In the UK, we’ve enjoyed (or endured) an unprecedented summer, with one record-breaking heat wave coming hot on the heels of another. But all of that’s going to be winding down very shortly, and the clocks will be changing before any of us know it.

This has particular implications for your garden space, especially if you’ve failed to prepare for the change in seasons. But exactly what does the right preparation look like? Let’s take a look.

Tackle the Shrubbery

The growth of your outdoor shrubs will be slowing down, as the daylight hours become fewer, and the temperature declines. This means that, if you treat your shrubs to a pruning, they won’t have much time to grow. You needn’t wait until the dead of winter to take care of this. Get out there with a pair of pruning sheers immediately after flowering. Older branches should be removed, for an overall rate of around one pruned stem for every two unpruned ones. If you notice any parts of the plant that are obviously diseased or dead, then trim them away – and be sure to keep checking back to see whether the problem has spread to other parts of the garden.

Trim Hedges

Keeping your hedgerows neat and orderly is a slightly different task, which requires a slightly different tool. Arm yourself with a cordless hedge trimmer and make a habit of occasionally dealing with any hedges on your property. You can get away with avoiding this during winter – provided that you haven’t neglected the task during autumn.

Deep Clean

Your garden is sure to have accumulated a lot of dust and grime over the year. This goes especially in the shed and other secluded areas where the wind can’t penetrate. Give the shed a thorough clear-out, making sure that cobwebs don’t have a chance to build up. The same goes for fallen leaves on the lawn, and on any garden paths.

Change the soil

Winter is a great time to refresh the soil in your flowerbeds, ahead of any new plants coming in for spring. You can supplement with nutrients and fertilisers, and the contents of your compost bin. You can treat the soil around trees and shrubs to a thorough watering, and keep the soil covered with a layer of shredded leaves in order to prevent it from drying out during the cold weather.

Protect against frost

Some of the plants in your garden will be vulnerable to extremes of cold. Make sure that these are covered up before the temperature goes sub-zero overnight. If they’re in pots or containers, then you can move them into a secluded, warm space – the garage being an ideal candidate.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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