Have you ever stepped into your bedroom and felt overwhelmed by the mess? Fumbling around for items in a cluttered room isn’t ideal, especially when all you crave is a good night’s sleep.

A disorganised environment can become too distracting, easily sapping away any calm serenity. That’s why it makes sense to create an organised space that brings tranquillity back to your home – starting with your bedroom.

To help you begin, we’ll be exploring several tips on how to transform this essential space from chaotic clutter to a peaceful paradise. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Under-Bed Space

Have you ever considered the amount of wasted space under your bed? That area is often forgotten or ignored, but it’s a hidden gem when it comes to storage space. You can consider this space for all your blankets for the bedroom. It’s the perfect spot for extra comforters, throws, quilts and more.

Another calm thing is that you can use it to store your winter clothes during the summer or your swimsuits when winter rolls around. This can help you to declutter your room while also furnishing easy access when you need it.

Organise the Room in Sections

It is time to consider organising your room into different sections. By dividing your room into designated areas for sleeping, relaxing, dressing, and grooming, it becomes much easier to keep it clean and tidy. You can use furniture like shelves or room dividers to create clear boundaries between each area.

Want a chic and effortless way to separate your sleeping area from your dressing area? Place a beautiful dresser or a sleek closet in between the two sections. It will organise your space and provide elegance.

Customise To Maximise Storage

Using your bedroom’s nooks and crannies with creative storage solutions is a terrific idea. Consider adding shelves or drawers to maximise the space and help you stay organised. If your room has high ceilings, build extra tall bookshelves or hang up hanging organisers for your clothes and accessories.

Alternatively, you can add an adjustable height bed frame with built-in drawers or baskets that fit underneath it. This can help you organise and store blankets and pillows without taking up too much space.

Clean Out Your Nightstand

Your nightstand should be a sanctuary for all your most cherished belongings, not a dumping ground for junk. We’re talking about those old receipts, hair ties, and loose change that seem to somehow always find their way into the drawers.

Go through each drawer one by one, and make a bundle of items that can be tossed or donated. And let’s not ignore the importance of organisation. Invest in some cute little storage bins or boxes that can help you wrangle all those small things that seem to get lost in the shuffle.

Keeping a Clean Floor

When it comes to creating a quiet haven in your bedroom, maintaining a clean and clutter-free floor is crucial. There’s nothing like waking up to a filthy floor, right? To avoid that unpleasantness, make it a habit to vacuum your floor regularly to empty any pesky dust, debris, or fur balls left by your pets.

Not a fan of vacuuming? Place a rug or carpet at the door of your room to catch any dirt or grime from the outside world. Not only will it keep your bedroom cleaner. But it’ll also add an extra layer of style and comfort to your space. Imagine stepping onto a plush rug with your bare feet first thing in the morning bliss.

Providing a Trash Can

Having a designated space for trash might not be the most glamorous decor decision. But it’s definitely a necessity in any room, especially your bedroom. As much as we try to be organised, paper, receipts, and other items can quickly pile up. It leads to a cluttered and chaotic space that doesn’t exactly invite relaxation.

Plus, who wants to see trash every morning? By investing in a trash can, you’re not only keeping your room looking its best. But you’re also giving yourself a good start to the day without any added stress or mess. A tidy and organised bedroom means a peaceful and productive you.


Creating the perfect bedroom oasis is easier than you think. All it brings is a few little tweaks and lifestyle changes to get there. By decluttering, customising storage solutions, cleaning out your nightstand, keeping a clean floor, and providing a trash can. You’ll be on track to achieving the tranquil bedroom of your dreams. So consider the above tips, and make your bedroom a sanctuary of relaxation. Happy organising!


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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