


“Aurum by GUÐBJÖRG stands for Ambition, Understanding, Responsibility, Unity, and Mindfulness,” says Founder Guðbjörg Kristín Ingvarsdóttir on the values that define her Icelandic jewellery brand.

With its striking, sculptural jewellery pieces, Aurum breathes sustainability and takes inspiration from the ethereal beauty of Iceland’s natural landscapes. It is also the expression of Guðbjörg’s own passion, creativity and genuine commitment to the earth.

In this Women Worldwide interview, Team Coco sits down with Guðbjörg to talk about her love for jewellery, how Aurum is promoting environmental and ethical sustainability across all areas of its business, and how Aurum serves as a platform to showcase the beauty of Icelandic culture to the world.

“To be an innovator and a designer is to be constantly growing and learning and to be patient. It’s important to be passionate about the job, to be industrious, to successfully execute ideas, and to learn by doing. Work hard, make original work and be patient.”


Tell us a little bit about yourself and background. What made you fall in love with jewellery?

I finished my goldsmith and jewellery design education in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1996. Between 1996 to 1999, I opened a studio in Copenhagen and worked on my first 2 collections Isold and Heida. I moved back to Iceland in 1999 and launched Aurum the same year.

I fell in love with jewellery making after I spent a year in high school on Bainbridge Island in the US. I took a jewellery class at school, and I had a Norwegian teacher, who was an amazing woman who had a big influence on me. When I came back to Iceland after spending a year abroad, all I wanted to be was a goldsmith.

What does Aurum stand for? How does this philosophy inform the way you approach your business?

Aurum stands for Ambition, Understanding, Responsibility, Unity and Mindfulness. Aurum puts great emphasis on that ambition through our design, product development, quality, and customer care. We show that we understand the needs of our clients and customers with respect and empathy and that we are helpful and flexible.

We show responsibility across the business by developing a positive and respectable working environment that encourages collaboration and cooperation between employees. Aurum sources materials from certified fair-trade companies and provides environmentally friendly packaging for our clients and customers.

Aurum displays unity with our community by supporting charities with short and long-term projects, and then donating all profits from those projects to selected causes. Aurum is an equal-opportunity company and encourages a mindfulness and prejudice-free environment where everyone has a voice.

How important is sustainability to you and Aurum?

We want our customers to be confident that they are dealing with a company that continues to reduce its carbon footprint in all aspects of its production.

Sustainability is at the heart of our brand values. For example, we only use recycled gold and silver, which is something we have been doing for the past 16 years. We only use lab-grown diamonds offered by members of the Responsible Jewellery Council.

We also package our jewellery in sustainable mulberry tree paper, which is made without cutting down any trees; and finally, we offset our carbon emissions by planting trees, via our partnership with UK-based non-profit TreeSisters.

Being eco-friendly is but one aspect of our corporate social responsibility policies. We have permanent and campaign-based collaborations with several non-profit partners.

Where does the inspiration for your unique packaging come from?

Our very special packaging is modelled on Icelandic stones which I discovered on an Icelandic beach in West Iceland. They are made out of ‘Saa Oaoer’ or Mulberry Paper which is the best fibre of the Mulberry tree. Collecting the fibre doesn’t interfere with the ecosystem as not a single tree has to be cut down. Only the leaves are harvested while the tree continues growing.

How does your Icelandic heritage inform your design process?

The Icelandic energy provides me with endless creative ideas. To sense the beauty and experience all the beautiful forms and the quietness in the countryside. This is especially true when I visit my summerhouse in the western part of Iceland, which gives me a break from my busy life in the city and where my creative ideas start to flow.

From the comments that I get from my customers from all over the world, I can tell that my ideas resonate with them, and that they can sense the Icelandic nature and culture in my jewelry design and that is a good feeling. As one of my customers recently said about the jewellery:

“It truly is reminiscent of why we love Iceland, for its natural beauty.”

“It’s impossible not to think of Iceland every time you wear it.”

What have been the biggest challenges and milestones you’ve faced as an entrepreneur?

Covid-19 has been challenging but with the hard work and great support of our team, everything has been working smoothly. The challenge for Aurum is to keep up with the growth of the company. We have to be open to new opportunities and keep on developing The Aurum Brand and focus on our core values every day.

What’s next for you? Any new exciting projects in the pipeline?

We will continue to grow Aurum by Guðbjörg and focus on our online business.

Our new Basalt collection just came out last month and the next one is coming out very soon. I am very excited about the new collection, the design process takes such a long time so it is always a thrilling moment when I release them, I cannot wait!

I am also excited about the future as we have a lot of positive interest so now, we are carefully stepping into some new directions.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own jewellery brand?

To be an innovator and a designer is to be constantly growing and learning and to be patient. It’s important to be passionate about the job, to be industrious, to successfully execute ideas, and to learn by doing.

Work hard, make original work and be patient.


There are many reasons why people might want to have a bigger bust. Some women may feel that they are too small-chested or they may be insecure about their breast size and wish to enlarge it. Others may be trying to increase their breast volume for breastfeeding purposes, while some may simply want the look of fuller breasts. Whatever your reason is, there are ways you can get a bigger bust without surgery.

Use natural estrogen sources

The first step is to eat foods that contain estrogen such as soybeans, tofu, chickpeas, and lentils because these types of food can help grow your breasts naturally by increasing the amount of estrogen in your body which will lead to an increase in breast tissue growth. A great example of a natural source of estrogen is Pueraria Mirifica which is known to be one of the most effective herbs for breast enlargement. It is safe to use and does not have any side effects or cause dangerous hormone imbalances.

Some foods are known for being good for breast health. For instance, dairy products contain calcium which protects the bones while it turns to estrogen in your body. Avocados are another food that is beneficial for your bust size as they are high in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and potassium. These nutrients have all been known to help with breast enlargement and firmness.

In addition to eating estrogen-rich foods, you can also drink teas that are high in phytoestrogens. This includes things like flaxseed, which can be added to salads or other dishes as an additional source of estrogen.

Perform targeted exercises

Another way you can increase breast size is by performing exercises that are designed to target the pectoral muscles – also known as push-ups, however, their efficiency is disputable. If you do this, then it will only be a matter of time before your bust size will naturally grow. In addition, you should avoid wearing tight bras as this can make the breasts appear smaller due to poor circulation and lack of oxygen.

Another exercise that may help is called breast self-massage where you simply massage your breasts for five minutes every day for at least a few weeks. Women have reported having great results from doing this, but it is important not to overdo it as massaging too much breast tissue can cause your bust size to decrease.

Use breast enhancing creams

If you are looking for a more natural method of increasing the size of your breasts, then consider using products that contain ingredients such as fenugreek extract. This has been used for centuries to enlarge breasts and there is scientific evidence supporting its claims. It works by naturally stimulating growth hormone production and IGF-1 levels.

In addition, there are also many breast enhancing creams on the market that contain Volufiline. This is a patented ingredient that has been clinically proven to increase bust size by up to 78%. It works by stimulating the production of adipose cells which leads to an increase in breast size over time.

Treat your dysphoria

People with any type of body dysphoria often tend to consider their breasts too big or small. If you are unhappy with your breast size then this could lead to depression. However, there is a way that you can treat your dysphoria in the privacy of your own home by simply taking a pen and pencil or marker and marking out areas where you want more fat cells. Once these areas become noticeably puffy, it means they are becoming larger and you can then begin to massage these areas with a cream or oil twice a day.

Use pads

Breast enhancing pads, inserts, and pushup bras are a fast way to get bigger breasts without resorting to surgery. Many different types of pads can be purchased and they range in price and quality. The best type of pad to use is one that is made with natural materials such as cotton, as it will be gentle on your skin and allow your skin to breathe.

Choosing a good push-up bra can be confusing if you don’t know what you’re looking for. First, look for one that is not too tight and has underwire support. It should also have molded cups and padding on the front and back to provide added shape and structure to your bustline. It should also come in different sizes so you can find one that fits properly.

These are just a few of the many ways to get bigger breasts without surgery. The best way for you to determine which method will work best is by figuring out what your desired result and budget are. For example, if you want larger breasts but don’t have much money then consider using breast-enhancing pads or inserts from brands such as Nippies, Alyssa Ashley Lingerie, Bamboobies Pads, etc. This can be done at little expense and very quickly! On the other hand, if you want to go all-natural, then try some exercises that target pectoral muscles or perform targeted workouts at home – these may take longer before results show up, but they’ll last longer because there won’t be any side effects. It’s also possible to mix and match methods for faster results.

If you have just finished renovating your home, you are probably wondering what needs to be done next. After fixing your home and making it look brand new again, you should start focusing on design and decoration. It won’t make sense to put things back the way they were or use old furniture. There are some big and small changes that you can do to give your house a whole new look; some may even be within your budget and won’t require much effort. Keep reading for a simple guide on how to design and decorate a newly renovated home.

Hang Up Some Art

A newly renovated home needs a new look that will give it character and personality, and the best way to achieve that is by hanging wall art. You can opt for pieces by local artists or you can go for photographs of your loved ones. You should also pay attention to how you hang the frames. Don’t hang them too high or too low on your walls, and make sure that they are at eye level. Additionally, if you have large walls then you can either opt for a big painting, or smaller ones but make sure that you don’t place them far apart.

Hire a Cleaning Service

After renovation, your house is probably a mess. There is going to be dust everywhere and traces of paint on all of your walls, floors, and surfaces. And that’s not including the daily dust and debris you get from New York City weather anyway. For this reason, your home will need a deep clean to ensure it’s safe for you and your family. Choosing a local post-renovation cleaning service that knows exactly what areas to target will be safer than attempting to clean it up yourself. This is because some hazardous materials might be left behind which are toxic or dangerous for you, your kids, and pets. In addition to cleaning, a service will also work on sanitizing your kitchens and bathroom as well which is vital after renovation.

Use Cushions

Cushions can create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and make your home look stylish. For instance, adding cushions to your living room sofa can brighten up the whole room. You can showcase your creativity and personality by opting for bold colors and unique patterns as well. If you don’t have enough furniture at home, you can also add floor cushions that will give the room a cozy and casual feeling, and an extra seat around your coffee table.

Rearrange Your Furniture

It may be a little boring to put your furniture in the same place after renovating. For this reason, arrange your furniture differently to give your house a new look and feel. You should first declutter your furniture and throw away all the pieces that you don’t use or that won’t go with your newly renovated house. Having less furniture will make the room look spacious and increase traffic flow so people can move around easily without tripping. Additionally, make sure that all of your chairs and sofas are facing each other to make people feel comfortable while they are having a conversation.

When it comes to your home design and decoration, always choose colors and furniture that reflect your style. Don’t be afraid of choosing bold colors or unique art; this is your home so be creative and express yourself. Last but not least, before you go back to your newly renovated home, make sure that it is deep cleaned first for your and your family’s safety.

Having a healthy, but also a beautiful smile are equally important goals nowadays. Everyone wants to know the secret behind a beautiful and confident smile. Our smile is the feature that speaks beauty and therefore it is important to know how we can keep our natural sheen and smile confidently. Aesthetic criteria in dentistry have changed in line with new technologies that dream-like smiles can easily become true today. There are numerous ways to enhance the appearance of your teeth and let the world enjoy the joy and prettiness of your smile. Check out some of them and keep smiling!

A Thankful Visit

One of the easiest things you can do to promote good oral health and improve your smile is regular dental visits. Visit your dentist twice a year to check your teeth. Also having routine cleanings every six months can help a lot. Your dentist can point out potential oral issues and offer a solution for them. Besides, your dentist can remind you of various options for improving your smile.

This Is The Way…

We brush our teeth! We all remember that song that ought to teach us the importance of brushing our teeth from our youngest age. This habit is one that seems obvious, but brushing and flossing your teeth properly and regularly is a good way to keep your mouth healthy, preserve your teeth and enhance your smile.

Knowing when and how often to brush your teeth is a good starting point on your way to having strong and beautiful teeth. Do not underestimate the power of this daily habit since it is a basis for your dental hygiene and oral health. Flossing serves to reach the places where a toothbrush cannot. It removes plaque between teeth and under the gum lines. Daily flossing is a great prevention from various dental issues, such as periodontal disease, which can even lead to tooth loss. Invest in buying a quality toothbrush, be it an electric or manual one. Make sure you buy a soft-bristled toothbrush since medium and hard bristled toothbrushes are too aggressive for your teeth and gums.

Approach Cosmetic Dentistry

If you are willing to transform your smile completely, you can always decide on a variety of cosmetic treatments offered nowadays. Sometimes, dental issues reach too far and your smile needs a fresh restart. No worries! Forget about chipped, stained, cracked, or broken teeth because there are cosmetic dentistry services in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, or anywhere in the world that offer high-quality cosmetic treatments which make these problems vanish. Once you approach services of this kind, you will revive your smile and be able to smile freely and spread the magic of happiness and beauty. A range of dentistry services will make sure you get the type of treatment you need. Their teams will do their best to restore the natural brilliance of your smile.

Get Your White Pearls

Whitening is one of the most wanted and most frequent methods used for a brighter smile. There are a lot of products used for this purpose so that you can do this treatment at home. There are also some natural ways to whiten your teeth, and they should be used prior to any products. You should consult your dentist about whitening procedures before starting any. All these products serve to help you reach your target but you should choose them carefully, depending on your needs and the sensitivity of your teeth.

Quit Bad Habits

You have to limit or quit some habits that can affect your teeth’ appearance. Smoking causes stains that sometimes go deep into the enamel. It also damages gums. Similar to smoking, drinking too much coffee, tea, and red wine also damage teeth and cause stains. It might be a good idea to control your use of these drinks and quit smoking to help your teeth and keep a healthy and beautiful smile.

Adopting good habits of your oral hygiene and taking proper care of your teeth will show precious results over time. With so many dentistry options nowadays you don’t have to worry. Stay happy and healthy, and make this world more awesome with your smile.

Hiking is a great physical activity that can be enjoyed by both beginners and experienced hikers. It is a great way to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, and get in a good workout. Going up on a hiking trail has major health benefits such as elevated mood, improved muscular strength and endurance, and a healthier heart – making it the perfect activity for almost anyone to enjoy. With these advantages however you should always be aware of what to have when going on a hike to do it safely and effectively. In this article, we will discuss the most important things you should take hiking.

Carry a water bottle

Having a source of freshwater with you at all times is an absolute must when going out on the trails. You should never go hiking without carrying a water bottle with you to ensure that you always have access to fresh, clean water while on the trail. Consider buying a reusable water bottle that you can fill up at the beginning of the hike. This way you won’t have to worry about having access to a fresh source of water mid-route. This will help prevent dehydration and will aid in making sure you stay healthy and hydrated during your hike.

It is also important to remember that if you take a dog with you on the hike make sure to provide them with their supply of water too, as they can become dehydrated rather quickly. Having a supply of freshwater is important because even if you are not feeling thirsty, you can still become dehydrated.

Carry a snack

Along with water, it is also important to have some snacks with you on your hike packed in an airtight container that does not take much space. Ziplocks are also a great alternative. This will help to keep your energy levels up and will help to prevent you from getting hungry while on the trail. Choose snacks that are high in protein and healthy fats as these will help to sustain your energy levels for a longer time. Some good options for hiking snacks include trail mix, nuts, seeds, and fruit.

It is also advised to take some fruit or keep in mind that you may stumble upon some wild berries along the way. But if you are not sure whether something you find is edible or not, it is best not to eat it just to be safe. Eating something bad or not edible may not be poisonous, but it can cause a severe case of diarrhea which will only make your hike more miserable.

Pack a first-aid kit

When going on any hike, it is important to always pack a first-aid kit. This is especially true if you are hiking in an area that you are not familiar with. A first-aid kit should include items such as bandages, gauze pads, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, pain relief medication, and insect bite relief ointment. If you are hiking with others, it is also a good idea to pack a small emergency whistle in case someone gets lost or injured and needs help finding their way back.

Putting together a first-aid kit for hiking is not difficult. You can get everything you need from your local pharmacy, grocery store, or online. Accidents can and do happen while hiking, so it is important to always have a first-aid kit with you. This will help to ensure that you are prepared for any injuries or emergencies that may occur while on the trail. Make sure to pack supplies like sterile gauze pads, adhesive bandages, antibiotic ointment, and pain reliever. It is also a good idea to know some basic first-aid tips in case of an emergency. This will help you to be better prepared if something does happen while out on the trails.

Put together a survival kit

It is also important to pack a survival kit when you go on any hike. The most common items that should be included in your survival kit are waterproof matches, heavy-duty trash bags, rope or cord, pocket knife, compass, whistle, map of the area, and sunscreen. There is no telling what can happen along the trail so it’s always good to be prepared for anything. By having these supplies with you at all times, you will feel better knowing that if something does happen while out on the trails you will have everything you need to handle whatever comes your way.

Hiking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. But it does not have to be complicated, you can make your hike more enjoyable by packing some of the essentials and following the leave-no-trail rule whenever possible. This will help protect wildlife habitats as well as ensure that other hikers will also be able to take advantage of these beautiful natural areas in years to come. It’s important for all hikers who love spending time outside on trails or mountainsides, regardless of whether they are seasoned experts or beginners with no experience at all, always pack items like water bottles, snacks, first aid kits, survival gear (including matches), maps and compasses so that they’ll never find themselves unprepared when faced with an emergency while out on their adventure.

Weddings are certainly an unforgettable and important event in everyone’s life. However, because of its importance, there may be a little bit of anxiety and discomfort. Because of these, your wedding can become even stressful and pressurizing, and consequently a little bit of a fuss and mess.

Nevertheless, the antidote to these is actually a good and well-elaborated organization and planning. To that end, make sure you check out these top wedding planning tips to make your big day unique and outstanding!

Plan on time

Ideally, take some time at least a month or two before the wedding to set up some formal things that have to be done so that you don’t waste your precious time afterward. For instance, make a list of people you want to invite, ensure that you make an eclectic food menu that will be agreeable to many different tastes, choose the clothing, and so on. After you have carefully set up these things in advance you can relax and worry less.

Share responsibilities

Although you are the one who is the most important person at the event, everything is not up to you. In that way, make sure you share the responsibility you have concerning the organization of the wedding. If you’re in Australia, you can contact a wedding directory in Australia and find the right people who will do their job responsibly. This way, you can meet your organizers in person so that you ensure everything is crystal clear regarding the instructions and your preferences. You can feel much less pressured and stressed because you have put many important wedding things into the right hands. Now you can relax, take some rest, and afterward devote your time to some other things that you can sort out.

Pay attention to the weather forecast

Although the weather forecast is often correct, sometimes the weather can turn out to be different from what the forecast has predicted. Therefore, don’t rely too much on it and bear in mind the possibility of unexpected weather changes. However, you will not have to worry about it if you make sure you have a backup plan regarding your outdoor activities during your wedding. This will help you be more worry-free and self-confident.

Be confident

Always remember that the wedding is your event, your best day and that you should have the best time and fun at it. Once you set up all the plans, organize everything well, and do everything that should have been done, make sure you relax, expel all the negative thoughts that may come up to your mind, and start enjoying your day. Therefore, smile a lot, think positively, and look forward to the new, much better, and happier stage of your life.

Everyone can feel a little bit uneasy because of one’s wedding, which is completely understandable. However, by good planning and organization, you will feel much more relaxed, confident, and happy – everything you indeed should be on the best day in your life. Good luck and enjoy your day!

Creating more space in your home is a popular subject, probably because everyone wants their home to look bigger and feel cozier. The best way to ensure that your home feels nice and comfortable is to make it look decluttered, clean, and spacious. Regardless of how large or small your place is, there are some tips you can use to get more space in your home.

1. The Things You Don’t Need

Everyone has things they never use, but can’t bring themselves to throw them out because they hold sentimental value. There are also certain things you might only need seasonally, that just take up space during most of the year. In this case, it may pay out to look into storage rentals near you. That way, you’ll have easy access to the thing you love, while ensuring you’re clearing up space in your home for the things you use on a daily basis. While you’re thinking about which things you want to store away, you could also go through your wardrobe and other things you own with a critical eye. Try to give away or sell the things that you don’t use and don’t hold value for you. That way, you’ll get rid of things that are taking your space and you’ll end up only surrounded by the things that make you happy.

2. Furniture With Storage

One of the main reasons people feel as if their homes are cluttered is that they just don’t have the space for everything. If this sounds like you, it might be time to invest in some furniture with integrated storage – and there are plenty of options to choose from. Not only does it seem as though your home has more space and is more organized, but you’ll also finally know where everything is. You can find different kinds of furniture like this – tables, chairs, and more. By doing this, you will clear up a lot of space you currently use, and any interior designer will tell you about the importance of negative space. By leaving some parts of your room free of trinkets, you will achieve that airy feel that makes any room look spacious and comfortable.

3. Baskets And Decorative Boxes

Decorative touches can bring character to a room. However, having too many things out and about can make your home look cluttered and disorganized. On the other hand, investing in nice woven baskets and decorative boxes will give you the opportunity to showcase some of your favorite things and leave out the rest. You can even switch out the things you have on display every now and again, which can be an easy way to keep your room looking fresh. When using these, it’s important that you do it in a way that makes sense within your space. For example, if you’re storing extra throw blankets in a basket, you should probably keep them at the foot of the bed, or by the couch. It’s okay to let the textures show as long as they are confined to one space. Things like pictures, letters, and other memorabilia that are hard to display nicely could go into easy to reach boxes. That way, you can look at them and enjoy the memories they bring out whenever you feel like it while maintaining a tidy look to your place. As a great bonus – you will all of the sudden have a lot more self space, as well as an organized and tidy-looking home.

4. Wall Space

Wall space is often unrightfully neglected when people consider storage options. By installing shelves, as well as other storage solutions, you could finally have the space you need to show off your favorite things. One of the most useful tips in this regard is to use an old ladder. Not only does it add character and charm to a room, but it can double as a great shelf for small objects such as books, photo frames, and more. More than just wall shelves and hooks, you can actually create a lot of extra room by painting the walls white and hanging canvases. Not only does it minimize visual clutter, but it also brightens up your home and makes it seem more spacious. The best part is that this is an easy project anyone can do themselves – even if they are not all that handy!

5. Drawer Divider

Raise your hand if you can never find the things you’re looking for in your drawers and end up just leaving them out in the open. This is a problem that can easily be solved by using drawer dividers. Inexpensive and easy to install, they have everything you need for a tidy-looking home. In the long run, this will not only save you from having to spend extra time looking for things when you need them most, but it will also keep everything in one place so you can find what you’re looking for faster. Additionally, it can help you keep everything in place, which translates to having more space to move around in your home.

Everyone is looking for ways to create more space at home, and there are some very simple things we can do in order to achieve that. Try this article’s tips and tricks and see how easy it is to create your dream home – even if you think you don’t have the space for it! It’s the first step to making the most out of what you have.

Are you thinking about hiring a fridge trailer? This is often an option if businesses want a way to improve their storage capacity or if there is an emergency and they need somewhere to store refrigerated or frozen items.

But, if you have never hired a fridge trailer before, you might not be sure what to expect. What steps should you go through to make sure you are prepared? Let’s take a look at everything you need to consider before your fridge trailer arrives.

Know How You Will Receive the Fridge Trailer

First of all, you have to know how you are going to get your fridge trailer. For example, there might be some companies that expect you to tow the trailer yourself. So, you are going to need to have all of the right equipment first. Alternatively, you can look for a company that is going to deliver the trailer to you. This is going to be a lot more convenient and it can save you money. You will not have to think about the insurance for transporting the fridge trailer or having the right vehicle in order to do this. Instead, the company delivers to where your business or event is.

Plan the Arrival in Advance

Of course, you need to make sure that you have the fridge trailer for when you want it. So, you need to plan when you are going to contact the company and in plenty of time for the event or when your business needs to store items. A lot of companies also have emergency appointments you can arrange. This can mean that you have the fridge trailer within a few hours. Just ensure that if you have a breakdown, you quickly arrange the hire so that you can avoid losing money and having so many wasted products.

Know How to Power the Trailer

Let’s not forget that the fridge trailer has to have power in order to stay cool. This is going to have to be a consideration in advance. For example, you may prefer your trailer to be powered by electricity. This means that you will need to have a space for it near to an outlet. Alternatively, it is possible to have the fridge trailer powered in another way. This can be done with a portable generator. This means that you can position your trailer anywhere you need it, including outside at events.

Think About How It Is Set Up

Most trailers are going to be simple to set up. For example, they may arrive all ready to go when they are towed to your business. Alternatively, you can look for a company that is going to deliver the fridge trailer to you. Most of the time, this is going to include the setup, which means you do not have to worry about doing it yourself. A lot of companies will come to pick up the fridge trailer too. This offers you peace of mind and you can know that everything is being done right.

Consider the Organisation

A lot of fridge trailers are going to have a walk-in design. This means that you are able to work in the door and view all of your items. There are going to be shelves all around you so that you can organise all of the products you have. Before you get your trailer, you can think about how you want to organise your items. This can include grouping together all of the products that are similar. Thus, when you go into the fridge trailer later, you are going to be able to find everything you need quickly.

Know How You Will Finance a Fridge Trailer

It is important to not rush into the decision when it comes to fridge trailers. You want to make sure that you find the right company that you like and that is going to offer you the services you need. For example, you will need to decide whether you are looking for short-term or long-term fridge trailer hire. This is going to depend on your needs. For example, you might need only short-term hire for an emergency or long-term hire if you plan on expanding your refrigeration capacity.

You also need to look for a company in advance so that you know how you are going to finance the hire. You want to inquire about the price so that you know what to expect and you can ensure that it is within your budget.

Some people believe that their mental health is only as good as the things they do for themselves. But what does it actually mean to take care of yourself? Self-care isn’t just about getting a manicure or doing yoga once in awhile. It’s about taking time to nurture your physical, emotional and spiritual needs on a regular basis. Here are some ways you can start practicing self-care today!

1) What Is Self Care?

Self-care is taking care of your body, mind and spirit. When you are feeling annoyed or grumpy, it’s important to take some time for self-care. Self-care can be anything from drinking a cup of tea, visiting a beauty therapist to going on a bike ride. It could also be something like getting eight hours of sleep every night or eating a healthy diet.

One of the most important aspects of self-care is to nurture your physical needs. This means getting enough exercise, eating well and sleeping enough. When you are physically healthy, it’s easier to stay mentally healthy too!

It’s also important to connect with other people often. This can mean going to a support group or talking one-on-one with a therapist. It might even just be asking your friend how their day is going, have them over for dinner or watching TV together. Connecting with others gives you a chance to get away from the things that stress you out and also helps you feel supported.

Additionally, prioritizing self-care and grooming routines can be further enhanced by exploring insightful interviews with industry leaders like Deep Patel, whose journey in building a successful grooming brand sheds light on the intersection between personal care and mental well-being.

2) Self-Care and Grooming

One of the easiest ways to take care of yourself is by grooming yourself regularly. This includes things like washing your hair, exfoliating and moisturizing. When you are feeling stressed or unhappy, it’s important to take some time for self-care and grooming. This includes things like eating well, exercising, sleeping well, doing relaxing hobbies and connecting with others. You should also make sure you are washing your hair regularly to keep the scalp clean, exfoliating often to remove dead skin cells and moisturizing daily. These are just a few ways that you can take care of yourself in order to improve your mental health!

3) Practicing Self-Care

There are many ways to practice self-care. The most important thing is to find what works for you and to make time for it every day. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

• Start by scheduling some time each day just for you. This could be anything from one hour to a whole day.

• Try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night and don’t forget to set an alarm on your phone! Your body needs enough sleep to stay healthy and happy.

• Go for walks or runs, take a yoga class or do some other type of exercise that you enjoy. Some sports are better for you than others, so find one that meets your needs.

• Eat healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables! This means cutting back on caffeine, sugar, fried food and alcohol.

• Try out gardening or another relaxing hobby to relax your mind in your free time.

• If you have children, make sure you take some time for yourself every day. This could mean hiring a babysitter or taking a break while they’re napping.

4) The Benefits of Self Care

Self-care has many benefits, both physical and mental. When you take care of yourself, it can improve your mood, reduce stress levels and help you feel more centered and balanced. It can also improve your relationships with others and make you more productive.

Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential for your overall health and wellbeing! When you take care of yourself, you are taking care of your entire being. So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing self-care today!

Self-care is an essential part of overall health and wellbeing. When you take care of yourself, you are taking care of your entire being. Practicing self-care can improve your mood, reduce stress levels and help you feel more centered and balanced. It can also improve your relationships with others and make you more productive.

5) Why Is Mental Health Important?

Mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, they are intertwined and affect each other in many ways. When you have a mental illness, it often affects your physical health as well. Likewise, when you are physically unhealthy, it can lead to mental health problems.

It’s important to take care of both your mental and physical health equally! This means practicing self-care and taking care of your body with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and plenty of sleep. It also means seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and getting treatment for any mental health conditions you may have.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, they are intertwined and affect each other in many ways. When you have a mental illness, it often affects your physical health as well. Likewise, when you are physically unhealthy, it can lead to mental health problems. It’s essential to take care of both your mental and physical health equally! This means practicing self-care and taking care of your body with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and plenty of sleep. It also means seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and getting treatment for any mental health conditions you may have.

It’s important to take care of both your mental and physical health equally! This means practicing self-care and taking care of your body with regular exercise, a balanced diet and plenty of sleep. It also means seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and getting treatment for any mental health conditions you may have. You should start by scheduling some time each day just for yourself – this could be anything from one hour to a whole day. Next, try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night, and don’t forget to set an alarm on your phone! Your body needs enough sleep in order to stay healthy and happy. Next, go out there into the world (or garden) every day if possible or do something that makes you feel relaxed such as reading, painting, or listening to music.

A gift idea for a new mom can be a tough thing to think of. But if you’re looking for a gift that is sure to impress, check out these six gift ideas for new moms. From stocking stuffers to gifts that will last throughout the child’s childhood, there’s an idea here for every occasion! And you could give your Mom A Heart Felt Customised gift from Porter Reid.

1. Essential Baby Gear

One of the best gifts you can give a new mom is some essential baby gear. This might include a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, or anything else that the new mom will need to take care of her child. You can even get special baby gear based on the mom’s height and with her favorite colors, so why not opt for baby carriers for petite mom that your shorter friend will love and use every day. Also, if she doesn’t have a car seat or stroller, make sure to ask her if she would want that as well. New moms can get very confused and they’ll need all the help they can get.

2. Baby Clothing

Another great gift for a new mom is some cute baby clothing. This can be anything from a cute onesie to some socks or even a nice baby blanket. The best thing about this is that the new mom will be able to dress her child in something adorable and comfortable all at once! This can be used for special occasions, such as going to church or family functions, so it’s great if you have a friend with a very religious family.

3. A Nice Photo Album

One of the best gifts you can give a new mom is a nice photo album. This is a gift that will last long after the child has grown up and it’s a great way to commemorate all the amazing milestones that will be happening in the child’s life. New moms are usually so busy taking care of their children that they don’t have time to take pictures, so this is a great way for them to keep all the memories in one place. You can even get an album with special pages for each month of the year so that the mom can document everything her child does during their first year of life. A customized baby book is also a perfect gift for any new mom! This book can be filled with pictures of the child as well as special memories from the mom and dad. It’s a great way to document everything about the child’s life and it makes for a beautiful keepsake that the new mom will cherish forever. This is also a great gift if the new mom is into scrapbooking, so she can add all the pictures and memories right into the book.

4. A Kindergarten Survival Kit

This is a very unique gift idea, but it works for any occasion! A kindergarten survival kit can be put together by making up a box full of school supplies and fun non-school things, such as coloring books and crayons, to help the mom get prepared for her child’s first year of school. This is a great gift that will last a long time and can easily become a tradition in the family.

5. Diaper Bag/Changing Pad Set

A diaper bag or changing pad set is another awesome gift idea for new moms out there! This will make sure that the mom always has plenty of diapers on hand no matter where she goes with her child, and it also ensures that she’ll always have a place to change her child’s diaper no matter where she is. This is a gift that she will use often, so it’s perfect for any occasion.

6. Gift Her Your Time and Help

Last but not least, the best gift you can give a new mom is your time and help. She’s going to have so many people offering her gifts that you might as well offer something else! Instead of giving something materialistic, why not offer your time instead? This can be anything from babysitting for free or even if she needs help with chores around the house. Whatever it is, make sure to offer some of your time because that’s what will make this the perfect gift.

The best gifts for a new mom are things that she will use every day. So, if you’re looking for a great gift idea, consider getting her some essential baby gear such as a car seat or stroller. No matter what gift you choose for a new mom, make sure it is something that she will appreciate and use often. These six gift ideas are sure to impress and make a fantastic gift for a new mom.