


Meet Jazmin Meneer, the visionary founder behind Slow Living Studio, where the art of pottery meets the philosophy of mindfulness.

Her journey is one of passion, dedication, and a deep-rooted commitment to infusing tranquility into everyday life. With each piece crafted by her hands, Jazmin weaves together the essence of slow living, drawing inspiration from the serene landscapes of North Cornwall and the simple joys of daily rituals.

Join us as we delve into her inspiring story, exploring how she transforms clay into vessels of peace and mindfulness, enriching lives one pottery piece at a time…

How did the idea for Slow Living Studio come about, and what inspired you to start a business that focuses on mindful living through pottery?

Slow Living Studio started quite organically, I fell in love with pottery my first moment on the potter’s wheel, with a ball of clay in my hands, and my mind was instantly quiet. I loved this wholesome addition that seemed so in balance with the other aspects of my life. When it came to selling my pottery and turning my new passion into a business it made sense to me to make pieces that give that same sense of mindfulness that pottery gives me. Slow living is what I wanted to invoke in my work.

Can you share a specific moment or experience that solidified your commitment to the slow living philosophy and influenced your creative direction in pottery?

I suffered from anxiety for years until I started committing to daily meditation, exercise and time in nature. I quit coffee. I completely stopped drinking alcohol, gifting myself every slow Sunday. I added yoga and sound baths to my week. But even with that, at the beginning of last year I still found myself completely burnt out from my job. Every other aspect of my life was aligned to me except my career. Leaving my job and starting my pottery business was my solidifying moment. To truly be intentional in all parts of my life, making my morning routines non-negotiable and prioritising my peace. Now I’m working a job I love, where I get to add slow moments to other people’s lives.

Slow Living Studio is based in North Cornwall. How does the local environment influence your creative process and the essence of your pieces?

The colours and textures I see everyday here definitely inspire my work. I’ve always been drawn to earthy, muted tones. From the rugged coastline to moorland, or serene waters on pebble beaches. The inspiration here seems endless.

Your pottery draws inspiration from small, daily rituals and simple pleasures. Can you elaborate on how these elements manifest in your work and contribute to the overall ethos of Slow Living Studio?

I started pottery as a business to be able to live a balanced, peaceful life. It made sense that my work also reflected my reasons for creating the business in the first place. And that begins with the small moments like daily rituals. For me, every day starts with lit incense and a matcha tea or latté – so I started with matcha bowls, cups and incense burners, then moved to other sized mugs for the coffee and tea drinkers. Then I started making vases that are minimalist, with muted tones. I feel like our homes and the interiors of our homes are so important for creating that sense of calm, and I want my work to contribute to that in some small way.

What challenges did you face when establishing Slow Living Studio, and how did you overcome them while staying true to your vision?

The biggest challenge was choosing to take the financial risk in the first place. The equipment alone is very expensive and I knew to make my vision work I needed to go all in with it. Which meant leaving a stable income. But I truly believed that it would work, as long as I stayed true to myself and my vision, and that I was always authentic. I think all business owners have to have a strong belief in themselves and their vision and not have limitations on what it can grow into.

Can you share a memorable story or customer feedback that exemplifies the impact your pottery has had on someone’s life or perspective?

For me it’s seeing people’s videos and photos they share online. How they implement it into their routines, or how it’s been styled inside their home. It becomes this full circle moment for me, where I enjoyed the mindfulness in the creation of their piece and now they are mindful in how it’s used. It’s these little moments where I know I’m adding small elements of joy into people’s daily lives and routines. That’s pretty fulfilling for me.

Slow Living Studio places importance on embracing the present moment. How do you stay present and connected to your craft during the various stages of pottery creation?

My studio has become my sanctuary. It’s a shepherd’s hut, in the Cornish countryside, overlooking fields with horses in. When I’m working it’s like I’m existing in my own little world, with just the sound of nature outside. I set myself up in the morning by lighting my log burner, lighting an incense stick, making a tea and putting on some calming music or a podcast. My phone is set on silent for the day. This gets me out of my head and into the present moment. And then the pottery itself – whether it’s throwing pots, trimming or glazing – it’s such a mindful process in itself that you can’t help but be present and there in the moment.

What role does sustainability play in the production and ethos of Slow Living Studio, and how do you ensure that your pottery aligns with environmentally conscious practices?

An amazing part of pottery is knowing that you’re making something that’s come from the ground, essentially earth, and it can be endlessly recycled. So if you mess a piece up, it just gets recycled and then you try again. Even finished pots that break can be made into mosaics, or you can use the art of kitsingu to repair a pot, or you can even grind them up to add to future glazes. I’m also always researching different environmentally friendly packaging options, and ways to source clays and glazes more locally to me.

Can you share a specific piece from your collection that holds a special meaning for you and embodies the essence of slow living? What inspired its creation?

My matcha bowls. When I first started taking pottery lessons, it was what I wanted to make. Matcha had been a part of my morning routine for some time, and I wanted to add a handmade bowl to that ritual for added intention. When I decided I wanted to start selling pottery, I worked on the matcha bowls for months, trying out different sizes, shapes, glazes… Trying out each one until I got the feeling I was after. It’s also what I use in my daily life – it gets used everyday.

As a creative entrepreneur, what advice do you have for individuals seeking to integrate slow living principles into their own businesses or creative endeavours?

So much can be gained from slowing down. Even if it’s just a short, ten-minute meditation every morning or having your coffee without the distractions of phones or the internet. It’s in these quiet moments that the mind is clear and I find from that you can gather focus for your day ahead. All my best ideas have come to me during my meditation practice. I believe that it’s from those moments of stillness and reflection that we grow creatively.

In what ways do you continue to learn and grow as an artist and business owner, and how does this continuous evolution influence the direction of Slow Living Studio?

Everyday I’m learning, in both business, as an artist, and as a human. With pottery, mistakes or accidents are made constantly. To be a potter you need to be ok with failure, and that’s such a learning lesson for life. As they say, we are never starting again from scratch but from experience. If you take lessons from every failure and constantly question yourself, that is growth. I’m also a big reader and I love podcasts. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there and I try to either read or listen to one podcast every day on a topic that I can grow from, whether that’s a podcast from an inspiring, successful business woman, or a book about mindfulness written by a monk…

Your pottery is known for its unique and personal touch. How do you maintain authenticity in your craft while meeting the demands of a growing business?

I avoid following trends. I want my work to be timeless and for it to have meaning. I’m constantly questioning as to whether my work is still authentic to my message and to the meaning behind my work. I use muted, natural tones as I believe they have a sense of grounding and calmness about them. It may mean that it doesn’t stand out or follow particular trends, but I’d rather work within that longer process, and discover people who really connect to what I’m selling. I feel like that’s a more authentic way to work, hopefully fomenting a business with longevity.

Slow Living Studio’s creations often evoke a sense of tranquility and mindfulness. Can you share any specific techniques or rituals you use to infuse these qualities into your work?

When creating a new piece, the space in which it will sit and how it might be used is always in the forefront of my mind. I have a mood board in my studio with photos of interiors – very minimalist, calming spaces. I always look at that and think, “does this piece belong there?”, “How is it going to add to someone’s daily life and rituals?”, “What feeling do I get from it?”.

As a founder and artist, how do you balance the business aspects of Slow Living Studio with the creative aspects, ensuring that both flourish harmoniously in alignment with the slow living ethos?

I’m intuitive with when I create – when I’m feeling inspired, I get in the studio and start making or sketching out new ideas. Days where I’m not in a creative mindset, I’ll focus on the marketing side of the business, the admin, ordering and packing. I try to give both sides equal time and energy. The creative process is important, but the business side is what’s going to get those pieces sold. It’s also about knowing when it’s time to rest and slow down and being in tune with my mind and body to keep that balance.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

Evolve or repeat. I love this quote. It’s a reminder that every day is an opportunity for growth, and that life will continue the same unless we do something about it.

What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I love to travel and there aren’t many places that aren’t on my bucket list. But right now Nepal is there at the top. I’m going there this October, it’ll be the perfect chance to slow down before the busy Christmas period. I’m planning a lot of hiking, visiting temples and yoga. It’s been a dream of mine to see Mount Everest, so I’m hoping to do a scenic flight so that I can see it up close.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

You can find me on instagram @slowlivingstudio, or visit

If you’re hungry for more stories of passion and resilience, be sure to explore House of Coco for a treasure trove of interviews with inspiring individuals like Jazmin. From entrepreneurs to artists, each interview offers a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of human experiences and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

So, why not delve deeper into the world of Slow Living Studio and discover the transformative power of mindful living?

Step into the world of fashion innovation with Maximilian Rupp, the dynamic founder of Hacoy. In this lively interview, get ready to dive deep into Rupp’s journey from the captivating realms of business psychology to the vibrant landscape of fashion brand management.

With a dash of charisma and a sprinkle of entrepreneurial flair, Rupp shares his exhilarating adventures, weaving tales of inspiration, resilience, and sustainable fashion practices.

Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Hacoy’s unique vision and discover how Rupp is shaking up the fashion industry, one stylish stride at a time!

What inspired your transition from business psychology to fashion brand management, and how did this shift influence your approach to entrepreneurship?

It’s not merely a transition, as business psychology remains integral to fashion brand management. This connection manifests in various aspects, such as understanding the psychology behind consumer behaviour, influencing purchasing decisions, and adopting effective leadership styles.

My inspiration stemmed from recognising fashion as a form of communication. A vibrant shirt can serve as an icebreaker, a leather jacket instills confidence, and a hoodie provides comfort. I sought to delve deeper into the multifaceted world of fashion, understanding its nuances beyond mere clothing. This shift significantly impacted me, emphasising the importance of immersing oneself in an industry to truly comprehend its essence. Had I not pursued studies in fashion brand management, I might have ventured into creating just another fast-fashion brand. This realisation underscores my commitment to thoroughly educate myself in any industry before venturing into entrepreneurship.

As a founder, how do you navigate challenges and setbacks while staying true to your brand’s values and vision?

Maintaining a positive mindset is arguably my greatest asset. I endeavour to find the silver lining in every situation and adhere to the adage, “es kommt alles zurück im Leben,” meaning “everything comes back in life.” I’ve consistently witnessed the reciprocity of goodwill—doing good often yields positive outcomes, albeit not necessarily in expected ways.

Could you share a pivotal childhood moment that you believe shaped your entrepreneurial spirit and drive?

At the tender age of six, I inaugurated my first “restaurant” within the confines of my bedroom, with my mother serving as my sole patron, humorously purchasing overpriced tap water. Her unwavering support from an early age instilled in me the belief that I could pursue any endeavour with her backing. Growing up in such a supportive environment fortified my confidence, fostering a belief in my ability to achieve anything I set my mind to.

How does your brand prioritise the well-being of both people and the planet throughout the entire lifecycle of your products?

Prioritising People’s Well-being:

Ensuring fair treatment of everyone involved in our clothing production process, including fair wages and appropriate working conditions. Utilising natural fabrics like linen, providing clients with non-allergenic materials that are gentle on the skin. Prioritising the Planet’s Well-being:

Implementing a circular approach through our Circular Orbit program, which encompasses renting, repairing, upcycling, and repurchasing clothing items, thereby extending their lifespan. Emphasising the use of natural resources to minimize the environmental impact of our production processes.

Reflecting on your journey from Zurich to Florence and founding your brand, what lessons have you learned about resilience and risk-taking?

Self-reliance became evident early on—I realised that success necessitated my personal efforts rather than relying solely on external support. Stepping out of my comfort zone, exemplified by relocating to a new city for a different field of study, underscored the importance of embracing discomfort for growth. Additionally, understanding that relationships, whether personal or professional, are transient taught me the significance of resilience in the face of loss.

Can you share a recent example of how your brand has positively impacted the lives of your customers or community?

Recently, a group of students reached out to interview me for a school project comparing fast and slow fashion. Our engaging discussion provided them with valuable insights, which they incorporated into a podcast for their project. Witnessing their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn about sustainable fashion reaffirmed the positive influence our brand exerts on shaping a more conscientious fashion industry.

As you strive towards becoming a 100% sustainable brand, what specific initiatives or innovations are you most excited about implementing in the near future?

Implementing a Traceable Supply Chain to enhance transparency and accountability regarding our materials and environmental impact. Continuing to source natural resources and repurpose leftover fabric stock from other brands for our clothing pieces. Enhancing our Circular Orbit program to further promote a circular economy within the fashion industry.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs passionate about starting their own ethical and sustainable fashion brands?

Seek feedback for your ideas but remain steadfast in pursuing your vision. Rather than reinventing the wheel, strive to refine existing concepts. Consider forming a team to leverage collective strengths and expertise.

Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the future of your brand, and how do you envision it making a lasting positive impact on the fashion industry and beyond?

I aspire for consumers to recognize the true value of ethically produced clothing and choose our brand as a beacon of inspiration in combating fast fashion. Additionally, I aim to forge partnerships with sustainable hotels globally to amplify our vision, including those interested in combat trousers. By encouraging individuals to adopt mindful consumer behaviors and supporting circular economies, such as our Circular Orbit program, I envision creating a lasting, transformative impact.

Can you discuss the importance of work-life balance within your company culture and its contribution to your team’s success?

We prioritize granting our team autonomy and trust, believing that these foster a positive work-life balance. If a team member feels disinclined to work for any reason, we respect their autonomy without question. Our flexible approach, coupled with our commitment to challenging the fast-paced fashion industry, cultivates a happier, more fulfilled team.

Could you share insights into your approach to eco-friendly shipping and its role in reducing the fashion industry’s carbon footprint?

We proudly partner with DHL’s GoGreen program, which offers carbon-neutral shipping options to minimise environmental impact. By investing in climate protection projects globally, this initiative offsets emissions associated with transportation. This aligns with our broader sustainability strategy, from sourcing eco-friendly materials to implementing energy-efficient practices. By prioritising eco-friendly shipping, we take significant strides toward reducing the fashion industry’s carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener future.

Where can people follow you and learn more about your brand?

You can connect with me on LinkedIn: Maximilian Rupp’s LinkedIn profile

Follow our brand on Instagram: Hacoy Brand’s Instagram

Lastly, our readers love to travel. What destination tops your bucket list?

Morocco with my partner, Anne-Sophie. I yearn for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant architecture, and the opportunity to immerse myself in warm waters.

Feeling inspired by Maximilian Rupp’s journey? Dive into more captivating stories and discover a world of inspiration on House of Coco magazine. Whether you’re passionate about fashion, travel, or entrepreneurship, you’ll find a wealth of uplifting narratives to ignite your imagination and fuel your dreams.

Paola Amador, a Mexican fashion designer with an unwavering passion for creativity and entrepreneurship, embodies the essence of empowerment and self-assurance in the world of fashion.

Her journey began with a profound realisation: “As a woman, I know that many of us don’t have the perfect body, but we can find the perfect swimwear.”

Inspired by the vibrant cultures and stunning landscapes of her native Mexico, Paola embarked on a journey fuelled by her love for design and adventure. Despite facing challenges in her pursuit of employment after completing her studies in Fashion Design, Paola refused to be discouraged.

Instead, she embraced her entrepreneurial spirit and took charge of her destiny. Through her distinctive style and relentless determination, Paola made a significant impact in the fashion industry, resonating with individuals who shared her passion for wanderlust and unique fashion.

Her brand, Paola Amador Swimwear, became synonymous with elegance, versatility, and inclusivity, offering women of all shapes and sizes the opportunity to feel confident and beautiful. Paola’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that with passion, creativity, and resilience, we have the power to turn our dreams into reality and leave an everlasting mark on the world…

What initially drew you to the world of fashion design, and how did your background in Guadalajara influence your creative vision?

I’ve always been drawn to creating my own pieces. It was frustrating to go shopping and not find what I wanted. So, I began working with a seamstress when I was around 12 years old. I designed my first beautiful dress, perfect for my age, and from there, it became addictive. I continued designing dresses and tops for myself.

When I turned 19, I moved to Guadalajara to study fashion. After completing my studies, I struggled to find work and couldn’t find the clothes I wanted. This necessity led me to create my own brand. Initially, I focused on dresses and tops, but I saw potential in the swimsuit market. In Mexico, there weren’t many swimwear brands, so I recognized an opportunity for growth in my country and also in England.

Can you share a pivotal moment in your entrepreneurial journey that solidified your decision to pursue your own swimwear brand?

The pivotal moment came when I uploaded pictures of my first swimsuit designs on Facebook. The response was overwhelming; many girls wanted to connect with me, and my inbox was flooded with messages. Even though the initial photos weren’t professional—just mannequins against a white background—the interest was immense. This experience highlighted the power of social media, especially in today’s era where it’s crucial for brand growth.

How do you infuse elements of both London and Guadalajara into your designs, and what challenges or advantages does this duality present?

I strive to create a versatile brand with a wide range of designs, knowing that everyone is different. London and Guadalajara offer unique inspirations. London, being a diverse city, exposes me to various styles and preferences. Guadalajara, on the other hand, influences my designs with its vibrant colors and rich cultural heritage.

However, adapting to the preferences of different beaches worldwide presents challenges. For instance, while thongs may be popular in Portugal, they might not be preferred in Mexico. Hence, I offer customisation options, including colour variations, to cater to diverse preferences.

Your brand celebrates wanderlust and travel. Can you tell us about a specific destination that has profoundly inspired one of your collections?

San Carlos, my hometown beach, holds a special place in my heart. Growing up there, I have countless fond memories that inspire my collections. I’ve dedicated three collections to this beautiful beach nestled in the desert. With its golden sands and breathtaking sunsets, San Carlos continues to influence my designs profoundly.

In a competitive industry like fashion, how do you maintain the authenticity and uniqueness of your brand while also staying relevant to changing trends?

I focus on creating timeless designs that transcend seasonal trends. By designing pieces that remain stylish regardless of the season, I ensure the authenticity and uniqueness of my brand. Additionally, staying connected with my customers and understanding their evolving preferences helps me adapt while maintaining my brand’s identity.

What role does sustainability play in your brand’s ethos, particularly in sourcing materials and manufacturing processes?

We prioritise sustainability as a core value. Our brand follows a slow fashion approach, with handmade processes and made-to-order options to minimise fabric waste. We also offer eco-friendly textile choices and ensure fair wages for our manufacturing partners. While we currently manufacture in our home country, we aim to expand to Portugal in the future to further enhance our sustainability efforts.

As someone who started selling designs on social media platforms, what advice do you have for aspiring designers looking to leverage digital platforms for their businesses?

Don’t limit yourself to one country; leverage the power of social media to connect with a global audience. While the journey may be challenging, it’s not impossible. Consistency and perseverance are key. Additionally, engage with your audience, listen to their feedback, and continuously refine your brand image to stay relevant.

How do you balance the creative aspects of design with the practical considerations of running a successful business?

Balancing creativity with business practicalities can be challenging, but my passion for my work keeps me motivated. I wear many hats, not just as a designer but also as a mother, marketer, and entrepreneur. Despite the demands, I find inspiration in every aspect of my life, driving me to maintain this delicate balance.

Can you walk us through your creative process, from initial inspiration to the final product hitting the runway or store shelves?

For me, inspiration often strikes during travel, especially when I’m by the beach. Each collection begins with a burst of creativity, usually during flights or moments of relaxation. Once I have a concept in mind, I start sketching and refining designs.

From there, it’s a collaborative process involving pattern-making, fabric selection, and meticulous craftsmanship. Finally, the collection is unveiled, whether on the runway or in-store, ready to be embraced by our customers.

What aspirations do you have for the future of Paola Amador Swimwear, both in terms of design innovation and business growth?

My dream is to expand beyond swimwear and establish a haute couture brand. I envision Paola Amador Swimwear becoming a global phenomenon, representing diversity, inclusivity, and quality craftsmanship. I’m committed to pushing boundaries in design innovation while maintaining sustainable practices.

How do you stay inspired and motivated amidst the challenges and pressures of entrepreneurship?

I focus on the positive aspects of my journey and draw inspiration from my family, especially my children. Their presence reminds me of the importance of perseverance and resilience. Additionally, staying busy and engaged with different aspects of my business keeps me motivated and driven to overcome challenges.

What is one lesson you’ve learned along your journey that you wish you knew when you first started your brand?

Believe in yourself and your vision. While external opinions may offer insights, ultimately, trust your instincts and stay true to your creative vision. Don’t let doubt or criticism deter you from pursuing your dreams.

Your swimwear brand caters to customers of all colours, sizes, and styles. How do inclusivity and diversity factor into your design philosophy?

Inclusivity and diversity are at the core of our design philosophy. We strive to create designs that cater to all body types and styles, ensuring that every woman feels confident and beautiful in our swimwear. By offering a wide range of sizes and styles, we celebrate the uniqueness of every individual and promote body positivity.

Can you share a particularly memorable interaction with a customer that reaffirmed the impact of your brand on their lives?

Many customers have shared their stories of empowerment and confidence after wearing our swimwear. One memorable interaction was with a mother who expressed gratitude for our designs that allowed her to comfortably conceal her post-Caesarean scars. Such interactions reaffirm the impact of our brand on women’s lives, motivating us to continue creating inclusive and empowering designs.

How do you see the future of fashion evolving, and what role do you hope Paola Amador Swimwear will play in shaping that future?

I envision the future of fashion becoming increasingly inclusive and sustainable. Paola Amador Swimwear aims to lead by example, inspiring other brands to embrace diversity and prioritise sustainability. We strive to be a beacon of change, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and ethical practices within the fashion industry.

Beyond swimwear, are there any other avenues or industries you envision expanding into in the future?

I’m passionate about digital marketing and AI and see great potential in these fields. While swimwear remains our primary focus, I’m open to exploring opportunities in these industries to further expand our brand’s reach and influence.

As a founder based in both London and Guadalajara, how do you navigate the cultural differences and business landscapes of both locations?

Navigating cultural differences and business landscapes in both London and Guadalajara requires adaptability and perseverance. While I’m well-acquainted with the business landscape in Guadalajara, establishing myself in London has been a learning process. I’ve had to invest time in research, language learning, and networking to build a presence in a new environment. Despite the challenges, the diversity and opportunities in both locations enrich my journey as an entrepreneur.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those looking to break into the fashion industry?

Consistency, patience, and belief in your vision are key to success in the fashion industry. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and don’t be afraid to seek guidance and support from mentors or peers. Stay true to your unique voice and values, and never underestimate the power of hard work and determination.

How do you cultivate a sense of community and connection among your customers, both online and in-store?

While we don’t have a physical store currently, we prioritise building connections with our customers through digital channels. We engage with our audience through social media, responding to inquiries, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and celebrating our customers’ stories. Additionally, we offer personalised sizing consultations and ensure a seamless online shopping experience to foster a sense of community and connection with our brand.

If you could collaborate with any other designer or brand, who would it be, and what kind of collection would you create together?

My dream collaboration would be with Balmain and designer Olivier Rousteing. I admire his bold and luxurious aesthetic, and I believe a collaboration between our brands would result in a stunning collection that merges his high-fashion sensibilities with our swimwear expertise.

What’s your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

“My kids are my motivation. I always try to have plans with the family.”

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Japan is at the top of my bucket list. However, I also highly recommend exploring the beautiful beaches of Mexico, as we have some of the best in the world.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

You can follow us on Instagram @paolaamadorswimwear, find us on Facebook at Paola Amador Swimwear, and visit our website for more information and updates.

As we conclude this inspiring interview with Paola Amador, we are reminded of the transformative power of passion and perseverance. Paola’s journey from a young fashion enthusiast to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to the limitless possibilities that await those who dare to dream and take action. Her story encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and self-belief, inspiring us to embrace our uniqueness and pursue our aspirations with unwavering determination.

At House of Coco magazine, we are committed to sharing stories of remarkable individuals like Paola who are shaping the world with their creativity and resilience. We invite you to explore more inspiring features and discover the extraordinary journeys of entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators from around the globe. Join us as we celebrate the diversity and ingenuity that make our world a vibrant and exciting place.

Visit House of Coco magazine today and embark on a journey of inspiration and discovery. Because behind every great story lies the potential to ignite our passions and ignite our dreams.

Meet Paola Farino, the innovative mind behind the FARINO Carrier. Living and working in the heart of Central London, Paola found herself constantly burdened by the weight of her daily essentials as she traversed the bustling city streets.

A transformative trip to Los Angeles sparked an idea that would revolutionize the way urbanites carry their loads. Inspired by the effortless maneuverability of a suitcase with spinner wheels, Paola envisioned a solution to alleviate the strain of heavy bags while maintaining functionality and style.

Drawing upon her own experiences and collaborating with her father, a retired architect, Paola developed the FARINO Carrier – the world’s first top-loading carrier on 360 spinner wheels. Crafted from sleek and weatherproof neoprene, this versatile bag seamlessly integrates fashion and function, catering to the dynamic lifestyle of city dwellers. With its innovative design and practical features, the FARINO Carrier aims to redefine mobility for urban adventurers.

Join us as Paola shares insights into the inception, development, and vision behind the FARINO Carrier, offering a glimpse into the journey of transforming a simple idea into a game-changing product for modern-day travellers.

What inspired you to create the FARINO Carrier, and how did your trip to LA influence this realisation?

It was a sale at Macy’s that sparked my journey. I had a ‘pull behind’ suitcase with me on my trip to LA but bought a luggage set with spinner wheels at Macy’s, which was a revelation. Living in Central London, I used a conventional ‘shopper’ for groceries at the time, so I put a ‘shopper with spinner wheels’ on my Christmas list, only to find it didn’t exist. One of my sisters said ‘if it doesn’t exist, you should make one’.

So, that’s how it all started. But at the first market research stage, the overwhelming feedback was ‘can I take it on a plane?’ So, I modified the design to make the bag hand luggage size, and the FARINO carrier was created.

How did your personal experiences of carrying heavy bags influence the design and features of the FARINO Carrier?

At the beginning of this journey, I worked in different offices around London, effectively carrying my office with me, including a heavy laptop in a rucksack. Creating a top-loading carrier meant I could use the bag for work, pick up shopping on the way home, and travel with it too – everything I did with a rucksack but without the pain. While I loved my original Macy’s cases, I’d only use them a few times a year, whereas my carrier goes with me everywhere now.

Can you tell us more about the process of finding and adapting the spinner wheels for the FARINO Carrier, and how they create a weightless carrying experience?

The key to this design is the bespoke frame which holds the bag, to which the wheels can be attached. Initially, I looked at conventional luggage spinners, but after discovering rollerblade spinners, I realised I could create a top-loading bag with the best wheels on the market. Designed to take the weight of a human, these wheels provide a smooth carrying experience, especially on various surfaces.

What were some of the biggest hurdles you faced during the development of the FARINO Carrier, and how did you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges was not being able to manufacture the product in the UK. Developing and agreeing on a sample from a distance was a leap of faith. However, I was lucky with my manufacturers in China; they were incredibly helpful and dedicated to creating this product.

What was your biggest lesson from your experience on Dragons’ Den?

Reflecting on their advice and comments, there’s one dragon, Sara Davies, who has brought a product to market from conception and was the most positive about what I had created. My biggest takeaway was how proud I am of my carrier and defending it on national television.

How does the top-opening design of the FARINO Carrier enhance the user experience and differentiate it from traditional bags?

The top-opening design makes the bag versatile, suitable for travel, shopping, work, etc. It’s like having four conventional bags in one. After Dragons’ Den, I was approached by many people who had been looking for this product for years, from mobile hairdressers to interior designers.

How does FARINO approach sustainability in the production and materials used for the Carrier?

Currently, it’s challenging due to volume and budget constraints, but it’s something I plan to consider for the future. However, my ‘shop local, leave the car at home’ approach is aided by using the FARINO Carrier.

What exciting plans or upcoming developments does FARINO have in store for the brand?

We are launching our new bag, The Professional, aimed at businesses/individuals with large amounts of stuff to carry for work. There’s a significant gap in this market, and our research indicates a high demand.

What sets FARINO apart from other brands offering similar products, and how do you maintain its unique identity?

There isn’t a similar product on the market currently. Since starting out, a mobile workforce has emerged, making the FARINO Carrier essential. The design is registered and protected, and I’m focused on spreading the word about its uniqueness.

Looking back, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Consider all factors at the outset and be prepared for unforeseen obstacles. Marketing and advertising still play a significant role in a product’s success. Remember, any product you hope to manufacture must sell and make a profit.

What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Currently, it’s a trip to Melbourne, Australia, to visit friends, with a stop to meet the people who helped bring my product to the market in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

As Paola Farino continues to navigate the bustling streets of Central London with her trusty FARINO Carrier by her side, her journey serves as a testament to the power of innovation and perseverance. From the lightbulb moment during a trip to LA to the development of a groundbreaking product, Paola’s story is one of determination, creativity, and a commitment to enhancing the lives of urban adventurers worldwide.

If you’ve been inspired by Paola’s journey and want to discover more captivating stories of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, dive into the wealth of interviews available on House of Coco. From trailblazing founders to visionary creators, each interview offers a glimpse into the dynamic world of modern entrepreneurship. Explore more inspiring tales at House of Coco via this link and unlock the potential to spark your own journey of discovery and success.

In a world where the future of food is uncertain and the impact of consumption on our planet weighs heavily on our minds, two visionaries dared to reimagine the possibilities. Meet Julia Schwarz and Lisi Penker, the pioneering minds behind Simiæn.

Driven by a shared passion for sustainability and a deep reverence for nature’s resilience, Julia and Lisi embarked on a journey to redefine our relationship with food and design. Inspired by a docu-fiction that envisioned lichen as a source of sustenance, they saw an opportunity to harness the power of nature’s most elemental resources: lichen for nourishment and stone for craftsmanship.

Simiæn isn’t just a brand; it’s a testament to the transformative potential of innovation and imagination. By leveraging lichen’s nutritional richness and stone’s timeless beauty, Julia and Lisi aim to reconnect people with the purity and vitality of untouched landscapes.

As we stand at the precipice of a new era in food and design, Julia and Lisi stand as beacons of hope, guiding us towards a future where sustainability and beauty coexist harmoniously. Together, they invite us to join them on this remarkable journey, where every choice we make has the power to shape a better world for generations to come…

What inspired you to explore lichen as a source of food and beverage, and what challenges did you encounter in introducing it to the market?

It all began with the research for my diploma project at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria, where I studied industrial design and design investigations in 2018. I have always been fond of spending time in the woods and wandering in mountains, where I draw much inspiration.

Observing these small plants – lichens – clinging to trees and rocks piqued my curiosity about their resilience and ability to thrive in such environments. Initially mistaking them for moss, I consulted a bryologist – an expert on mosses – who clarified that they were indeed lichens.

This sparked a deep dive into research, collaborating with lichenologists – experts in lichens – around the world. The culmination of this exploration was a docu-fiction project titled “Unseen Edible”, which envisioned lichen as a viable food source even on Mars. This project, showcasing various lichen-based products alongside factual information about lichens and potential farming methods, garnered attention at design exhibitions, prompting the idea of bringing it to market.

However, transitioning from a conceptual stage to market readiness posed significant challenges, particularly navigating novel food regulations and ensuring product viability. Overcoming these hurdles and garnering recognition was indeed a formidable task.

Can you share the journey of conceptualizing and founding Simiæn, from ideation to execution?

With the “Unseen Edible” project initially showcased in museums and exhibitions worldwide, our focus leaned heavily on design-driven research. The pivotal moment came with the organization of a lichen experience dinner, co-hosted by Lisi Penker, co-founder of Simiæn, for a company event.

Each dish featured lichen, including a specially crafted lichen gin. This event marked the transition from conceptualization to tangible reality. Recognizing the initial feasibility of lichen-based beverages, we embarked on creating lichen-infused drinks, starting with a traditional lichen tea in collaboration with Saint Charles pharmacy.

Lichens, renowned for their distinctive taste profile and inherent bitterness, presented a unique challenge in achieving a palatable flavor. After extensive experimentation, we successfully developed a range of aperitif drinks, teas, and stone cups, all derived from lichen and stones, the favored habitat of lichens.

The essence of Simiæn lies in tasting landscapes, as lichens thrive in Earth’s pristine environments, reflecting our commitment to sustainability and sensory experience.

How do you see Simiæn contributing to the future of sustainable consumption, especially in the context of growing environmental concerns?

At Simiæn, we prioritize elemental sources, exemplified by our use of stones sourced from offcuts of stone production for our cups. This not only minimizes waste but also underscores the recyclability and low energy consumption inherent in stone manufacturing.

Lichens, sourced from controlled collections meeting pharmaceutical standards, embody resilience and longevity, making them an ideal candidate for sustainable consumption. With lichens boasting a rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits, their utilization could address future food security challenges, particularly in the face of climate change-induced agricultural disruptions.

By championing lichen-based products, Simiæn advocates for a shift towards environmentally conscious consumption practices, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

What role do you believe innovative and unconventional food sources like lichen can play in addressing global food security issues?

Lichens emerge as a promising solution for global food security, owing to their robustness and adaptability. As one of the oldest organisms on Earth, capable of thriving in extreme conditions, including Martian landscapes, lichens offer a versatile food source. While lichens may not single-handedly solve food security challenges, they represent a valuable addition to the array of alternative food sources.

Their nutritional richness and historical significance during periods of famine underscore their potential contribution to future food systems. Moreover, lichens’ unique ingredients, scientifically proven to possess cytotoxic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, further enhance their appeal in addressing evolving health concerns.

Integrating lichens into mainstream dietary habits could diversify food sources and mitigate reliance on traditional crops vulnerable to climate fluctuations.

Could you elaborate on the process of sourcing and selecting lichen as a primary ingredient for your products? What criteria do you consider?

Lichens are chosen as our primary ingredient primarily for their distinctive taste profile and nutritional benefits. Collaboration with a reputable pharmacy ensures the procurement of high-quality lichens from controlled collections, prioritizing both food safety and biodiversity conservation.

While over 200,000 lichen species exist, our selection focuses on three types with well-documented historical usage. This cautious approach ensures adherence to established safety standards and minimizes ecological impact.

The complexity of lichen flavor, combining aromatic nuances with inherent bitterness, necessitates meticulous formulation to achieve a harmonious taste profile. Through collaborative efforts with pharmacists, food scientists, and chefs, we refine our recipes to maximise the sensory experience while preserving lichen’s inherent qualities.

How do you balance the nutritional value of lichen-based products with their environmental impact and sustainability?

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond product sourcing to encompass production practices and packaging materials. By utilizing offcuts from stone production for our cups, we minimise waste and embrace circular economy principles.

Stone, a naturally abundant and recyclable material, epitomizes eco-conscious design, offering durability and tactile appeal. Concurrently, our lichen sourcing strategy emphasizes controlled collections to mitigate ecological impact and safeguard biodiversity.

While lichen’s nutritional potency is undeniable, our focus lies primarily on taste and sensory experience in product development. However, ongoing collaboration with a university in Salzburg explores lichen farming possibilities, further enhancing sustainability efforts. By prioritising both nutritional value and environmental stewardship, Simiæn endeavors to set a precedent for sustainable food innovation.

In what ways do you envision Simiæn products influencing mainstream dietary habits and consumer choices?

Simiæn products transcend mere consumption, embodying a holistic approach to wellness and sustainability. Our stone cups, crafted from reclaimed stone offcuts, epitomize heritage craftsmanship and longevity, fostering conscious consumption habits.

Lichen-infused teas transport consumers to imagined landscapes, encouraging mindfulness and sensory exploration. Meanwhile, our Sprizz offerings, available in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic variants, redefine social rituals with nature-inspired flavors.

Through these diverse product offerings, Simiæn aims to inspire a shift towards healthier, more mindful dietary habits, anchored in reverence for natural resources and biodiversity.

What strategies do you employ to educate consumers about the nutritional benefits and ecological importance of lichen consumption?

Our approach to consumer education prioritizes experiential learning and sensory engagement. Tasting landscapes, evocative of lichen’s natural habitats, serve as a narrative framework for product exploration, fostering curiosity and appreciation for ecological diversity.

While our lichen tea series offers potential health benefits, we emphasize taste and sensory enjoyment to ensure broader appeal. Through transparent communication about sourcing practices and ecological considerations, we aim to cultivate informed consumer choices and foster a deeper connection to nature’s bounty.

Can you discuss any surprising or unexpected reactions you’ve encountered from consumers or the industry regarding your use of lichen?

Consumer reactions to our lichen-based products have been overwhelmingly positive, albeit accompanied by initial curiosity and intrigue.

Many consumers express surprise upon learning about lichens’ unique characteristics as symbiotic organisms comprising algae, fungi, and occasionally cyanobacteria. However, once acquainted with the concept, consumers embrace the novelty and distinctive flavors of our products wholeheartedly.

Our interactive tasting experiences, coupled with playful associations, further enhance consumer engagement and appreciation for lichen’s culinary potential. Additionally, the unexpected comparison of lichen’s taste to licking rocks, as recounted by a consumer in London, underscores the sensory richness and imaginative possibilities inherent in lichen-based cuisine.

How does Simiæn integrate principles of circular economy and zero-waste into its production and packaging processes?

At Simiæn, sustainability permeates every aspect of our operations, from product design to packaging choices. Our stone cups exemplify circular economy principles, repurposing offcuts from natural stone production to create durable, timeless vessels.

By minimizing waste and utilizing recyclable materials, such as glass bottles and cardboard packaging, we reduce our environmental footprint and promote resource efficiency. Moreover, our close collaboration with local suppliers and producers ensures minimal transportation-related emissions, further aligning with our commitment to sustainability.

Through these concerted efforts, Simiæn strives to set a precedent for eco-conscious business practices within the food industry.

What do you hope consumers will take away from their experience with Simiæn products beyond mere consumption?

Beyond mere consumption, we envision Simiæn products fostering a deeper appreciation for nature’s bounty and the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Through sensory exploration and experiential learning, consumers are invited to embark on a journey of discovery, discovering the intricate flavors and narratives woven into each product.

Our commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices encourages consumers to reflect on their consumption habits and embrace mindful, conscious living. Ultimately, we hope to inspire a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world, transcending the boundaries of traditional consumerism.

How do you navigate regulatory challenges and ensure compliance with food safety standards when introducing novel ingredients like lichen into the market?

Navigating regulatory hurdles and ensuring compliance with food safety standards is paramount in introducing novel ingredients like lichen into the market. Our journey involved close collaboration with food safety experts, regulatory authorities, and scientific advisors to navigate the intricate landscape of food regulations.

By adhering to rigorous safety protocols and conducting thorough risk assessments, we ensure that our products meet stringent quality standards and pose no harm to consumers. Transparency and open communication have been instrumental in garnering regulatory approval and building trust with stakeholders.

Despite the challenges, our unwavering commitment to safety and compliance has enabled us to overcome regulatory obstacles and bring innovative lichen-based products to market.

Could you share any insights into the research and development efforts behind creating innovative lichen-based recipes and formulations?

The research and development process behind our lichen-based products involved interdisciplinary collaboration and iterative experimentation. Drawing inspiration from traditional recipes and historical usage, we embarked on a journey of culinary exploration, guided by insights from lichenologists, pharmacists, and food scientists.

The inherent bitterness and complex flavor profile of lichens presented a unique challenge, requiring meticulous formulation to achieve a harmonious balance of taste and sensory experience. Through extensive trial and error, we refined our recipes to highlight lichen’s distinctive flavors while ensuring palatability and nutritional integrity.

Collaborative partnerships with star chefs and culinary experts further enriched our repertoire, pushing the boundaries of lichen-based cuisine and paving the way for innovative formulations. By combining scientific rigor with creative ingenuity, we continue to push the boundaries of lichen-based gastronomy, unlocking new culinary possibilities and redefining the future of food.

What strategies do you employ to foster a culture of creativity and experimentation within your team at Simiæn?

At Simiæn, fostering a culture of creativity and experimentation is central to our ethos. We cultivate an environment of openness and collaboration, where diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged. Regular brainstorming sessions and ideation workshops provide a platform for team members to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of innovation.

Embracing a spirit of curiosity and exploration, we encourage team members to challenge conventional thinking and embrace experimentation. By providing ample opportunities for skill development and knowledge sharing, we empower team members to contribute their unique talents and insights to the creative process. Ultimately, our collective commitment to pushing the envelope of culinary innovation drives our success and propels us towards new horizons of discovery.

How do you approach partnerships and collaborations with other organisations or experts in the field of sustainability and food innovation?

Collaboration lies at the heart of our approach to partnerships, as we recognize the power of collective action in driving meaningful change. When forging partnerships with other organisations or experts in the field of sustainability and food innovation, we prioritize shared values and mutual respect.

Open communication and transparency are key to fostering productive collaborations, as we seek to align our goals and objectives with those of our partners. By leveraging each other’s expertise and resources, we amplify our impact and catalyze positive change within the industry.

Whether collaborating on product development, research initiatives, or advocacy campaigns, we approach partnerships with a spirit of humility and reciprocity, recognizing that together, we can achieve far more than we could alone.

What lessons have you learned from building and scaling a business centred around unconventional and eco-conscious products?

Building and scaling a business centered around unconventional and eco-conscious products has been a journey of learning and growth, punctuated by valuable insights and lessons along the way. One of the most important lessons we’ve learned is the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

From navigating regulatory challenges to overcoming logistical hurdles, every obstacle has presented an opportunity for growth and innovation. Additionally, we’ve learned the importance of collaboration and community-building in driving meaningful change. By fostering partnerships and alliances with like-minded organizations and individuals, we’ve been able to amplify our impact and reach a broader audience.

Finally, we’ve learned the importance of staying true to our values and vision, even in the face of skepticism or opposition. By remaining steadfast in our commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices, we’ve been able to carve out a unique niche in the market and inspire others to follow suit.

Can you discuss the role of storytelling and narrative in shaping the brand identity and consumer perception of Simiæn?

Storytelling and narrative play a central role in shaping the brand identity and consumer perception of Simiæn, imbuing our products with depth and meaning beyond their functional utility. From the inception of our “Unseen Edible” project to the creation of Simiæn, storytelling has been at the core of our ethos, weaving a rich tapestry of imagery and symbolism that resonates with consumers on a deeper level.

By crafting narratives that evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, we invite consumers to embark on a journey of discovery, exploring the hidden world of lichens and stones through our products.

Through storytelling, we not only communicate the unique value proposition of our brand but also foster a sense of connection and belonging among our audience. Ultimately, it is through storytelling that we bring our brand to life, transforming mere products into vessels of meaning and inspiration.

How do you measure the impact of your products on both environmental sustainability and societal well-being?

Measuring the impact of our products on environmental sustainability and societal well-being is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various metrics and indicators.

From an environmental perspective, we track key performance indicators such as carbon footprint, water usage, and waste generation throughout the product lifecycle. By conducting life cycle assessments and environmental audits, we gain insight into the environmental impacts of our operations and identify opportunities for improvement. Additionally, we monitor indicators of societal well-being, such as consumer satisfaction, community engagement, and social impact initiatives.

Through surveys, focus groups, and stakeholder consultations, we gather feedback from consumers and stakeholders to assess the social value generated by our products. By integrating both environmental and social metrics into our impact assessment framework, we strive to holistically evaluate the sustainability performance of our products and drive continuous improvement.

What future innovations or developments do you foresee for Simiæn, and how do you plan to stay at the forefront of sustainable food trends?

Looking ahead, we envision Simiæn continuing to push the boundaries of sustainable food innovation, exploring new frontiers in lichen-based cuisine and beyond. From expanding our product line to incorporating novel ingredients and flavors, we remain committed to driving culinary innovation while upholding our sustainability principles.

Additionally, we plan to leverage emerging technologies and scientific advancements to further enhance the nutritional value and sensory experience of our products. By staying abreast of the latest research and trends in sustainable food production, we aim to position Simiæn as a leader in the field, inspiring others to embrace a more mindful and ethical approach to food consumption.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Iceland holds a special place in our hearts, as it epitomizes the rugged beauty and natural wonders that inspire our brand. From its otherworldly landscapes to its rich cultural heritage, Iceland offers a wealth of inspiration and exploration opportunities.

Whether marveling at the Northern Lights, soaking in geothermal hot springs, or venturing off the beaten path to discover hidden gems, Iceland promises an unforgettable travel experience that resonates with our ethos of adventure and discovery.

Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to create socially and environmentally impactful businesses like Simiæn?

For aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to create socially and environmentally impactful businesses, we offer the following advice: Stay true to your vision and values, even in the face of adversity.

Building a purpose-driven business requires unwavering commitment and perseverance, but the rewards are immeasurable. Embrace collaboration and seek out partnerships with like-minded organizations and individuals who share your passion for positive change.

By harnessing the collective power of community and collaboration, you can amplify your impact and drive meaningful change. Finally, never underestimate the power of storytelling to connect with your audience and inspire action.

Through compelling narratives and authentic storytelling, you can engage hearts and minds, fostering a sense of connection and belonging that transcends mere consumption.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

You can learn more about Simiæn and stay updated on our latest developments by visiting our website at or following us on Instagram

Additionally, we welcome visitors to our studio in Vienna, where they can experience our products firsthand and learn more about our mission and vision. We look forward to sharing our journey with you and inspiring a more sustainable future together.

As we conclude our journey with Julia Schwarz and Lisi Penker, let their story ignite a spark of curiosity within you. Explore more inspiring interviews and stories of visionary founders like them at House of Coco. Discover the voices shaping our world and be inspired to embark on your own journey of innovation and impact. Together, let’s build a future where sustainability, creativity, and compassion thrive.

Welcome to an inspiring journey into the world of skincare with Arati Nar, the visionary founder behind Anara Skincare.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the transformative story behind the brand, exploring Arati’s passion for self-care, sustainability, and inclusivity. From her entrepreneurial spirit nurtured in the fast-paced startup scene to her heartfelt dedication to crafting luxurious yet natural skincare solutions, Arati shares the challenges, triumphs, and invaluable insights gained along the way.

Join us as we uncover the radiant ethos driving Anara Skincare and discover how Arati’s unwavering commitment to excellence is leaving a lasting mark on the beauty industry…

What inspired your transition from the fast-paced world of startups like Ocado to the serene realm of skincare with Anara?

Launching my own skincare brand has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager. Everything about a beautiful skincare routine delights me. It’s been a consistent feel-good part of my life and my 5 minutes of calm at the start and end of each day. When my skin is nourished, healthy, and looking radiant, I feel set to take on the day. It’s this feeling of calm and empowerment that I wanted to share with the world.

Working for such a wonderfully inspiring startup taught me so much about launching a customer-centric business based on honesty and integrity, and in many ways, my time at Ocado gave me the courage to take this path forward to starting my own business.

Could you share some insights into the holistic ethos of self-care that underpins Anara Skincare and how it sets your brand apart in the industry?

Skincare has always been an extremely powerful part of my life. It’s been a consistent feel-good regardless of what else was happening in my life. It’s my personal time to reflect and reset. It was this special feeling, filled with love, that I wanted to bring to life with Anara Skincare. It is, therefore, extremely important to me that each product in the range not only gives your skin all the nourishment it needs to age beautifully and gracefully but also delights your senses and brings you a sense of calm and well-being.

With an emphasis on well-aging, how do you approach the formulation of products to ensure they cater to diverse skin types and ages?

Diversity and inclusivity are the foundations upon which Anara Skincare was built. It was always my desire that my products should be loved by as many people as possible, regardless of skin type, life stage, or life choices. I had a very long list of criteria that each product had to meet before I was willing to sign it off.

Each and every ingredient chosen to be part of an Anara product had to have well-aging benefits, but overlaying this was ensuring that they could all be used on sensitive skin, around your eye area, and also during pregnancy. Our products, of course, went through the official testing process, but in addition to this, they were tested for over 1 year by a wide variety of people to ensure inclusivity.

Can you walk us through the process of sourcing high-quality, plant-based active ingredients from around the world for Anara Skincare products?

I was very fortunate to find the most amazing formulation company very early on after I made the decision to build Anara Skincare. They are very well-aligned with my values and understood my vision immediately.

As a company, they also only work with ethical suppliers and producers of raw ingredients. In sourcing the ingredients, we always ensure we use the Organic version of an ingredient if this is available and where this is not possible we will always choose the highest quality ingredient from one of their reputable and known suppliers.

As the entire range is certified by the Vegan Society and approved as Cruelty-Free under the Leaping Bunny Programme, our suppliers are also proactively and independently monitored to ensure that our products adhere to their strict criteria.

The testimonials on your website are glowing. How do you maintain such high customer satisfaction levels, and how does customer feedback influence your product development?

I am truly delighted by all the love the range has been receiving by customers and also by the beauty community. It’s only been 6 months since we launched and it’s truly wonderful to see so many repeat customers already.

Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to me, and I believe that having an honest and transparent approach assists in getting this level of loyalty. Feedback and testing have always and will always be paramount to our product development process. Before launching the range it had been tested for a long period of time by a diverse cross-section of people and their feedback was extremely important to the process.

Your products are designed for multi-use. Could you elaborate on the benefits of this approach and how it aligns with the ethos of simplicity and efficacy?

The concept of multi-use has always resonated with me. It allows simplicity in a beauty routine and also enables products to be used and enjoyed at their freshest and without wastage. Our entire range is multi-use and multi-functional as well. Each product not only supports various aspects of the well-aging process but they can all be used around your delicate eye area, your face, and your neck.

What challenges did you face during the four years of research, education, and exploration that went into creating Anara Skincare, and how did you overcome them?

There were challenges that were expected during this process, such as ensuring the products met the long list of criteria I had set out to achieve – a minimum of 99% Natural Origin, Vegan, Cruelty-Free, For all skin types including sensitive skin, Pregnancy Friendly, Halal Friendly, Gluten-Free, High Organic Content, overlaid with ensuring that the natural origin products that were used to fragrance the products truly did delight the senses.

Alongside this, we had the added challenge of being faced with the pandemic and all the uncertainties that came with it. There were also huge price increases and supply issues that occurred during the process as a result of the trying times we all faced.

I learned the art of patience during this process but also used a lot of the skills I had gained earlier in my career with regards to being flexible and finding innovative solutions as challenges occurred.

Sustainability is a growing concern in the beauty industry. How does Anara Skincare address environmental sustainability in its formulation, packaging, and overall ethos?

Sustainability is at the heart of Anara Skincare. It was the basis of every conversation we had during the creation of the brand. As mentioned above, we always ensure our ingredients were ethically and sustainably sourced. All products are packaged in glass bottles and jars which can be recycled as part of your household recycling scheme.

Our recyclable outer cartons and marketing material carry the FSC forest management certification which confirms that the forest is managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of the local people.

We are and will always continue to look for beautiful and sustainable options for our packaging. As an example, our metal spatulas that come with our moisturiser and balm are packaged in glassine bags, which are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic packaging. They are created from 100% biodegradable and sustainable smooth, glossy material, so they keep our spatulas clean and hygienic whilst helping the planet too.

As someone deeply involved in the beauty industry, what are your thoughts on the evolving trends and consumer preferences in skincare, especially post-pandemic?

The move to a simpler, more sustainable skincare routine alongside people being more aware of what is included in their products align perfectly with our values as a brand. These factors have always been important to me and therefore when I started the process to build Anara Skincare in 2019, pre-pandemic, my vision was already well-aligned to what we are seeing as the current consumer preferences, including a move to multi-use products.

I do, however, feel that there is still some way to go to have full transparency, as the beauty industry isn’t regulated and terms such as natural, organic, and clean are being used without strict rules in place, which can be very confusing for a consumer who doesn’t necessarily fully understand the INCI (ingredient list).

The Anara Experience is said to bring magic to the start and end of one’s day. Could you share some anecdotes or stories that highlight the transformative power of your products in customers’ lives?

I always wanted my brand to be more than just another skincare brand. I wanted it to be a whole experience with love and care at every touch point. This includes every step in creating the products but also every interaction with our customers.

It truly delights me when customers tell me how the products make them feel.

One customer sent an email to say that she feels like she is entering her own personal spa every time she dispenses the products. She then went on to tell me that she had been having a tough year and thanked me for bringing some joy into her life. Before ordering she had messaged through with some questions so it was nice to build a rapport with her.

We often receive comments about how beautiful the packaging is and how wonderful and uplifting the products smell.

The word glowing is used a lot in feedback which really makes me very happy.

I recently received a request from a customer who loved our Radiance Moisturiser so much that she ordered 5 jars to gift to her bridesmaids at her Hen Party. She requested if we could pack them individually in our gift boxes and include our freeze-dried rose petals as she loved the unboxing experience and wanted them to experience the same delight.

How do you envision the future of Anara Skincare evolving in terms of product offerings, innovation, and market presence?

I would absolutely love to add more products to the range and some of these are already in discussion or have started the formulation process. It’s early days in terms of the formulation process so I can’t divulge too much, but I would love to add products that are a hybrid between skincare and makeup and also possibly some body care products as well. I really want to focus on products that can be used and enjoyed on a daily basis to complement our current range.

Innovation is at the heart of Anara Skincare, so we are always on the search for the most wonderful and effective plant-based products that help you age beautifully and gracefully.

In terms of market presence, my desire is to build a loyal community of customers that appreciate luxurious products that contain the most beautiful ingredients. I would love Anara Skincare to be known for its ability to provide radiance and happiness in your life. The word Anara is the combination of the word ‘Anar’ which means radiant In Arabic and the word ‘Nara’ which means happy in Greek.

Your background includes co-founding a mobile beauty service. How did your experience with MILK Wellbeing inform your approach to founding Anara Skincare?

Whilst my time at Ocado gave me a lot of experience in the retail industry and with working with a well-funded startup, my journey as Co-Founder for MILK Wellbeing truly taught me what it is to build a small business from scratch, where you are accountable for every aspect and every decision made. It also enabled me to live my passion of beauty and was my first true work experience within the beauty industry. I believe it gave me the perfect stepping stone and the confidence to launch Anara Skincare, and to finally bring my lifelong dream to fruition.

In what ways do you incorporate principles of inclusivity and accessibility into your brand, ensuring that Anara Skincare is suitable for people of all skin types, ages, and lifestyles?

As I touched upon earlier, my desire was always to make Anara Skincare inclusive in the true sense of the word – to be suitable across all skin types, including sensitive skin and for use around your eye area. I wanted the range to appeal and to be suitable for all genders, all life stages including pregnancy and menopause and across all lifestyle choices including Vegan and Halal.

I didn’t want you to have to worry whether the products were suitable for you, I just wanted you to be able to enjoy the Anara Experience. It was, therefore, a very long and complicated process to ensure each product in the range met this very long list of criteria.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break into the beauty or skincare sector, based on your own journey with Anara?

I would say first and foremost, learn as much as you can before embarking on the journey. Find the right partners to work with that truly understand and align with your vision. Be willing to be flexible without compromising on your values. Be truly transparent because customers deserve to know what they are putting on their skin.

And last but by no means least follow your heart and don’t be scared to take a few risks. Creating and running your own business is a lot of hard work and I think you have to truly love and believe in your product and yourself to overcome the challenges.

The packaging of Anara Skincare products is often praised for its luxurious feel. How do you balance aesthetics with sustainability when designing your packaging?

The packaging is a very important part of the brand. I always said that I wanted luxury to meet nature. I wanted you to get that wonderfully special feeling that you get when you buy one of the well-known luxury brands. All products are packaged in glass bottles and jars which can be recycled as part of your household recycling scheme.

Our recyclable outer cartons and marketing material carry the FSC forest management certification which confirms that the forest is managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of the local people.

We are and will always continue to look for beautiful and sustainable options for our packaging. As an example, our metal spatulas that come with our moisturiser and balm are packaged in glassine bags, which are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic packaging. They are created from 100% biodegradable and sustainable smooth, glossy material, so they keep our spatulas clean and hygienic whilst helping the planet too.

Your products aim to deliver a sensory experience. How do you ensure that the fragrance and texture of each product align with your brand’s vision and values?

This truly was the most challenging process as we do not use artificial fragrances or other artificial ingredients in our products (apart from a small quantity of a gentle preservative where required), which often give products their scents and textures. It was a long journey of exploration, testing, and of endless iterations to find the perfect combination of ingredients to delight the senses, whilst also adhering to our other long list of criteria.

We use a variety of gentle essential oils to give our products their uplifting scents. A couple of examples are Rose Otto and Mandarin Orange, both of which also have their own beautiful skin nurturing properties.

Collaboration seems to be a recurring theme in your journey, from working with scientists to launching MILK Wellbeing. How do you approach collaboration, and how has it contributed to the success of Anara Skincare?

I believe that collaborating with the right partners, who completely align with your vision and your values is the key to success in any business and especially for a small startup. I had decided from the start of my journey in creating Anara Skincare that I wanted to work with experts in their field, who were as proud and passionate about their craft as I am about my business.

I think it’s also important to realize that you can’t do everything single-handed. My long career has taught me what I am good at and what I love the most, so those things I keep hold of and for the other tasks, I find people who can do them far better and more efficiently than I could. I am working with a mixture of sole traders, small and large companies and I find this balance works very well for me.

As a founder, what are some of the most rewarding moments you’ve experienced on your journey with Anara Skincare?

Truly every milestone has been rewarding. From signing off each formulation, to seeing the design of the logo and packaging come to life, to seeing my products on my website finally ready for sale. They all were such special and memorable moments.

However, if I had to choose just one aspect it would be the response I have received from the beauty industry and customers. The love and passion with which the range has been received in the real world is completely overwhelming and it fills me with gratitude. It has been the biggest honor to win 7 prestigious beauty awards for the range less than 6 months after launch.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

My biggest passion outside of the world of beauty is travel and I have been fortunate to have traveled extensively in my life. There are a few places on my bucket list and top of the list is Vietnam and Cambodia. I would also really love to visit Australia.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

There are many positive quotes that I love, but one of my favorites is “Don’t wait for the magic to happen. Make the magic happen”. A very special person in my life used to say this to me a lot when I was a child and it has always stuck with me.

Finally, what legacy do you hope Anara Skincare will leave in the beauty industry, and what mark do you aspire to leave as its founder?

My hope is that Anara Skincare will be a wonderful example showing that it is possible for luxury and nature to truly blend whilst being inclusive in the true sense of the word.

I really want to be known and remembered as a Founder who truly followed her heart to build a business that bought radiance and happiness to the world.

As we bring this insightful journey to a close, we’re deeply inspired by Arati, the visionary founder of Anara Skincare. Her remarkable dedication to merging luxury with nature, alongside her commitment to inclusivity and sustainability, resonates profoundly. Arati’s story is a testament to the transformative power of passion and resilience, reminding us that by staying true to our values, we can create meaningful change. Here’s to Anara Skincare, a beacon of radiance and happiness in the beauty industry, guided by Arati’s visionary leadership and unwavering spirit.

For more inspiring stories, delve into the diverse array of interviews featured on House of Coco Magazine. Explore the remarkable journeys of visionary entrepreneurs like Arati and uncover the transformative power of passion and perseverance. Visit House of Coco Magazine to ignite your spirit and embark on a journey of discovery.

Introducing Meriem Oukil, the visionary founder behind Mikou, a distinguished name in the realm of handmade jewelry. With two decades of experience in the industry, Meriem’s journey embodies a profound passion for crafting unique pieces that resonate with the emotions and stories of her clientele.

Renowned for her fusion of traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design sensibilities, Meriem’s creations exude warmth, elegance, and individuality.

As we delve into her world, Meriem shares insights into her creative process, ethical practices, and aspirations for the future of Mikou, offering a glimpse into the soul behind the shimmering gems and precious metals…

What inspired you to start Mikou and delve into the world of handmade jewelry?

The thrill of designing unique pieces of precious metals and gemstones. I find inspiration every day in buildings, landscapes, and animals, incorporating their shapes into my handmade jewelry.

Can you share a memorable experience or story from your 20 years in the jewelry business?

Working closely with people on a very personal level, I’ve learned that jewelry holds immense emotional value for individuals. Customers share stories of love, heartbreak, birth, heritage, and more, attaching these narratives to their jewelry. I cherish these moments.

How do you source your gemstones and pearls to ensure they meet your high standards?

I buy them from certified gemstone dealers in Antwerp who adhere strictly to regulations and standards.

What does the process of alloying gold entail, and how does it affect the final product?

Alloying involves mixing gold with other metals to enhance its properties such as hardness, strength, color, and workability. This process is fundamental to creating unique jewelry pieces in gold or silver.

What are some of the challenges you face in creating custom pieces for your clients?

One challenge is ensuring that clients understand the technical aspects of jewelry making, such as securing gemstones properly. Additionally, different gemstones have varying hardness levels, requiring careful consideration in design.

Do you have a favorite gemstone or type of jewelry to work with? If so, what makes it special to you?

I love combining yellow gold with colorful gemstones for warmth, and cold-colored gemstones with silver tones. However, all gemstones hold a special place in my heart, and I don’t have a favorite.

How do you balance traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design trends in your creations?

Craftsmanship forms the foundation, while contemporary trends provide inspiration. My signature style merges modern, wearable, feminine jewelry with organic shapes and colors.

Can you describe the feeling of seeing a customer’s face light up when they receive a piece of Mikou jewelry?

The joy reflected in their eyes is like little stars of happiness.

What role does sustainability play in your business, and how do you ensure your practices are eco-friendly?

I recycle old jewelry from clients, reuse gemstones, and save gold dust for new pieces. Sustainability is integral to my practice; nothing goes to waste.

Have you ever had a particularly unusual or unique request from a customer? If so, how did you fulfill it?

I once crafted a large cigar box from 18k gold, an unusual request that brought immense satisfaction to the client.

How do you keep up with evolving customer preferences and adapt your designs accordingly?

I collaborate with clients, finding a middle ground between their ideas and my expertise.

What advice would you give to someone looking to invest in their first piece of fine jewelry?

Consider whether you want an everyday piece or a statement piece, as each serves different purposes and requires different care.

Can you share any upcoming trends or innovations we can expect to see in the world of jewelry design?

Expect to see trends like ethical design, bold colored gemstones, bulky jewelry designs, oversized earrings, and an increase in lab diamond usage.

What is your favorite part of the creative process when designing a new piece of jewelry?

Choosing gemstones and envisioning the technical process while translating ideas onto paper through drawings.

How do you maintain the balance between Mikou’s brand identity and exploring new design possibilities?

While I continuously explore new designs, I stay true to Mikou’s identity, infusing my signature style into each creation.

Are there any cultural or historical influences that inspire your designs?

My North African roots influence my designs, characterized by bright colors and organic shapes.

How do you ensure the ethical sourcing of your diamonds, and what criteria do you use to determine their authenticity and quality?

I source diamonds from certified companies that adhere to ethical sourcing practices and stringent quality criteria.

Can you walk us through the journey of turning a customer’s vision into a reality, from initial consultation to final product?

The process involves an initial consultation, design conceptualization, stone selection, crafting, and finally, fitting and delivery of the unique piece.

What role do customer feedback and satisfaction play in shaping the direction of your business?

Customer feedback is paramount; many clients become lifelong patrons, and their satisfaction guides the evolution of Mikou.

Looking towards the future, what are your aspirations for Mikou, both creatively and in terms of impact within the jewelry industry?

I aim to infuse more color and ethnicity into jewelry designs, offering soulful creations that depart from conventional norms.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Indonesia, for its landscapes, flora, fauna, traditional designs, and architecture, offering boundless inspiration for jewelry.

What’s your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

“Go outside and look around you; you can find inspiration everywhere.”

Where can people find out more about follow you?


Instagram: @mikoudor

In the heart of sunny Redondo Beach, California, a passion project turned revolutionary brand was born: See Sea. With a vision to seamlessly integrate waterproof jewelry into daily life, See Sea emerged from the golden coasts of Southern California, serving as a beacon of modernity, luxury, and accessibility in the jewelry world.

At its core, See Sea is more than just a brand; it’s a testament to the unwavering commitment and love shared by its founders, a dynamic couple residing in the vibrant landscapes of Southern California. Their decision to embark on this journey together was not merely a business endeavor but a pledge to cherish See Sea with the same devotion they hold for each other. For them, jewelry isn’t just an accessory; it’s a reflection of one’s lifestyle and aspirations, a sentiment that resonates deeply within the brand’s ethos.

With meticulous attention to detail, See Sea crafts each piece using surgical stainless steel or superior materials, adorned with a lavish layer of gold, rose gold, or platinum. Despite the unparalleled quality, See Sea remains committed to fair pricing, eschewing traditional markups to ensure that luxury is accessible to all. Every item undergoes rigorous examination and packaging by the dedicated team before making its way to the customer, ensuring excellence with every purchase.

Yet, beyond exquisite craftsmanship lies a profound commitment to sustainability. See Sea is not just a brand; it’s a steward of the environment, prioritizing the health of our planet and oceans. With 100% recyclable materials and eco-friendly packaging, See Sea embodies the principles of sincerity and transparency, delivering not just products but genuine value to its customers.

In a world where style meets sustainability, See Sea stands as a shining example of innovation and conscientiousness, embodying the spirit of Southern California and illuminating the path towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

What inspired you to start See Sea, and how did your journey begin?

My journey began in our house’s garage. See Sea started as “Garagepreneurs”, where my husband and I set up our work desks, laptops, and storage space in the garage of our home in Los Angeles. So, you can say that one of our inspirations was the famed Silicon Valley Garagepreneurs culture, except that we were not engineers nor based in San Francisco. However, we believe we shared the following: a vision, ideas to execute, and a non-stopping drive to constantly inspire each other.

Can you share a bit about your background and how it influenced the creation of See Sea?

I studied art and design in college and worked as a full-time graphic designer for many years. On the other hand, I value practicality and always enjoy solving problems. Therefore, I not only wanted to create things that are aesthetically appealing but also able to meet people’s needs and solve their concerns. As a result, we founded See Sea.

What sets See Sea apart from other jewelry brands in the market, particularly in terms of design and sustainability?

We pride ourselves as one of the very few front-runners of the waterproof jewelry brands, and the only one of its kind located on the West Coast. Our designs are inseparable from the differentiated Californian vibe and look. Our success and goals are based not only on designs but also on materials, practicality, and, importantly, environmental sustainability.

Our stainless steel materials are long-lasting and 100% recyclable, and the PVD coating process is safe for the environment, employees, and users. The process takes place in a sealed vacuum system, producing no waste or harsh chemicals. Our truest belief is that everyday jewelry should be made of waterproof and stainless steel materials. Gold, silver, and platinum are costly to recycle and produce, and brass/copper and other low-cost metals often cause allergic reactions in the human body. We believe that we have the right product for our future and our environment.

How do you infuse the essence of Southern California into your jewelry designs?

Yes! There is truly nothing more unique than Southern Californian culture. As the first and biggest waterproof jewelry brand in California, we differentiate our pieces by embracing the liberal, diverse, and carefree Californian culture. Every day our team observes and works with nature-inspired elements, beach vibes, bohemian influence, surf and skate culture, celestial themes, ethnic and indigenous diversity, minimalist elegance, and more.

Could you walk us through the process of creating a piece of jewelry at See Sea, from concept to production?

Everything starts from our headquarters, located in the South Bay, Los Angeles. From early sunrise, our team goes through hundreds of design concept sketches, drawn following our inspiration and philosophy. We refine the initial sketches, paying attention to color, texture, proportion, and balance. After the final sketch is approved and voted by our team, we begin prototyping, using a 3D model and printing, to evaluate and adjust before production. And of course, material selection is the easiest part of the process. We go waterproof.

The production team conducts one more quality assurance and inspection before beginning production and PVD coating. Packaging, presentation, and merchandising are also a significant part of the process, as See Sea operates five physical locations other than the online store. Communication between the production and the retail team is key, as we synchronize our physical locations and our online shop to distribute and market the new pieces and finally deliver them to our customers.

How do you ensure the durability and longevity of your jewelry pieces, especially considering their waterproof nature?

All our team, including myself, of course, wears all our jewelry to test its durability and longevity. The team usually notices any issues first. We test our waterproof pieces while jogging, swimming, doing yoga, at the gym, hiking, surfing, skiing, and in all sorts of environments and activities that the West Coast offers year-round. Our waterproof jewelry has performed fantastically against any tests so far.

What challenges did you face while establishing See Sea, and how did you overcome them?

We launched our site at the end of 2019, and we planned our business operations until early 2020, when COVID hit the world. You can imagine our dismay, as the world seemed upside down, right after my husband and I quit our jobs to dedicate full-time to See Sea. With basically everyone’s future uncertain, it was truly the greatest first challenge we faced as a business.

We had to sketch out our business plans from scratch, as retail events, shopping centers, customer behavior, and lifestyle were reshaped by the pandemic. But with challenges and risks, we also saw new, unique opportunities in a changed world. We focused on online shopping and the gradually increasing pre-pandemic traffic.

While challenging and frightening in the beginning, we overcame our first test step by step. There have been many more challenges, and it has not been easy. But at the same time, it has been incredibly rewarding and exciting as well, and we do not plan to stop anytime soon. A message that we also want to leave for current and aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable moment or experience you’ve had since starting See Sea?

There are so many memorable moments that I feel tempted to write ten full pages about. The most memorable one would be when I first created the website for See Sea and had our first small batch of inventory ready, but we had no idea when or how we could receive the first order.

And then we did! I do not remember which piece it was. But I was so excited and amazed by the first order that I nearly jumped off my chair. We meticulously packaged the product and shipped it as the most valuable treasure in the world, and we checked the tracking information every hour until it got delivered.

How do you balance the artistic and business aspects of running a jewelry brand like See Sea?

Everything starts with people and communication. We need both sides to work together to run our brand. Hiring the right team members for the right roles has been one of the most challenging but at the same time, the most fulfilling achievements at See Sea. While the artistic team is essential to initiate our inspiration, conceptualization, and design, we need the business team to carry out and execute their vision accurately and timely. Making sure that they understand each other and work together has been the key to synergy and growth within See Sea.

What do you hope people feel or experience when they wear See Sea jewelry?

We aspire for every wearer of See Sea to experience comfort, confidence, and worry-free elegance. With our commitment to longevity and tarnish-free quality, individuals can trust that their jewelry will endure. Our goal is to empower wearers to showcase their cherished pieces while seamlessly embracing an outdoor, active lifestyle—without the constraints of costly and fragile materials.

How does See Sea integrate eco-conscious practices into its operations beyond just recyclable packaging?

All our stores have a recycling program where our customers are welcome to drop off their own broken/tarnished jewelry at our stores, and we have them recycled at local recycling centers in Los Angeles.

And of course, our waterproof materials are deliberately chosen for their recyclability, providing a sustainable and cost-effective option for jewelry. We avoid copper and brass due to their lack of hypoallergenic properties and tendency to tarnish quickly, leading to frequent replacements and more waste.

Could you share any upcoming projects or collections that customers can look forward to?

We have an array of upcoming projects and collections. Among them is our new men’s jewelry line. With rising demand, it complements our waterproof materials and fits the trend towards casual and streetwear fashion.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own sustainable fashion brand?

Embarking on the initial step can often be the most challenging. To those hesitating at the crossroads, we recommend embracing the Californian attitude: cast aside worries, take that crucial first step, and continue the journey with confidence.

How does See Sea engage with its community, both locally in Southern California and globally?

We have an experienced and very active social media team to continually engage with the online community. The waterproof jewelry users are still a growing audience. The trend is ever-increasing, and once caught on, our customers have been faithful to the trend. All our physical locations constantly host special events and promotions to keep the local Los Angeles community connected with the brand.

We also receive online forums from our website related to any questions for our pieces or design suggestions. These are not just from California or the United States but globally as well.

In what ways do you think jewelry can be a reflection of one’s lifestyle and aspirations, as you mentioned earlier?

Jewelry is more than just adornment. It can also be a reflection of one’s identity, achievements, values, and lifestyle. The modern customer carefully selects and wears jewelry that resonates with them on a personal level. This is the area in which we believe See Sea can best serve our customers: the waterproof brand that delivers the Californian worry-free but beautiful minimalist looks, with eco-conscious materials.

Can you share any customer stories or testimonials that have touched you or reinforced your vision for See Sea?

We introduced a necklace featuring a larger pearl pendant alongside a smaller one, elegantly united on a single chain. A touching revelation came from a customer who shared that upon laying eyes on it, an instant connection with her daughter arose. It became clear to us that, beyond being a mere accessory, our jewelry carries profound sentimental value. Each piece has the power to symbolize significant moments, relationships, and milestones in a person’s life.

How do you stay inspired and creative in your designs, especially with the ever-evolving trends in fashion?

Remaining abreast of the latest fashion trends, we avidly scour fashion magazines, delve into influential blogs, and explore social media platforms where designers and influencers showcase their creations. Yet, we are attuned to the fact that not everyone identifies as a fashionista; many seek enduring, versatile pieces suitable for all occasions. Consequently, we reserve a specific percentage of our designs for timeless, everyday styles.

What role do you see See Sea playing in the broader conversation about ethical and sustainable fashion?

We firmly believe that we will be playing a leading role. Most jewelry throughout history has been produced by unnecessarily costly materials that caused conflicts and environmental neglect.

While fine jewelry is and will be an irreplaceable part of fashion, semi-fine jewelry, specifically waterproof jewelry, will be leading the jewelry industry, as customers become more eco-conscious and embrace the comfortable yet active fashion trends.

What are your long-term goals or aspirations for See Sea as a brand?

We are on a mission to globally deliver our waterproof brand to all customers and share awareness of its superior materials, design, and eco-friendliness. While attaining sustainability and ethical practices, we aim to keep our artistic excellence and creativity. Through our constant innovation and devotion to both our online and in-person shops, we plan to remain not just a Californian brand but a globally recognized one, with a constant emphasis on customer engagement and the social impact of our products.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

While many visitors opt for iconic attractions like Hollywood and the Santa Monica Pier when in LA, we strongly suggest exploring more intimate, lesser-known gems cherished by locals, specifically the South Bay area, where our headquarters are located.

Among our favorites is the Point Vicente Lighthouse in Rancho Palos Verdes. As the sun sets during the cooler months (though truth be told, it’s never truly cold here), the horizon transforms into a breathtaking canvas of rich purples, intense coral pinks, fiery reds, and peachy oranges. Against the backdrop of the ocean and cityscape, this spectacle offers one of the most awe-inspiring views I’ve ever encountered.

After, you can check out any of the nearby restaurants and attractions found in the beautiful neighborhoods of Manhattan Beach, Long Beach, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, and more. You truly will not regret checking this side of Los Angeles – and please check our stores as well!

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

I know it is funny and a bit incredulous, but these days the entire office, including myself, finds the Chinese beaver speech that went viral on TikTok very motivating. My favorite sentence is “I’ve got my principles too!”

Lastly, if you could sum up the essence of See Sea in just a few words, what would they be?

Always listen to the customers and understand their real needs.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

So far all of our brick-and-mortar stores are in Southern California. However, we are very active on Instagram (@shopseesea) and TikTok (@shopseesea). Our online store often has new arrivals weekly.

In the world of stationery aficionados, Ben is a name that resonates with those seeking both style and substance in their writing essentials. As the founder of Scribble & Dot, Ben has transformed the landscape of conscious stationery, infusing it with a unique blend of elegance, functionality, and sustainability.

Hailing from the scenic countryside of Devon, UK, Ben’s journey with Scribble & Dot began from a place of frustration—a quest for the perfect journal that was met with disappointment in the face of subpar quality and exorbitant prices. Determined to fill this void, Ben embarked on a mission to create a brand that not only addressed these shortcomings but also embodied his passion for beautiful design and eco-conscious practices.

Drawing inspiration from a vibrant community of over 2,000 stationery enthusiasts, Ben honed in on the core principles of paper quality, usability, and affordability. Armed with this invaluable feedback, he set out to redefine the stationery experience, one sleek notebook at a time.

At Scribble & Dot, Ben’s vision goes beyond mere functionality; it’s about elevating everyday moments through thoughtful design and meticulous attention to detail. Each product is a testament to his commitment to affordable luxury—a belief that premium stationery should be accessible to all.

Now, as his journey unfolds, Ben’s innovative approach to stationery design continues to captivate audiences far and wide. Ben invites readers into his world of creativity, sustainability, and uncompromising quality—a world where every scribble tells a story, and every dot marks the beginning of a new adventure.

Join us as we delve into the inspiring tale of Ben, the creative force behind Scribble & Dot, and discover the magic that lies within the pages of his meticulously crafted notebooks…

Can you share the background story of how your journey as an entrepreneur began and led you to the creation of Scribble & Dot?

My entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 18 when I decided to leave school and launch a restaurant concession. However, the demanding schedule of long days and nights prompted me to explore other business opportunities.

During this period, I started selling accessories online through various marketplaces, diligently managing orders by dropping off parcels every morning and relying on multiple notebooks to keep track of business activities. Yet, I found that these notebooks never lasted the year. It was then that I envisioned creating a premium notebook that was both durable and pleasant to the touch, yet affordable compared to designer brands. Thus, Scribble & Dot was born.

What specific challenges with existing journals fueled your determination to start a conscious stationery brand?

I aimed to establish a conscientious stationery brand, a niche often overlooked by major players in the industry. My goal was to create a notebook with minimal waste, accompanied by eco-friendly box packaging. Additionally, in 2020, I made the decision to give back to the environment by supporting One Tree Planted. Each year, they plant trees based on our donations. I believe it’s crucial to give back, especially considering that paper is the primary material used in our books.

Engaging with a community of 2,000 stationery enthusiasts is impressive. How did this collaborative process shape the identity and values of Scribble & Dot?

Like many stationery enthusiasts, I was on the quest for the perfect notebook. However, I encountered numerous brands with faults like ink bleeding through pages, loose covers, and weak bindings, among others. It was a struggle to find a journal that met all my criteria: pockets, pen holders, no ink ghosting, and premium covers and designs. As someone who uses notebooks daily, I yearned for the joy of opening and using one, which fueled my determination to create Scribble & Dot.

In the early stages, what were some key insights or surprising moments that guided the direction of your brand?

The surprising moments were the customer feedback. We get messages every day from customers giving us great feedback and it pushes us to create more unique items.

Balancing paper quality, usability, and affordability is crucial. How do you ensure that each element aligns with your brand’s core values and mission?

These three aspects are crucial to our success. We test all our products and make sure we maintain an affordable price point whilst maintaining paper thickness and quality.

As the founder, what personal values and principles do you bring to the table in steering Scribble & Dot towards success?

We always listen to our customers’ feedback and adapt and make changes to our products every year. This has helped us grow and become the Scribble & Dot you see today.

Can you share a memorable experience or milestone that stands out in Scribble & Dot’s journey so far?

I feel a big memorable experience was the COVID lockdown. There was a huge rise in people starting journaling through these times and we received an influx of new scribblers sharing their designs and unboxing videos. It was a truly memorable time.

Your brand is described as offering “affordable luxury.” How do you define and maintain this delicate balance in your business model?

Providing affordable luxury comes at a price to us, but it’s our ethos and what we do. Regardless of the impact on margins, we want customers to have a truly amazing experience from the moment they open their Scribble and Dot box and unwrap the tissue paper to when the pen hits the paper. I want customers to be smiling through the whole unboxing experience.

What role does customer satisfaction play in your approach to designing and testing stationery products?

A huge role. Each year we collate all feedback and sit down and go through how we can improve our products and new designs. Customer feedback is very important, and I believe if we didn’t do this Scribble & Dot wouldn’t be here today.

Collaborations with artists seem to be a significant aspect of your brand. How do you select and work with artists to ensure their creations align with Scribble & Dot’s vision?

Connecting with artists and creatives from around the world to diversify our designs and champion individual talent by supporting small. A lot of artists bring something new to S&D, and we always encourage artists to reach out.

How do you incorporate sustainability into the production process of your stationery items, given the emphasis on natural resources?

Challenging traditional materials and finishing to ensure our stationery feels and looks fabulous for longer. We are conscious about climate change and are continually evolving our collections to ensure we reduce waste and find more sustainable solutions. Always being transparent with our customers and offering a mindful purchase choice.

Can you share a particular product or collection that holds a special place in your heart, and why?

The baby memory book we released this year is a special book. It took 1 year to design, and the artist Nicky Pasterfield created a beautiful keepsake for new mums.

As an entrepreneur, what advice would you give to aspiring individuals looking to start their own conscious and sustainable brands?

Begin building your brand as an environmentally responsible entity. Highlight your commitment to sustainability on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Authenticity is key, so make sure your actions align with your messaging.

In terms of design, how do you approach creating stationery that is both stylish and functional?

We follow our brand guidelines and test functionality to make sure it fits the needs of our customers.

What role do customer needs and desires play in the constant evolution of Scribble & Dot’s product offerings?

It’s vital we get customer feedback so we can make more great products.

Looking ahead, are there any exciting developments or new projects on the horizon for Scribble & Dot that you can give us a sneak peek into?

We are working on a DIY Recipe Journal that we are very excited to release very soon. An absolute kitchen essential.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Asia – I am passionate about wellness, and I have heard great things about Asia.

When lacking motivation, what’s your go-to quote?

“If you can believe you can achieve.”

Looking back since launching the brand, is there anything you would do differently?

I wish we launched in the USA sooner; the feedback has been amazing, and we are looking forward to continued growth in the US.

Lastly, how do you envision the future of Scribble & Dot in terms of its impact on the stationery industry and the broader community it serves?

I envision Scribble and Dot to move more into the high street and to see our products stocked in more retail outlets would be a great goal of ours.

In a world where every step counts, one family’s journey sparked a revolution in child safety and comfort. Meet Tommy, the visionary behind Little Yoga Socks, a tale born from the joys and challenges of parenthood.

With each slip and slide, Tommy and his wife felt the call to action, driven by a simple yet profound desire: to create a solution for young explorers everywhere. Join us as we delve into the inspiring narrative of Little Yoga Socks, where passion, innovation, and love for little adventurers intertwine to redefine the way children tread their paths…

What sparked the idea for Little Yoga Socks, and how did your personal experience as parents influence the decision to create a solution for slippery socks during playtime?

Little Yoga Socks emerged from a personal necessity. As parents to a curious baby and a highly active toddler, my wife and I often felt uneasy watching our children learn to walk or run in conventional slippery socks. We were torn between encouraging exploration and safeguarding against potential accidents in our home’s “dangerous” areas. While searching for grip socks for early walkers, we encountered generic designs with subpar quality and unreliable grip.

Frustrated by the lack of suitable options, we saw an opportunity to create a better solution not only for ourselves but also for other parents facing similar challenges. Our socks offer a dual benefit, instilling confidence in both children and their parents. Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers wearing our grip socks can move with assurance, free from the fear of slipping or falling. Meanwhile, those supervising them gain peace of mind, knowing that our socks provide reliable traction, reducing the risk of accidents and alleviating anxiety.

Can you share a specific anecdote or moment with your own children that served as a catalyst for turning the idea of grippy socks into a business venture?

As my little girl took her first steps, I witnessed her struggle with maintaining balance and often slipping. With a low glass table in the living room, I found myself constantly on edge whenever she neared it. While I wanted to foster her independence, the daily risk seemed unnecessary. I believed there had to be a safer way for her to explore the world with minimised injury risks. Conversations with other parents revealed shared concerns, and it became evident that quality grippy socks could offer a solution to many parents navigating the same challenges with their young children.

Little Yoga Socks is all about empowering little adventurers. How do you envision your product contributing to the confidence and joy of children as they explore the world around them?

Children are naturally curious and eager to learn about the world around them. However, the fear of slipping can sometimes hinder their confidence, especially when they’re just learning to walk. Our grip socks not only keep their feet warm and clean but also provide essential stability, minimising the risk of slipping. By offering this added support, our socks boost children’s confidence, allowing them to focus on exploring, experiencing, and playing more freely. With Little Yoga Socks, children can embark on their adventures with greater assurance, knowing that they have a reliable companion to keep them steady every step of the way.

As parents yourselves, what challenges did you face when looking for non-slip solutions for your children, and how does Little Yoga Socks address those challenges?

It was a frustrating experience. We encountered non-slip socks that lacked attention to detail—the designs were dull and overly simplistic, the quality left much to be desired, and the grip was insufficient. It felt like these socks were produced with minimal effort, prompting us to aspire to set a new standard and give this exceptional product the attention it deserves. To address these shortcomings, we established six key goals for our socks:

  • Exceptional Grip: We sought out a super strong sticky material that covers most of the sock’s bottom, ensuring effectiveness even after numerous washes.
  • Designs that kids love: Recognizing that children often resist wearing socks solely for warmth, we prioritized stylish, adorable designs that tell a story and ignite their imagination.
  • Premium Quality Materials: We committed to using only the finest materials to ensure durability and comfort.
  • Stay-On Socks: Our socks are designed to stay securely on their feet, providing peace of mind for both parents and little ones.
  • Versatility for Every Season: We created socks suitable for all seasons, allowing kids to enjoy comfort and safety year-round.
  • Eco-Friendly and Safe: We’re dedicated to using non-harmful materials and sustainable packaging, prioritizing the well-being of both children and the planet.

The focus on quality cotton blends for softness, breathability, and stretch sets Little Yoga Socks apart. Can you elaborate on how these features enhance the overall experience for both parents and kids?

The use of soft cotton blends ensures unparalleled comfort during indoor playtime and walking. Whether infants and toddlers are crawling around the living room or taking their first steps in the hallway, the softness of the fabric prevents any discomfort or irritation, allowing them to fully enjoy their activities without distractions. Breathability is crucial even indoors, especially during active play.

Cotton’s natural breathability allows air to circulate freely, keeping little feet cool and dry throughout their adventures. This not only enhances comfort but also helps prevent the development of odors, ensuring freshness even after long hours of play. Additionally, the stretchiness of the cotton blends provides the flexibility needed for various movements during indoor play and walking. It allows for unrestricted movement, enabling kids to move freely and confidently without feeling constrained by their socks.

This flexibility also contributes to their safety, reducing the risk of slipping or discomfort. By prioritising these features, Little Yoga Socks not only enhances the physical comfort and performance of both parents and kids during indoor playtime and walking but also promotes a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience overall.

Little Yoga Socks not only prioritize safety but also offer stylish designs. How do you believe the combination of safety and style contributes to a positive experience for young ones?

Combining safety with stylish designs in Little Yoga Socks ensures a positive experience for young ones by providing both practical benefits and aesthetic appeal. Safety features like non-slip grips offer peace of mind to parents, while stylish designs make wearing socks fun for kids. This combination encourages consistent wear, ensuring ongoing protection during play and activities, while also fostering independence and self-expression from a young age. With the added confidence from safety features, kids feel empowered to explore and move freely.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of seeing Little Yoga Socks become a solution for parents and a source of joy for children?

The most rewarding aspect of witnessing Little Yoga Socks become a solution for parents, grandparents, nannies, and a source of joy for children is seeing the positive impact it has on families’ lives. Knowing that our product provides practical benefits such as safety and comfort, which in turn allows parents to have peace of mind while their children play and explore, is incredibly fulfilling.

Additionally, seeing children excitedly engage with our socks, whether it’s through their playful designs or the fun they have while wearing them, brings immense joy. Being able to contribute to moments of happiness and comfort in families’ daily routines is truly gratifying and motivates us to continue creating products that enhance the lives of both parents and children.

How do you stay innovative in designing new sock styles that cater to the evolving tastes of both parents and kids?

Staying innovative in designing new sock styles for both parents and kids involves several key strategies. Firstly, we actively listen to customer feedback to understand their preferences and needs. Secondly, we keep an eye on emerging trends in fashion and child development. Additionally, we encourage creativity and experimentation within our design team.

Furthermore, my wife and I personally involve our own kids, asking for their opinions on new designs, ensuring that they resonate with children. Lastly, we remain flexible and adaptable, continuously iterating on our designs based on market feedback and changing trends. This multifaceted approach ensures that our sock styles are dynamic, engaging, and relevant to our customers.

Little Yoga Socks is described as a journey. Can you share a pivotal moment or achievement that marked a significant milestone in this adventure?

One pivotal moment in the journey of Little Yoga Socks was when we received our first heartfelt testimonial from a parent. This moment marked a significant milestone for us because it validated the purpose and impact of our product. Hearing how our socks brought comfort, joy, and safety to a child during their daily activities filled us with a profound sense of fulfilment and motivation to continue our mission. It was a reminder that even small gestures can make a big difference in the lives of families.

This moment fueled our passion and commitment to creating innovative, high-quality products that enrich the experiences of both parents and children. Another pivotal moment occurred when a renowned Canadian Podiatrist reached out to us, expressing her love for our socks and their quality.

Little Yoga Socks promotes safe and confident walking for toddlers. Can you share some success stories or testimonials from parents who have experienced the positive impact of your product?

Most of these stories echo the same sentiment: our socks make a tangible difference in their children’s walking and confidence. It’s heartening to hear consistent positive feedback from our customers, reinforcing the impact of our product on little ones’ development. Personally, I enjoy engaging with our customers directly. Keeping things personal and having genuine interactions with our buyers is important to me.

Beyond functionality, how do you believe the colorful and cute designs of Little Yoga Socks contribute to a child’s sense of self-expression and individuality?

While for adults, the primary purpose of grip socks may be functional, it’s essential to remember that for kids, the initial connection point is often the socks’ appearance. Little Yoga Socks’ colorful and cute designs serve as a bridge to engage children’s interest and imagination. These designs not only add flair to their outfits but also become a means for self-expression and individuality. By prioritising aesthetics alongside functionality, we create socks that resonate with children, fostering a positive relationship with their footwear and encouraging confidence in their unique style.

As founders, how do you balance the demands of entrepreneurship with the joys of parenting, and what lessons have you learned along the way?

Balancing entrepreneurship and parenting requires communication, teamwork, flexibility, and self-care. My wife and I learned to prioritize quality time with our family while also managing the demands of our business. By setting boundaries and adapting to changing needs, we strive to create a harmonious balance between work and family life.

Little Yoga Socks embraces the idea of letting kids be kids. In your opinion, how does this philosophy align with the broader conversation on childhood and parenting in today’s society?

That’s a great question! I believe that Little Yoga Socks’ philosophy of letting kids be kids aligns well with today’s parenting trends. It emphasizes the importance of allowing children to explore, play, and express themselves freely. This approach resonates with modern parenting, which prioritizes fostering independence, creativity, and confidence. By promoting comfort, safety, and self-expression through our designs, we empower children to embrace their individuality and enjoy their childhood to the fullest.

Can you share any upcoming plans or projects that Little Yoga Socks has in store for the future, as you continue to support little adventurers worldwide?

We’re currently working on some even cuter designs and expanding our selection at Little Yoga Socks. Plus, we’ll be introducing grip socks for bigger kids and exploring the possibility of offering them for adults too. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to support little adventurers worldwide!

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

It’s tough to pick just one! at the very top of my bucket list at the moment are Lapland for hiking and Tokyo for its rich culture, shopping, and vibrant nightlife.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

“The future depends on what you do today.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Lastly, what message or inspiration would you like to convey to parents who are on the lookout for products that balance safety, style, and functionality for their children?

To parents seeking products that balance safety, style, and functionality for their children, I would like to convey a simple message: You don’t have to compromise. At Little Yoga Socks, we believe that safety can be stylish and functionality can be fun. We’re committed to providing high-quality products that not only prioritize your child’s well-being but also reflect their unique personality and sense of style. With our socks, you can have peace of mind knowing that your little ones are safe and comfortable while also letting their individuality shine. Trust in products that align with your values and enhance your child’s everyday adventures.