, you can point them in the direction of popular SkillsFuture courses Singapore students take, which include courses in engineering, design and media, health science, business and many more.

Some of your students may want to develop multiple skills or areas of interest, and doing so can open up more employment opportunities for them in the future. You can recommend minor programs at universities and certificate programs to students who want to build additional competencies in fields besides those they study for their majors. You might even advise certain students to consider pursuing a second major if they have the time and resources to do so.

Recommend That They Participate in Extracurricular Activities

If a student is unsure of their future career choice or doesn’t seem inclined toward anything in particular, extracurricular activities may help them discover previously unknown skills and interests. Schools and universities offer a wide variety of clubs, sports teams, volunteer groups and other organisations for students to join, so try encouraging them to sign up for one or two that might catch their eye. If the student is open to trying new things, it might even be helpful for you to nudge them in the direction of activities they’ve never tried before.

Encourage Them to Build Their Soft Skills

When evaluating potential employees, many employers today look for well-developed soft skills just as much as, if not more than, good grades and technical skills. While an excellent academic record can clue employers into a job candidate’s organisation skills, learning ability, and motivation, soft skills are necessary for optimal professional performance. Employees with underdeveloped communication skills or poor critical thinking are unlikely to excel in the workplace, no matter how talented or intelligent they are otherwise.

Emphasise the importance of soft skills to your students and encourage them to nurture these alongside their technical skills. Group projects, volunteering initiatives and other similar activities present ripe opportunities for students to build soft skills like empathy, negotiation and leadership.

Teach Them about Networking

The ubiquity of the internet and social media makes it easier for students to talk to and learn from people from all over the world. Illustrate this as an opportunity for them to start building their professional networks and meeting people from sectors they’d like to work in someday. Coach them on how to approach industry experts for advice and recommendations politely and professionally. You can even show them how to compose professional outreach emails for different situations.

Many students find the process of choosing a future career daunting, and even the most proactive and driven will appreciate sound professional advice on what steps to take. Following the tips above will enable you to guide young people appropriately toward the best careers for them.