Designing your bedroom is an opportunity to create a serene and comfortable space that promotes relaxation and restful sleep. To help you make the most of your bedroom design, here are some crucial do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.

Do’s of bedroom design:

1. Choose a soothing colour palette

Selecting the right colour palette is essential for creating a calming atmosphere in your bedroom. Opt for soft, neutral tones such as shades of blue, green, or lavender. These colours have been proven to have a soothing effect and can promote a sense of tranquillity. Consider incorporating these hues into your walls, bedding, or accessories for a serene ambience that encourages relaxation.

The soothing effect of neutral tones can be explained by their impact on our psychology and perception. Neutral colours have a relatively low level of saturation and are less visually stimulating compared to bold or vibrant colours. This subtlety creates a sense of calmness and relaxation in the bedroom environment.

2. Prioritise comfortable bedding

Investing in high-quality bedding is a must for creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom. Your mattress and pillows should provide adequate support and promote a restful sleep experience. Consider choosing a mattress that suits your preferred level of firmness and select pillows that offer proper neck and head support.

Additionally, opt for breathable and hypoallergenic bedding materials such as cotton or bamboo for added comfort. Opting for fabrics like cotton or bamboo can enhance the comfort of your bedding. These materials promote air circulation, keeping you cool and preventing excessive sweating during sleep. Moreover, they are naturally hypoallergenic, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and ensuring a clean and healthy sleep environment.

3. Optimise lighting

The right lighting can significantly enhance the overall ambience of your bedroom’s interior. Incorporate a combination of natural and artificial lighting options to create a versatile and soothing environment. You can also make the most of natural light by keeping windows unobstructed or using sheer curtains.

For artificial lighting, choose adjustable options like dimmer switches or bedside lamps with warm light bulbs. This allows you to customise the lighting to suit different moods and activities, such as reading or unwinding before sleep.

Don’ts of bedroom design:

1.Avoid clutter & excessive furniture

A cluttered and crowded bedroom can disrupt the calm and peaceful atmosphere you desire. Avoid excessive furniture that takes up unnecessary space and restricts movement. Instead, opt for functional pieces that provide ample storage solutions while maintaining a sense of openness. Keep surfaces clear of unnecessary items and embrace minimalism to create a visually appealing and relaxing environment.

One effective solution to overcome this is to incorporate modular furniture into your bedroom design. The main benefits of modular furniture are versatility and adaptability; they can be easily rearranged or combined to fit different spatial and storage needs allowing you to customise and rearrange as needed.

2. Steer clear of harsh lighting

Bright, harsh lighting in your bedroom can hinder your ability to unwind and fall asleep easily. Avoid using overhead lights that cast a strong and direct glow. Instead, opt for soft, diffused lighting options that create a warm and inviting ambience. Use bedside lamps with warm-toned bulbs or install wall sconces that provide gentle illumination. These choices will help promote a soothing atmosphere conducive to sleep.

As well as this, incorporating dimmer switches allows you to adjust the brightness levels according to your preference and the time of day. This flexibility enables you to create a personalised and relaxing atmosphere, whether you’re winding down before bed or engaging in activities that require different lighting intensities.

3. Don’t overlook privacy & noise control

Maintaining privacy and minimising noise are crucial aspects of bedroom design. Ensure your windows have appropriate coverings such as blinds or curtains that allow for light control and privacy when needed. You might also want to consider adding window treatments that also offer soundproofing benefits to create a serene and peaceful environment.

Additionally, incorporating soft materials like rugs or curtains in your bedroom design serves as an effective strategy to absorb sound and minimise disturbances from outside sources. These materials act as sound absorbers, dampening echoes and reducing the transmission of noise into your sleeping space.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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