If you own a horse, you know how important it is to keep them safe at all times. It’s also important to remember a couple of things during turnout time in the field. With the right precautions and protective measures, you can ensure your horse stays healthy and injury-free while enjoying their time in the great outdoors. From checking the fencing to providing adequate shelter and hydration, there are several key steps you can take to safeguard your equine friend. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most important tips for protecting your horse in the field, so you can rest easy.

Checking The Fencing

Making sure the fencing is solid is one of the most crucial things you can do to safeguard your horse in the field. Horses are curious and energetic animals, and they can easily injure themselves if they get tangled in or break through a fence. That’s why it’s essential to check the fencing regularly and make repairs as needed.

Investing In Rugs And Horse Hoods

Another way to protect your horse in the field is to invest in rugs and horse hoods. These protective coverings can help keep your horse warm and dry in inclement weather and can also provide a barrier against insects and other pests. When choosing a rug or hood, consider the climate in your area and the specific needs of your horse. It’s also important to make sure the rug or hood fits properly. A poorly fitting covering can cause discomfort and even injury, so take the time to measure your horse and choose the appropriate size. And remember to check the covering regularly for signs of wear and tear and replace it as needed. If you do need to replace your horse’s rugs or hoods, you can get a quality turnout hood for your horse or rugs as needed from Horseware Ireland.

Providing Adequate Shelter And Hydration

Horses need access to shelter and hydration during turnout time in the field. Even if the weather is mild, your horse should have access to a covered area where they can seek shade and protection from the elements.

When choosing a shelter, consider the size of your horse and the number of animals using the field. A small, enclosed shelter may be appropriate for a single horse, while a larger open shelter may be necessary for a group of horses.

Regularly Harrowing The Field

Harrowing the field is an important step in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for your horse. Harrowing involves dragging a harrow or similar tool over the field to break up and distribute manure, hay, and other debris. Regular harrowing can help prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites and can also improve the quality of the grass and soil. Additionally, harrowing can also help to level out a field that’s become pitting and uneven over winter.

Removing Hazardous Weeds

Finally, it’s important to remove any hazardous weeds from the field, such as ragwort. Ragwort is a toxic plant that can cause serious liver damage in horses if ingested. It’s important to be able to identify the plant and remove it promptly if it’s found in your field.

To remove ragwort, use gloves and pull the plant up by the roots. Make sure to dispose of the plant properly, as it can still be toxic even after it’s been pulled. And be sure to check the field regularly for new growth.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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