People love dogs. Some like spending time with them for companionship, while others use them as seeing eyes for the blind and for other tasks. You also have dog trainers who get their canine companions ready for competitions and sporting events.

Acana Pet Foods is one example of a brand that makes dog food for canines that compete in sporting events. There are some other companies that do this as well.

If you’re going to enter a dog in a competition, though, you probably want to know what the best nutrition is for that type of endeavor. We’ll talk about that in the following article.

No Two Dog Breeds Are Alike

It would be a simple matter if there were a single kind of dog food that was recommended for competitive or sporting dogs. It would also simplify things if there were a single protein source that was agreed upon by vets and trainers as providing the best nutrition, like chicken or turkey.

In reality, though, that’s not the case. Since various dog breeds have different characteristics, it’s virtually impossible to say that a particular style of food or one that contains a certain ingredient is superior. There are still some rules that you can follow if you want the best nutrition for your sporting dog, though.

Food for Coat and Skin Quality

If you have a dog you’re entering in a competition, and you want their skin and coat to look as healthy as possible, you will want a high-end dog food that contains amino acids. The best choice will be a kind of food with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

You can find some dog foods with these ingredients that are breed-specific. If you can’t find a food to match the breed, though, you can get one that has Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that is intended for a small, medium-sized, or large dog, depending on what you have.

Food for Obedience

As someone training dogs for competition, you might be surprised to know there are foods that might make a dog more mindful of its trainer. What you’re looking for in that situation is a kind of dog food that promotes mental alertness. A dog who is more mentally alert can learn how to follow your commands better.

You’ll want food with the fatty acid DHA. It’s found in the milk of nursing dogs, and it promotes brain health.

Food for Agility Challenges

Many dog competitions have agility challenges for your pooch. If you want a food that will help them in this area, you’ll need one that has high levels of fat and protein.

High-energy dogs need fat to give them quick energy that they can burn off quickly as they go through obstacle courses. They also need protein for muscle development.

If you keep these factors in mind, you should be able to locate the right kind of food for your sporting or competition dog. You can talk to their vet about it as well.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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