The ability to hold a physical book in your hands is a magical experience, even today, when screens seem to dominate our lives. Thanks to the convenience of e-commerce, we can access a wide variety of literature from the comfort of our homes. The shipping process can damage books if they are not packaged properly. Even so, it may seem straightforward, but diligently planning and executing the process ensures that a book arrives safely and in optimal condition.

If you are running an e-commerce book store or planning to start your book business, then you can read the full article to better understand shipping books safely to the customer’s doorstep.

Step-by-step book Shipping Process

Here is the step-by-step book shipping process by e-commerce stores given below.

  • Get all the materials necessary for the activity
  • Wrapping the book
  • Placing the book onto cardboard
  • Box up the book in cardboard
  • Label and seal the box.
  • Choose a reputable and reliable shipping carrier
  • Ship the Book

Get all the materials necessary for the activity

The first step in the book shipping process is gathering and preparing all the essential items for the shipping process. So here are those essential items given below that ensure your product is delivered to the customer’s doorstep in one piece.

  • Packing tape
  • Labels
  • Cardboard
  • Wrapping Paper
  • Bubble wrap
  • Shipping boxes
  • Packing peanuts or shredded paper
  • Grow your online store

Wrapping the book

Now, the next step is wrapping the book into a protective cover, which can be bubble wrap or paper. Wrapping your book intro to these covers will ensure protection against scratches and other environmental factors.

Placing the book onto cardboard

Now, the third step is to cover the book with another protective layer of cardboard. Make sure the cardboard you are using is larger than the book size. Furthermore, you can use a stapler or tape to close all the open ends so that it will protect the book in the shipping process.

Box up the book in cardboard

After wrapping the book into all the protective layers, it’s time to pack it in a cardboard box. Make sure the box is solid and sturdy, with an appropriate size that can easily hold the box—preventing movement during shipping. Custom Book Boxes are also helpful in ensuring proper fitting and durability based on the weight of the book.

Label and seal the box

Labeling and sealing the box is also essential. You can use tape to seal the box, but make sure not to overdo it so the customers feel annoyed while unboxing it.

Do not forget to use labels on the top and all sides of the box so that the shipping carrier will ensure extra protection of the box. You can also use the customer’s tracking ID number on the labels as well as signature confirmation.

Choose a reputable and reliable shipping carrier

New this is the most important step of this entire process. Suppose your product is delivered broken or late on the customer’s doorstep. In that case, it can be a poor reflection of your business on the customer. So you have to choose the best shipping carrier that provides proper security of the book and on-time delivery at an economical cost.

Here are some of the top shipping carriers in the USA that you can choose from for your book shipping.

  • United Parcel Service
  • FedEx
  • Mediterranean Shipping Company
  • DHL
  • Hapag-Lloyd

Ship the Book

After choosing and finalizing your shipping carrier, it is time to ship your book to your customer’s doorstep. Make sure you get a tracking number and keep it safe to assist the customers with the tracking of their orders. You can also give the tracking number to your customers so they can easily track their product and get ready for delivery.


Here are some frequently asked questions, and their answers are below.

What is the best way to package a precious or expensive book for shipping?

When shipping rare or valuable books, extra care should be taken in packaging. Use a solid and sturdy box, bubble wrap, cushioning, and tape to seal the box. If you are shipping a highly valued or rare book, you may also want to consider insurance offered by almost every shipping company to ensure its extra protection.

What eco-friendly packaging is there for shipping books?

There are many eco-friendly options for book packaging, including Cardboard, Corrugated or Rigid boxes. It is also possible to take the services of different packaging companies for that purpose.

Are padded envelopes suitable for shipping books?

Despite their ability to offer some protection, padded envelopes are not recommended for book shipping. Books can warp or bend due to their lack of rigidity during transit, so it is not suitable to ship books in padded envelopes.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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